Tuesday, January 01, 2013
Notes from the Moderator: Mark Flory Steury
“Do not be conformed
to this world, but be
transformed by the
renewing of your minds.”
Romans 12:2
“Restore us to yourself, O Lord, that we may be restored; renew our days as of old.” Lamentations 5:21
Renew. It’s probably safe to say that, as individuals and as congregations, we all long to be renewed. The Christian life is an ongoing journey. We begin our Christian pilgrimage at our baptism. Sometimes in our journey we feel energized and inspired. Other times we feel tired and unresponsive to God’s Spirit. As Christians, our constant prayer is to be renewed.
Spiritual care and growth takes effort. Just as our lawns and gardens need attention and nurture to look healthy, so too, we need to give time to our spiritual well-being. What is it that nurtures our spirits as Christians? What is it that helps us to feel renewed as congregations?
As I have visited churches for many years, I have heard the frustrations that many congregations feel. Why is our congregation not growing? Why isn’t our sanctuary full on Sunday? Why don’t things work like they used to? What happened to the lively congregation we used to be?
In the coming months I’d like for us to focus as a district on the word “renew”. How can we as individuals, congregation and the district be renewed? What does it mean for us to “Be transformed by the renewing of our minds?”
Let’s pray for God’s renewal among us—in our personal lives, in our congregations, within our district. May our prayer be the prayer of the writer of Lamentations, “Restore us to yourself, O Lord, that we may be restored; renew our days as of old.”
“Restore us to yourself, O Lord, that we may be restored; renew our days as of old.” Lamentations 5:21
Renew. It’s probably safe to say that, as individuals and as congregations, we all long to be renewed. The Christian life is an ongoing journey. We begin our Christian pilgrimage at our baptism. Sometimes in our journey we feel energized and inspired. Other times we feel tired and unresponsive to God’s Spirit. As Christians, our constant prayer is to be renewed.
Spiritual care and growth takes effort. Just as our lawns and gardens need attention and nurture to look healthy, so too, we need to give time to our spiritual well-being. What is it that nurtures our spirits as Christians? What is it that helps us to feel renewed as congregations?
As I have visited churches for many years, I have heard the frustrations that many congregations feel. Why is our congregation not growing? Why isn’t our sanctuary full on Sunday? Why don’t things work like they used to? What happened to the lively congregation we used to be?
In the coming months I’d like for us to focus as a district on the word “renew”. How can we as individuals, congregation and the district be renewed? What does it mean for us to “Be transformed by the renewing of our minds?”
Let’s pray for God’s renewal among us—in our personal lives, in our congregations, within our district. May our prayer be the prayer of the writer of Lamentations, “Restore us to yourself, O Lord, that we may be restored; renew our days as of old.”
Small Congregation Seminar

This one-day seminar will be held Sat., April 13, at Camp Alexander Mack in Milford, IN
Keynote speaker Margaret Marcuson will present a conversation about “Leaders Who Last: Sustaining Yourself in Small Church Ministry,” and several workshops will be held including “Worship in Your Own Voice,” “Money and Your Ministry,” and “The Pastoral Care Team.”
This unique event was inspired by two pastors with a strong desire to support other leaders in small congregations. You can read their whole story in the January 10 edition of Newsline.
To find out more about this important and uplifting event, visit www.brethren.org/smallchurch, or e-mail congregationallife@brethren.org or call 800-323-8039 ext. 303.
“Strengthening Your Small Congregation” is sponsored in part by Congregational Life Ministries. To support the life-changing work of these ministries visit www.brethren.org/give.
Reprinted from E-Brethren Newsline.
DE PONDERINGS by Kevin Kessler

- Planting Churches in the 21st Century by Stuart Murray (Herald Press, 2010): I think that church planting will have more of an effect on church revitalization than the inverse. This book supports my thinking.
- With: Reimagining the Way You Relate to God by Skye Jethani (Thomas Nelson, Inc., 2011): Jethani’s thesis is stop living your life under, over, from and for God and start living in communion with God.
- Grace Goes to Prison by Melanie G. Snyder (Brethren Press, 2009): A wonderful story about Grace Marie Fortney Hamilton’s work in the prison system, revealing the importance of prison ministry and how it makes a difference in the lives of those who are incarcerated.
- Great Expectations by Charles Dickens (Halcyon Press): I try to read at least one classic a year. I had the opportunity to read this book with a clergy book club.
- Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin (Simon and Schuster, 2005): A look at why Abraham Lincoln chose cabinet members who came from different political parties, and how those differences worked to the advantage of moving the country forward during a very tumultuous time.
- Leading Ideas, an email resource from Lewis Center for Church Leadership (www.churchleadership.com) that has a variety of good articles on leadership, specifically geared for the church.
- Alban Weekly, another email resource that comes from the Alban Institute (www.alban.org). These articles are very often helpful for understanding ways to navigate in the changing church culture.
- TED.com (www.ted.com) is a place to find wonderful video presentations on a large variety of subjects and pertinent topics. Many are intellectually invigorating, some humorous, others inspirational. This is one of my favorite Internet sites to visit.
- The Text This Week (www.textweek.com) is a helpful site with a wide range of resources based on the common lectionary. I use this site extensively when preparing for sermons and worship.
- Christian Century is one I enjoy, as it keeps up on what is happening in ecumenical circles, and provides articles on a variety of topics. Plus, two issues a year recommend books to read. My favorite issues!
- Barnes and Noble
Relief Efforts

“Donors should keep in mind the most effective and useful donation is a financial contribution,” said Zach Wolgemuth, associate director of Brethren Disaster Ministries. He noted, however, that “efforts to assemble Church World Service Clean-up Buckets are extremely important and encouraged.”
Speaking of Church World Service, a special edition of Newsline reported yesterday that shipments of relief materials worth over $600,000 are being distributed from the Brethren Service Center on behalf of CWS. You can read more on this story at www.brethren.org/news.
If you would like to support Brethren Disaster Ministries, visit www.brethren.org/edf , or make checks payable to Emergency Disaster Fund and mail to Church of the Brethren, 1451 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL 60120. Thank you!
District Potluck

Who: Sponsored by your District Deacons
What: District Potluck
Where: Peoria 1st Church of the Brethren
When: April 27, 2013
Why: To pass on information for us to use in the life of our congregations and to enjoy a wonderful day of fellowship and fun!
The District Deacons are working hard at obtaining speakers and workshops that are relevant to your life and to the life of each congregation.
Here is a sample of the workshops that will be presented:
‘Disaster Relief Work 101 – Dollars are Delightful, but Bodies are Better!’
An opportunity for you to learn the basics about Disaster Relief Ministry, to hear stories from veteran Disaster Relief workers from their past trips and to consider if God is calling you to this ministry.
Dennis Webb has agreed to do sessions on multiculturalism and
David Doubt will provide deacon training.
Please watch future updates for more workshops and registration information.
Don’t just THINK about joining us for our next district potluck…
Save the date today!
February Disaster Relief Project
It is now less then a month away when our District
is responsible for manning the Disaster Relief site in
Prattville, New York. Those dates that we will be
actually working are February 11-15, but because of
the distance it will take two days to go out and to
come back. I know that this is a big commitment to
be gone for nine days, but this is a great opportunity
for you to minister to those in need in the wake of
such a terrible disaster. We still have room for you!
If you are interested please e-mail me at revrickdutchtown@jcwifi.com or call me at 815-499-3012.
ALL helpers are welcome. So that I can complete the
travel plans I need to cut-off registration on February
1st. Looking forward to hearing from you. Pastor
Rick Koch Dutchtown Church
There has been one small change in our Disaster relief Trip that will make our trip little bit shorter. We will need to be out of the Retreat Center we are staying at on Friday morning. We can work a half day and then head out or pack up on Friday morning and leave by 9:00 or so. Either way we will now be home on Saturday night. Once again please get back to me soon. Pastor Rick Koch
There has been one small change in our Disaster relief Trip that will make our trip little bit shorter. We will need to be out of the Retreat Center we are staying at on Friday morning. We can work a half day and then head out or pack up on Friday morning and leave by 9:00 or so. Either way we will now be home on Saturday night. Once again please get back to me soon. Pastor Rick Koch
Pleasant Hill Village Seeks Board Member
Pleasant Hill Village in Girard IL, is currently seeking a Brethren board member to serve an unexpired term until November 2014. If you, or anyone you know may be interested, please contact Allen Krall at (217) 585- 8599 or Kendall Cole at (217) 965- 4039.
Molly Hannon 217-627-2181
Marketing Director, Pleasant Hill Village
1010 West North Street, Girard, Illinois 62640
Molly Hannon 217-627-2181
Marketing Director, Pleasant Hill Village
1010 West North Street, Girard, Illinois 62640
Exploring Your Call
Bethany Seminary
June 14 - 24, 2013
EYC invites rising juniors and seniors in high school to experience hands-on learning and exploration of where their lives' passions meet God's great purpose. This grant-funded program creates space for discernment and community building amidst the myriad of competing interests for Brethren youth. Registration is already open, so encourage youth in your congregation or district to apply for this amazing opportunity.
June 14 - 24, 2013
EYC invites rising juniors and seniors in high school to experience hands-on learning and exploration of where their lives' passions meet God's great purpose. This grant-funded program creates space for discernment and community building amidst the myriad of competing interests for Brethren youth. Registration is already open, so encourage youth in your congregation or district to apply for this amazing opportunity.
Bethany Trip to Israel - 2013
Jesus said, "Follow me!" Come and explore his invitation more deeply in the Holy Land!
Dan Ulrich, professor of New Testament studies at Bethany Seminary, and Marilyn Lerch, director of the TRIM program for the Brethren Academy of Ministerial Leadership, are leading an Academy travel course to Israel in June 2013 and invite Bethany alumni/ae and other interested travelers to join them. It is an excellent opportunity to earn CEU credits.
Along the way, Dan and Marilyn will lend their expertise to that of the professional guides with Educational Opportunities, an organization that has taken groups to the Holy Land for years. From Bethlehem to Nazareth, the Dead Sea to the Sea of Galilee, the Mount of Olives to the place where it is said Jesus was crucified, the group will tour the sites that are part of the faith story for Christians around the world. Hear the scriptures read on location and get a glimpse of the Middle East today with its vibrant population and fascinating culture.
A complete travel brochure is available on the Bethany website at www.bethanyseminary.edu/sites/default/files/docs/academy/Holy_Land_Trip_Brochure.pdf
For full trip details, including passport deadline information, go to www.bethanyseminary.edu/sites/default/files/docs/advancement/HolyLand_AlumInfo.pdf
Dan Ulrich, professor of New Testament studies at Bethany Seminary, and Marilyn Lerch, director of the TRIM program for the Brethren Academy of Ministerial Leadership, are leading an Academy travel course to Israel in June 2013 and invite Bethany alumni/ae and other interested travelers to join them. It is an excellent opportunity to earn CEU credits.
Along the way, Dan and Marilyn will lend their expertise to that of the professional guides with Educational Opportunities, an organization that has taken groups to the Holy Land for years. From Bethlehem to Nazareth, the Dead Sea to the Sea of Galilee, the Mount of Olives to the place where it is said Jesus was crucified, the group will tour the sites that are part of the faith story for Christians around the world. Hear the scriptures read on location and get a glimpse of the Middle East today with its vibrant population and fascinating culture.
A complete travel brochure is available on the Bethany website at www.bethanyseminary.edu/sites/default/files/docs/academy/Holy_Land_Trip_Brochure.pdf
For full trip details, including passport deadline information, go to www.bethanyseminary.edu/sites/default/files/docs/advancement/HolyLand_AlumInfo.pdf
Remembering Marvin W. Thill
The Journal-Standard
Posted Dec 26, 2012 @ 05:08 PM
Marvin W. Thill, age 78 of Stockton, IL, died Wednesday, December 19, 2012 at home. He was born April 25, 1934, the son of William and Ruth (Bruss) Thill. He was a 1952 graduate of Stockton High School, and later graduated from the Olivet Nazarene University. Marvin married Betty Folkens on August 12, 1954 in Stockton.
Marvin served as pastor at the Church of the Brethren in Plattsburg, MO; Adel, IA; Wenatchee, WA; Enders, NE; and Warrensburg, MO. He retired to the Stockton area in 1997 and served as pastor in the Freeport area. He enjoyed raising sheep and back packing in the Cascade Mountains in WA. He also enjoyed photography, making post cards, master gardening, and raising Corgis.
Marvin is survived by his wife Betty; two daughters, Kristin Thill (Mark McKenzie) of Oregon City, OR and Lisa Thill (Gordon Franck) of Columbia, MO; three sons, Curtis Thill (Yolanda Yoder) of Paoli, IN, Byron Thill of Seattle, WA, and Jeffrey (Karin) Thill of Orlando, FL; five brothers, Wesley (Betty) Thill of Lena, IL, David (Pat) Thill of Freeport, IL, Ron (Harriet) Thill of Renssler, IN, Lowell (Sonja) Thill of Bourbonnais, IL, and Carlyle (Claire) Thill of North Vernon, IL; and six grandchildren, Levi, Jordan, Leah, Audrey, Hannah, and Kristina.
He is preceded in death by his parents.
A visitation was held Sunday, December 30, 2012 at the Hermann Funeral Home in Stockton. The memorial service was held December 31, 2012 at the Wesley United Methodist Church in Stockton.
A memorial fund has been established for On Earth Peace and Heifer International. Condolences and remembrances may be sent to the family.
Posted Dec 26, 2012 @ 05:08 PM
Marvin W. Thill, age 78 of Stockton, IL, died Wednesday, December 19, 2012 at home. He was born April 25, 1934, the son of William and Ruth (Bruss) Thill. He was a 1952 graduate of Stockton High School, and later graduated from the Olivet Nazarene University. Marvin married Betty Folkens on August 12, 1954 in Stockton.
Marvin served as pastor at the Church of the Brethren in Plattsburg, MO; Adel, IA; Wenatchee, WA; Enders, NE; and Warrensburg, MO. He retired to the Stockton area in 1997 and served as pastor in the Freeport area. He enjoyed raising sheep and back packing in the Cascade Mountains in WA. He also enjoyed photography, making post cards, master gardening, and raising Corgis.
Marvin is survived by his wife Betty; two daughters, Kristin Thill (Mark McKenzie) of Oregon City, OR and Lisa Thill (Gordon Franck) of Columbia, MO; three sons, Curtis Thill (Yolanda Yoder) of Paoli, IN, Byron Thill of Seattle, WA, and Jeffrey (Karin) Thill of Orlando, FL; five brothers, Wesley (Betty) Thill of Lena, IL, David (Pat) Thill of Freeport, IL, Ron (Harriet) Thill of Renssler, IN, Lowell (Sonja) Thill of Bourbonnais, IL, and Carlyle (Claire) Thill of North Vernon, IL; and six grandchildren, Levi, Jordan, Leah, Audrey, Hannah, and Kristina.
He is preceded in death by his parents.
A visitation was held Sunday, December 30, 2012 at the Hermann Funeral Home in Stockton. The memorial service was held December 31, 2012 at the Wesley United Methodist Church in Stockton.
A memorial fund has been established for On Earth Peace and Heifer International. Condolences and remembrances may be sent to the family.
ENGAGE: Spring Campus Visit Day
Bethany Seminary
Richmond, Indiana
Friday, March 1, 2012
Come check out the campus through the eyes of a student. Or suggest to those in your church who have a unique call to ministry to ENGAGE in a day of learning and experiencing what is happening at Bethany. Personal visit days can also be arranged if desired.
Richmond, Indiana
Friday, March 1, 2012
Come check out the campus through the eyes of a student. Or suggest to those in your church who have a unique call to ministry to ENGAGE in a day of learning and experiencing what is happening at Bethany. Personal visit days can also be arranged if desired.
Annual Conference 2013
You’re invited...
Find more information and a new promotional video at www.brethren.org/ac
...To Annual Conference in Charlotte, NC
June 29 through July 3, 2013!Find more information and a new promotional video at www.brethren.org/ac
Calendar of District Events
2 - District Leadership Team Meeting @ PeoriaMarch
13 - Ash Wednesday
14 - Valentine’s Day
17 - First Sunday of Lent
18 - Presidents Day
1 - World Day of PrayerApril
8 - Mission & Ministry Board, Elgin
10 - Daylight Savings Time Begins
17 - One Great Hour of Sharing
20 - First Day of Spring
23-28 - Christian Citizenship Seminar
24 - Palm Sunday
28 - Maundy Thursday
29 - Good Friday
31 - Easter Sunday
Child Abuse Prevention MonthMay
13 - Leadership Team Mtg @ Neighborhood Church
13 - Camp Emmanuel Spring Work Day
14-20 - Camp Emmanuel Spring Work Week
9-21 - Spring District Youth Retreat @ Rockford Community Church 22 - Earth Day
27 - District Potluck @ Peoria
27 - Camp Emmanuel CIT Workshop
Older Adult MonthJune
2 - National Day of Prayer
5 - National Youth Sunday
9 - Ascension Day
12 - Mother’s Day
19 - Pentecost
24-27 - Camp Emmaus Memorial Day Family Camp
25 - Young Adult Conference @ Camp Pine Lake, Eudora, Iowa
26 - Trinity Sunday
27 - Memorial Day
5 - World Environment DayJuly
8 - Leadership Team Meeting, Peoria
7-9 - Camp Emmanuel Women's Camp
9-15 - Camp Emmanuel Sr Hi Youth Camp
14-16 - National Jr Hi Conference, Elizabethtown, PA
16-22 - Camp Emmanuel Junior High Camp
21 - First Day of Summer
21-27 - Song & Story Fest, Camp Myrtlewood, Myrtle Point, Oregon
23-29 - Camp Emmanuel Junior Camp
27 - CODE Meeting, Charlotte, NC
27-29 - Camp Emmanuel Pre-Junior Camp
28 - Mission & Ministry Board, Charlotte, NC
29-July 3 - Annual Conference, Charlotte, NC
June 29-3 - Annual ConferenceAugust
4 - Independence Day
9 - Ramadan Begins
13-14 - Camp Emmaus Counselor-in-Training Event
13-14 - Camp Emmaus Elementary I Camp
16-19 - Camp Emmaus Elementary II Camp
21-27 - Camp Emmaus Senior High Camp
28 - Parent's Day
28-August 3 - Camp Emmaus Junior High Camp
July 28-3 - Camp Emmaus Junior High CampSeptember
4-9 - Camp Emmaus Elementary III Camp
9-11 - Camp Emmanuel Men's Camp
9-11 - Camp Emmaus Women's Camp
10 - Leadership Team Meeting, Pinecrest @ Mt. Morris
30-Sept 2 - Camp Emmanuel Family Camp
30-Sept 2 - Camp Emmaus Labor Day Family Camp
31 - Camp Emmaus Appreciation Dinner
2 - Labor DayOctober
2-6 - National Older Adult Conference @ Lake Junaluska, NC
8 - Grandparent's Day
13 - Yom Kippur
15 - Bethany Sunday
21 - International Day of Peace
22 - First Day of Autumn
Domestic Violence Awareness MonthNovember
6 - World Communion Sunday
12 - Leadership Team Meeting, Neighborhood
18-21 - Mission & Ministry Board, Elgin, IL
19 - Camp Emmanuel Fall Work Day/Camp Closing
24 - World Disarmament Day
24 - United Nations Day
27 - Reformation Sunday
31 - Halloween
1-2 - Ill.-Wisc. District Conference @ Mt. MorrisDecember
3 - National Junior High Sunday
3 - Daylight Savings Time Ends
9 - Camp Emmaus Leaf Raking
11 - Veteran's Day
15-16 - Leadership Team Retreat, Camp Emmaus, Mt. Morris, IL
24 - Christ the King Sunday
27 - Hanukah Begins
28 - Thanksgiving
1 - First Sunday of Advent
1 - World Aids Day
21 - First day of Winter
25 - Christmas Day
31 - New Year's Eve