Friday, March 01, 2013
Notes from the Moderator: Mark Flory Steury
Lent- A Time for Renewal
Lent is a season when we focus on spiritual renewal. It’s a time of introspection, prayer, meditation and fasting. It’s a season when we reflect on Jesus’ final days on earth. It’s a time to think about discipleship, sacrifice and commitment. We remember all that Jesus did for us.
An important part of our Brethren heritage is the focus that has been placed on the combination of devotion and service. Pietism is a religious movement out of which the Church of the Brethren developed. This is how E. Ernest Stoeffler describes “Pietism” in the Brethren Encyclopedia:
“All of them were profoundly convinced of the need for the ‘new birth’, or the need for a thoroughgoing religious renewal of the individual. August Hermann Francke may be considered a spokesman when he wrote, ‘True faith is a divine work in us, which transforms us and bestows upon us the new birth from God, which kills the old Adam, and fashions us into a new person who is entirely different in heart, soul and mind.’ This personal renewal was then expected to exert a transforming influence upon the individual’s lifestyle, and through such transformed individuals, upon both church and society.”
Renewal is an important part of our lives as Christians. We need to continue to be open to the renewing of God’s Spirit in our lives and in our congregations. Out of renewal comes commitment to serving those around us. Francke stressed that spiritual renewal bears good fruits. Out of his focus on renewal, Francke went on to start orphanages, schools and homes for the aged.
My prayer is that we will continue to be renewed as individuals and congregations during this Lenten season. May we be renewed by God’s Spirit as we open ourselves anew to God’s grace and forgiveness. And may we with new passion and energy reach out to those around us in the name of Jesus.
Lent is a season when we focus on spiritual renewal. It’s a time of introspection, prayer, meditation and fasting. It’s a season when we reflect on Jesus’ final days on earth. It’s a time to think about discipleship, sacrifice and commitment. We remember all that Jesus did for us.
An important part of our Brethren heritage is the focus that has been placed on the combination of devotion and service. Pietism is a religious movement out of which the Church of the Brethren developed. This is how E. Ernest Stoeffler describes “Pietism” in the Brethren Encyclopedia:
“All of them were profoundly convinced of the need for the ‘new birth’, or the need for a thoroughgoing religious renewal of the individual. August Hermann Francke may be considered a spokesman when he wrote, ‘True faith is a divine work in us, which transforms us and bestows upon us the new birth from God, which kills the old Adam, and fashions us into a new person who is entirely different in heart, soul and mind.’ This personal renewal was then expected to exert a transforming influence upon the individual’s lifestyle, and through such transformed individuals, upon both church and society.”
Renewal is an important part of our lives as Christians. We need to continue to be open to the renewing of God’s Spirit in our lives and in our congregations. Out of renewal comes commitment to serving those around us. Francke stressed that spiritual renewal bears good fruits. Out of his focus on renewal, Francke went on to start orphanages, schools and homes for the aged.
My prayer is that we will continue to be renewed as individuals and congregations during this Lenten season. May we be renewed by God’s Spirit as we open ourselves anew to God’s grace and forgiveness. And may we with new passion and energy reach out to those around us in the name of Jesus.
Small Congregation Seminar

This one-day seminar will be held Sat., April 13, at Camp Alexander Mack in Milford, IN
Keynote speaker Margaret Marcuson will present a conversation about “Leaders Who Last: Sustaining Yourself in Small Church Ministry,” and several workshops will be held including “Worship in Your Own Voice,” “Money and Your Ministry,” and “The Pastoral Care Team.”
This unique event was inspired by two pastors with a strong desire to support other leaders in small congregations. You can read their whole story in the January 10 edition of Newsline.
To find out more about this important and uplifting event, visit, or e-mail or call 800-323-8039 ext. 303.
“Strengthening Your Small Congregation” is sponsored in part by Congregational Life Ministries. To support the life-changing work of these ministries visit
Reprinted from E-Brethren Newsline.
DE PONDERINGS by Kevin Kessler

Blaming is an age-old phenomenon. In Genesis chapter 3, Adam blames Eve for giving him the forbidden fruit to eat. Eve blames the serpent for enticing her to eat the forbidden fruit. When we fail to accept responsibility for our own actions we can easily blame someone else. Blaming transfers guilt to the other, hoping with all hope that blame will absolve any personal wrongdoing or inadequacy.
Blaming plagues the church as well. Progressives blame conservatives and conservatives blame progressives for membership decline and inadequate focus on mission, along with a long list of other issues and concerns. I wonder what the tenor in Church, the Church of the Brethren included, would be if we focused less on blaming (what we don’t want) and more on what we want?
This question presented itself to me after I watched a short video clip entitled Seeing Red Cars from Star Thrower Distribution, Inc. Presenter Laura Goodrich makes this statement in the video: “We get more of whatever we focus on.” She points out that when employees or employers are asked what they want, the oft-given response is about what they don’t want. Goodrich contends that focusing on what is wanted rather than what is not wanted will result in greater levels of productivity, accomplishment, and success.
We, the church, spend an astonishing amount of time (focus) on what is wrong and how we can fix it. This approach for building up the body lacks effectiveness because, if Laura Goodrich is correct, we continue to get more of what we are focused on. Therefore, my hope is that the church will shift and focus on its strengths and opportunities for ministry. Strengths and opportunities abound. Let’s name them. Let’s focus on them. Let’s be surprised by the outcomes as a result in a shift of focus. And instead of blaming, we’ll be claiming together the blessings of God within, around, and beyond us.
Assembling Kits is a Great Hands on Project for your VBS
With Spring just around the corner is your church gearing up for a week of Vacation Bible School? Is your Church looking for an easy way for the children to burn off some of their pent up energy left from the long winter while at the same time doing good in the world? Church World Service can help with a wonderful opportunity for a hands on service project. Bring your children together to create School Kits to help other less fortunate children both in the United States and around the world.
School Kits are filled with items as simple as paper and scissors. School Kit items are designed to help a child whether in an impoverished school system or a refugee camp have the basic tools needed to attend school. A School Kit can make a child stand a little taller. A School Kit teaches wonderful lessons to those that create the Kit and changes the life of the child that receives it.
Please take a moment and consider adding School Kits to your Vacation Bible School week. Together we can make a difference.
To order a Kit brochure contact Heather Willson at the CWS Michigan regional office at 888-297- 2767 or Find out more at
School Kits are filled with items as simple as paper and scissors. School Kit items are designed to help a child whether in an impoverished school system or a refugee camp have the basic tools needed to attend school. A School Kit can make a child stand a little taller. A School Kit teaches wonderful lessons to those that create the Kit and changes the life of the child that receives it.
Please take a moment and consider adding School Kits to your Vacation Bible School week. Together we can make a difference.
To order a Kit brochure contact Heather Willson at the CWS Michigan regional office at 888-297- 2767 or Find out more at
District Potluck - April 27, 2013
Deacon Training – David Doudt
Session 1Disaster Relief - Dutchtown COB
"Being Present - Listening in a Healing Way" - Part 1
What do I say or what should I do when someone is in need? Do I need to solve their problem or make them feel better? What am I expected to do? Come and learn how you can be a better listener and make a difference in someone's life.Session 2
"Being Present - Listening in a Healing Way" - Part 2
Good listening starts with the practice of listening to God. We will discuss and practice listening to God. Then we will use that practice to see how God uses us to show compassion to others. We'll learn common phrases not to say to people who are hospitalized or grieving. Then talk about how to pray for another person.Session 3
"Caring for the Caregiver"
More than anything, deacons are caregivers. But in your congregation are many other caregivers, professional and otherwise, who need encouragement and support as they carry out these roles. Many are likely part of the "sandwich generation" caring for aging parents as well as their own children. Hear thoughts on all aspects of caregiving - and perhaps how to care for yourself as a caregiver, too.
"Disaster Relief Work 101" "Dollars are Delightful, but Bodies are Better!"Multiculturalism - Dennis Webb
An opportunity for you to learn the basics about Disaster Relief Ministry, to hear stories from Veteran Disaster Relief workers from their past trips and to consider if God is calling you to this ministry."
"Multiculturalism - When a goat is both a pet and a dinner!"
This workshop will explore the challenges of the denomination in relation to Multiculturalism. It will also explore ways in which congregations can embrace multiculturalism.
It hopes to address the question that so many congregations ask, "If our church's membership is of one ethnic group / race, how are we ever going to embrace multiculturalism?" Come let's reason together about multiculturalism.District Revitalization Team
Annual Conference Bible Display Opportunity
There is an opportunity for children, youth and adults in our District to submit poems, choruses or hymns they have created about the Bible for display at Annual Conference this summer. You may get more information about the exhibit on the Annual Conference website or by contacting me,
One of the exhibits at Annual Conference in Charlotte, NC, this summer will highlight the Bible. It will also offer children, youth and adults the opportunity to share their love for God’s Word by submitting poems, choruses or hymns they have created about the Bible. These will be put on display at the Bible Visits exhibit which will share how and why the Bible came to us and how it is being shared around the world today. You can access more information about this exhibit on the Annual Conference web-site (Home Page/Information Packet/Additional Information/Exhibits/Bible Visits). All items to be put on display must be submitted by June lst to:
Bible Visits, c/o Al Huston, 6210 Townsend Lane, Waxhaw, NC 28173
One of the exhibits at Annual Conference in Charlotte, NC, this summer will highlight the Bible. It will also offer children, youth and adults the opportunity to share their love for God’s Word by submitting poems, choruses or hymns they have created about the Bible. These will be put on display at the Bible Visits exhibit which will share how and why the Bible came to us and how it is being shared around the world today. You can access more information about this exhibit on the Annual Conference web-site (Home Page/Information Packet/Additional Information/Exhibits/Bible Visits). All items to be put on display must be submitted by June lst to:
Bible Visits, c/o Al Huston, 6210 Townsend Lane, Waxhaw, NC 28173
Along the Paths of Camp Emmaus
It may be snowing outside, but your hearts are warm in Northern Illinois! We are pleased to report that our matching funds campaign for donations towards the operating fund account of Camp Emmaus is completed and was successful. Three churches in the district and multiple individuals donated enough money to that camp funding campaign so that the Mt. Morris congregation was able to write a $10,000 check to match that amount, and all was finalized within two months.
*The retirement of the debt on the repair and renovation of the camp pool has also gone well, thanks to continued giving of local churches and individuals. The Polo congregation very generously donated $10,000 towards that fund this winter. The process of the pool repair project has taken a long time, from the beginning of planning in 2008, to the first use of the renovated pool last season, to now. The original debt of $250,000 has been reduced to $34,000, and we have hopes the remaining debt will be refinanced and then finished in a timely manner.
*Diana Roemer, the Director of Advancement and Marketing for Pinecrest Manor, has been hired as an outside consultant to help Camp Emmaus with an expanded marketing plan and to help find outside funding sources. We are looking forward to seeing the results of her efforts for us in the months ahead.
*The Camp Emmaus board recently reorganized, with the new officers being: Mike Schnierla as president, Ellis Boughton as vice president, Heidi Gerdes as treasurer, and Dianne Swingel as corresponding secretary. Sylvia Saunders continues on as recording secretary, and Heidi Gerdes is in charge of programming. Other board members are Gary Baisden, Tom Cline, Steve Dietrich, Mark Flory-Steury, and Don Hart.
*Camp Emmaus has a new email address for those who wish to make contacts:
*The retirement of the debt on the repair and renovation of the camp pool has also gone well, thanks to continued giving of local churches and individuals. The Polo congregation very generously donated $10,000 towards that fund this winter. The process of the pool repair project has taken a long time, from the beginning of planning in 2008, to the first use of the renovated pool last season, to now. The original debt of $250,000 has been reduced to $34,000, and we have hopes the remaining debt will be refinanced and then finished in a timely manner.
*Diana Roemer, the Director of Advancement and Marketing for Pinecrest Manor, has been hired as an outside consultant to help Camp Emmaus with an expanded marketing plan and to help find outside funding sources. We are looking forward to seeing the results of her efforts for us in the months ahead.
*The Camp Emmaus board recently reorganized, with the new officers being: Mike Schnierla as president, Ellis Boughton as vice president, Heidi Gerdes as treasurer, and Dianne Swingel as corresponding secretary. Sylvia Saunders continues on as recording secretary, and Heidi Gerdes is in charge of programming. Other board members are Gary Baisden, Tom Cline, Steve Dietrich, Mark Flory-Steury, and Don Hart.
*Camp Emmaus has a new email address for those who wish to make contacts:
Those pictured: Bill Hare, Camp Mgr; Diane Swingel
and Steve Dietrich of Mt. Morris Church; Mike Schnierla, Board Chair;
and Sylvia Saunders, of Mt. Morris Church.
and Steve Dietrich of Mt. Morris Church; Mike Schnierla, Board Chair;
and Sylvia Saunders, of Mt. Morris Church.
Nursing scholarships are available through the Church of the Brethren
The Church of the Brethren awards a limited number of scholarships each year to individuals enrolled in a nursing program. Candidates must be enrolled in a LPN, RN, or nursing graduate program, and be members of the Church of the Brethren. Scholarships of up to $2,000 for RN and graduate nurse candidates, and up to $1,000 for LPN candidates will be awarded to a limited number of applicants.
Read the full story at
Reprinted from NEWSLINE Church of the Brethren E-Mail news service
Read the full story at
Reprinted from NEWSLINE Church of the Brethren E-Mail news service
Bus to NOAC at Lake Junaluska
Don and Patti Weirich will be coordinating a bus to the 2013 National Older Adult Conference (NOAC) this September. Since the NOAC registration brochure was printed and mailed before the travel arrangements were finalized, we want you to know that there will be a bus for people from the Illinois-Wisconsin District. Some will have to travel to the nearest stop but they can avoid driving all the way to NOAC.
We will need at least 35 people to confirm their space on the bus which will travel from Mt. Morris, Illinois (need a commitment of 10 people there), stop at Timbercrest in North Manchester, and travel on to Dayton, Ohio, before heading to NOAC. The return trip will be in reverse order.
A note about additional stops for this bus: If there is interest they will stop in Elgin, IL, after Mt. Morris; and they do plan on a Middlebury, IN, stop before going on to Timbercrest. This provides lots of options that people can use to their advantage.
Contact Don and Patti Weirich for more information:
phone: (574) 825-9185 (574) 825-9185 FREE
We will need at least 35 people to confirm their space on the bus which will travel from Mt. Morris, Illinois (need a commitment of 10 people there), stop at Timbercrest in North Manchester, and travel on to Dayton, Ohio, before heading to NOAC. The return trip will be in reverse order.
A note about additional stops for this bus: If there is interest they will stop in Elgin, IL, after Mt. Morris; and they do plan on a Middlebury, IN, stop before going on to Timbercrest. This provides lots of options that people can use to their advantage.
Contact Don and Patti Weirich for more information:
phone: (574) 825-9185 (574) 825-9185 FREE
Exploring Your Call
Bethany Seminary
June 14 - 24, 2013
EYC invites rising juniors and seniors in high school to experience hands-on learning and exploration of where their lives' passions meet God's great purpose. This grant-funded program creates space for discernment and community building amidst the myriad of competing interests for Brethren youth. Registration is already open, so encourage youth in your congregation or district to apply for this amazing opportunity.
June 14 - 24, 2013
EYC invites rising juniors and seniors in high school to experience hands-on learning and exploration of where their lives' passions meet God's great purpose. This grant-funded program creates space for discernment and community building amidst the myriad of competing interests for Brethren youth. Registration is already open, so encourage youth in your congregation or district to apply for this amazing opportunity.
Bethany Trip - 2013
Jesus said, "Follow me!" Come and explore his invitation more deeply in the Holy Land!
Dan Ulrich, professor of New Testament studies at Bethany Seminary, and Marilyn Lerch, director of the TRIM program for the Brethren Academy of Ministerial Leadership, are leading an Academy travel course to Israel in June 2013 and invite Bethany alumni/ae and other interested travelers to join them. It is an excellent opportunity to earn CEU credits.
Along the way, Dan and Marilyn will lend their expertise to that of the professional guides with Educational Opportunities, an organization that has taken groups to the Holy Land for years. From Bethlehem to Nazareth, the Dead Sea to the Sea of Galilee, the Mount of Olives to the place where it is said Jesus was crucified, the group will tour the sites that are part of the faith story for Christians around the world. Hear the scriptures read on location and get a glimpse of the Middle East today with its vibrant population and fascinating culture.
A complete travel brochure is available on the Bethany website at
For full trip details, including passport deadline information, go to
Dan Ulrich, professor of New Testament studies at Bethany Seminary, and Marilyn Lerch, director of the TRIM program for the Brethren Academy of Ministerial Leadership, are leading an Academy travel course to Israel in June 2013 and invite Bethany alumni/ae and other interested travelers to join them. It is an excellent opportunity to earn CEU credits.
Along the way, Dan and Marilyn will lend their expertise to that of the professional guides with Educational Opportunities, an organization that has taken groups to the Holy Land for years. From Bethlehem to Nazareth, the Dead Sea to the Sea of Galilee, the Mount of Olives to the place where it is said Jesus was crucified, the group will tour the sites that are part of the faith story for Christians around the world. Hear the scriptures read on location and get a glimpse of the Middle East today with its vibrant population and fascinating culture.
A complete travel brochure is available on the Bethany website at
For full trip details, including passport deadline information, go to
2013 Camp Emmanuel Schedule
The mission of Camp Emmanuel is "Sharing God's Message and Love with children of all ages through the beauty and wonder found in nature.
Camp Phone is 309-329-2291.
The Camp e-mail address is:
The website is:
JUNE 7-9
Friday, 4:00 p.m. — Sunday 2:00 p.m.
Director: Rosie Brandenburg (217-763-6039)
Fee: $60 ($75 after May 24th)
JUNE 9-15
YOUTH CAMP (ages 14-18)
Sunday 5:00 p.m. — Saturday 10:00 a.m.
Director: Dana McNeil (309-243-8726)
Fee $125 ($140 after May 31st)
JUNE 16-22
JUNIOR HIGH CAMP (ages 11-13)
Sunday 5:00 p.m. — Saturday 10:00 a.m.
Director: Lynn Jones (217-627-2355)
Fee $125 ($140 after June 3rd)
JUNE 23-29
JUNIOR CAMP (ages 8-10)
Sunday 5:00 p.m. —Saturday 10:00 a.m.
Director: Sarah Fulk (217-454-6942)
Fee $125 ($140 after June 10th)
JUNE 27-29
PRE-JUNIOR CAMP (ages 5-7)
Thursday 5:00 p.m. — Saturday 10:00 a.m.
Director: Stephanie Bettinger ( 217-855-6415)
Fee $60 ($75 after June 13th)
Friday 4:00 p.m. — Sunday 2:00 p.m.
Director: Ray Knotts (309-692-0846)
Fee: $60 ($75 after July 26th)
Friday 6:00 p.m. — Monday 10:00 a.m.
Directors: Christine Hoecker, Angela Devaney and Cheryl Spence
Adults $60 ($75 after August 16th)
Children 4-12 $40 ($55 after August 16th)
Maximum per family $155 ($215 after August 16th)
SPECIAL ACTIVITIES FOR 2013 (Not all scheduled yet)
Spring Work Day — April 13th
Spring Work Week — April 14-20th
Mandatory CIT training — April 27th (9AM-Noon)
Fall Gospel/Song Fest — Family Camp Hosts
Fall Work Day/Camp Closing — October 19th
Each camp will be responsible for making a banner in conjunction with the Camp's 651 anniversary. Also, there will be special t-shirts for sale in addition to the items given out at each camp. So order sizes EARLY with your registration. Special t-shirt costs will be $12 unless it is a special size.
Camp Phone is 309-329-2291.
The Camp e-mail address is:
The website is:
JUNE 7-9
Friday, 4:00 p.m. — Sunday 2:00 p.m.
Director: Rosie Brandenburg (217-763-6039)
Fee: $60 ($75 after May 24th)
JUNE 9-15
YOUTH CAMP (ages 14-18)
Sunday 5:00 p.m. — Saturday 10:00 a.m.
Director: Dana McNeil (309-243-8726)
Fee $125 ($140 after May 31st)
JUNE 16-22
JUNIOR HIGH CAMP (ages 11-13)
Sunday 5:00 p.m. — Saturday 10:00 a.m.
Director: Lynn Jones (217-627-2355)
Fee $125 ($140 after June 3rd)
JUNE 23-29
JUNIOR CAMP (ages 8-10)
Sunday 5:00 p.m. —Saturday 10:00 a.m.
Director: Sarah Fulk (217-454-6942)
Fee $125 ($140 after June 10th)
JUNE 27-29
PRE-JUNIOR CAMP (ages 5-7)
Thursday 5:00 p.m. — Saturday 10:00 a.m.
Director: Stephanie Bettinger ( 217-855-6415)
Fee $60 ($75 after June 13th)
Friday 4:00 p.m. — Sunday 2:00 p.m.
Director: Ray Knotts (309-692-0846)
Fee: $60 ($75 after July 26th)
Friday 6:00 p.m. — Monday 10:00 a.m.
Directors: Christine Hoecker, Angela Devaney and Cheryl Spence
Adults $60 ($75 after August 16th)
Children 4-12 $40 ($55 after August 16th)
Maximum per family $155 ($215 after August 16th)
SPECIAL ACTIVITIES FOR 2013 (Not all scheduled yet)
Spring Work Day — April 13th
Spring Work Week — April 14-20th
Mandatory CIT training — April 27th (9AM-Noon)
Fall Gospel/Song Fest — Family Camp Hosts
Fall Work Day/Camp Closing — October 19th
Each camp will be responsible for making a banner in conjunction with the Camp's 651 anniversary. Also, there will be special t-shirts for sale in addition to the items given out at each camp. So order sizes EARLY with your registration. Special t-shirt costs will be $12 unless it is a special size.

Ever wonder what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treated our cell phone?

What if we flipped through it several times a day?
What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?
What if we used it to receive messages from the text?
What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?
What if we gave it to Kids as gifts?
What if we used it when we traveled?
What if we used it in case of emergency?
This is something to make you go....hmm...where is my Bible?
Oh, and one more thing.
Unlike our cell phone, we don't have to worry about our Bible being disconnected because Jesus already paid the bill.
Makes you stop and think 'where are my priorities?' And no dropped calls!
When Jesus died on the cross, he was thinking of you!
Annual Conference 2013

You’re invited...
...To Annual Conference in Charlotte, NC
June 29 through July 3, 2013!
Find more information and register at
Upcoming Academy Level Courses
Courses are open to TRIM students, pastors (earn 2 CEUs) and all interested persons
Please note: While we continue to accept students beyond the Registration deadline, on that date we determine whether we have enough students to offer a course. Many courses have required pre-course readings, so students need to be sure to allow enough time to complete those. Please do not purchase texts or make travel plans until the Registration Deadline is passed, and you receive a course confirmation.
*Bethany Experience **Brethren College Experience
Courses noted as “SVMC” need to be registered for through
the Susquehanna Valley Ministry Center at, 717-361-1450
TRIM designations: BT (Bible/Theology credit) MS (Ministry Skills credit)
* “The Word Alive: An Introduction to Preaching” Bethany Theological Seminary, Richmond, IN. Instructor: Dawn Ottoni-Wilhelm, Professor of Preaching and Worship, January 7-11, 2013. (MS) Registration Deadline: December 10, 2012 (The class has enough registrants to proceed, additional students are welcome)
“Introduction to New Testament” online Instructor: Susan Jeffers, January 28 – March 2, 2013 (BT) Registration Deadline: January 7, 2013
“The Book of Jonah” online, Instructor: Susan Jeffers, February 11 – March 22, 2013 (BT) Registration Deadline: February 1, 2012 SVMC
“Story of the Church: Reformation to the Modern Age” Lewistown, PA Instructor: Craig Gandy, February 28 – March 3, 2013 (BT) Registration Deadline: February 14, 2013 SVMC
*“Evangelism: Both Now and Not Yet” online Instructor: Tara Hornbacker, Professor of Ministry Formation, Bethany Theological Seminary, April 8 – May 31, 2013 (MS) Registration Deadline: March 11, 2013
“Introduction to Pastoral Care” Two locations: Instructor onsite at McPherson College, Kansas (will qualify for a Brethren College experience); course also available electronically in Florida; Instructor Anna Lee Hisey Pierson, May 2-5, 2013 (MS) Registration Deadline: April 1, 2013
2013 Educational Travel Experiences:
“Annual Conference Directed ISU” Charlotte, NC Course created around the Ministers’ Association speaker Dr. Greg Jones (BT) June 28-29, 2013
** “But Who Is My Neighbor? Christianity in a Global Context” McPherson College, Kansas, Instructor: Kent Eaton, Fall, 2013 (BT)
Please note: While we continue to accept students beyond the Registration deadline, on that date we determine whether we have enough students to offer a course. Many courses have required pre-course readings, so students need to be sure to allow enough time to complete those. Please do not purchase texts or make travel plans until the Registration Deadline is passed, and you receive a course confirmation.
*Bethany Experience **Brethren College Experience
Courses noted as “SVMC” need to be registered for through
the Susquehanna Valley Ministry Center at, 717-361-1450
TRIM designations: BT (Bible/Theology credit) MS (Ministry Skills credit)
* “The Word Alive: An Introduction to Preaching” Bethany Theological Seminary, Richmond, IN. Instructor: Dawn Ottoni-Wilhelm, Professor of Preaching and Worship, January 7-11, 2013. (MS) Registration Deadline: December 10, 2012 (The class has enough registrants to proceed, additional students are welcome)
“Introduction to New Testament” online Instructor: Susan Jeffers, January 28 – March 2, 2013 (BT) Registration Deadline: January 7, 2013
“The Book of Jonah” online, Instructor: Susan Jeffers, February 11 – March 22, 2013 (BT) Registration Deadline: February 1, 2012 SVMC
“Story of the Church: Reformation to the Modern Age” Lewistown, PA Instructor: Craig Gandy, February 28 – March 3, 2013 (BT) Registration Deadline: February 14, 2013 SVMC
*“Evangelism: Both Now and Not Yet” online Instructor: Tara Hornbacker, Professor of Ministry Formation, Bethany Theological Seminary, April 8 – May 31, 2013 (MS) Registration Deadline: March 11, 2013
“Introduction to Pastoral Care” Two locations: Instructor onsite at McPherson College, Kansas (will qualify for a Brethren College experience); course also available electronically in Florida; Instructor Anna Lee Hisey Pierson, May 2-5, 2013 (MS) Registration Deadline: April 1, 2013
2013 Educational Travel Experiences:
- May: Iona, Scotland led by Professor Dawn Ottoni-Wilhelm - Course Full
- June 3: “Journey Through the Bible” A 12 day trip to the Holy Land (Israel) led by Bethany Theological Seminary’s Professor of New Testament Studies, Dan Ulrich and TRIM Coordinator Marilyn Lerch. With a starting price of $3198, included are round trip international airfare from JFK, New York, first class hotels, guided sightseeing, entrance fees, breakfast and dinner daily and more. TRIM/EFSM students may earn course credit for this trip. Course requirements will include preparatory reading and journaling during the trip. Ordained ministers may earn 4 CEUs for participating. The trip is open to all interested travelers: students, those in set apart ministry and lay people. All travelers need to have a passport by Feb. 15 that extends through the end of 2013, those needing to apply for a new passport should do that before the end of 2012.
“Annual Conference Directed ISU” Charlotte, NC Course created around the Ministers’ Association speaker Dr. Greg Jones (BT) June 28-29, 2013
** “But Who Is My Neighbor? Christianity in a Global Context” McPherson College, Kansas, Instructor: Kent Eaton, Fall, 2013 (BT)
Calendar of District Events
1 - World Day of PrayerApril
8 - Mission and Ministry Board, Elgin
10 - Daylight Savings Time Begins
17 - One Great Hour of Sharing
20 - First Day of Spring
23-28 - Christian Citizenship Seminar
24 - Palm Sunday
28 - Maundy Thursday
29 - Good Friday
31 - Easter Sunday
Child Abuse Prevention MonthMay
13 - Leadership Team Mtg @ Neighborhood Church
13 - Camp Emmanuel Spring Work Day
14-20 - Camp Emmanuel Spring Work Week
9-21 - Spring District Youth Retreat @ Rockford Community Church
22 - Earth Day
27 - District Potluck @ Peoria
27 - Camp Emmanuel CIT Workshop
Older Adult MonthJune
2 - National Day of Prayer
5 - National Youth Sunday
9 - Ascension Day
12 - Mother’s Day
19 - Pentecost
24-27 - Camp Emmaus Memorial Day Family Camp
25 - Young Adult Conference @ Camp Pine Lake, Eudora, Iowa
26 - Trinity Sunday
27 - Memorial Day
5 - World Environment DayJuly
8 - Leadership Team Meeting, Peoria
7-9 - Camp Emmanuel Women's Camp
9-15 - Camp Emmanuel Sr Hi Youth Camp
14-16 - National Jr Hi Conference, Elizabethtown, PA
16-22 - Camp Emmanuel Junior High Camp
21 - First Day of Summer
21-27 - Song and Story Fest, Camp Myrtlewood, Myrtle Point, Oregon
23-29 - Camp Emmanuel Junior Camp
27 - CODE Meeting, Charlotte, NC
27-29 - Camp Emmanuel Pre-Junior Camp
28 - Mission and Ministry Board, Charlotte, NC
29-July 3 - Annual Conference, Charlotte, NC
June 29-3 - Annual ConferenceAugust
4 - Independence Day
9 - Ramadan Begins
13-14 - Camp Emmaus Counselor-in-Training Event
13-14 - Camp Emmaus Elementary I Camp
16-19 - Camp Emmaus Elementary II Camp
21-27 - Camp Emmaus Senior High Camp
28 - Parent's Day
28-August 3 - Camp Emmaus Junior High Camp
July 28-3 - Camp Emmaus Junior High CampSeptember
4-9 - Camp Emmaus Elementary III Camp
9-11 - Camp Emmanuel Men's Camp
9-11 - Camp Emmaus Women's Camp
10 - Leadership Team Meeting, Pinecrest @ Mt. Morris
30-Sept 2 - Camp Emmanuel Family Camp
30-Sept 2 - Camp Emmaus Labor Day Family Camp
31 - Camp Emmaus Appreciation Dinner
2 - Labor DayOctober
2-6 - National Older Adult Conference @ Lake Junaluska, NC
8 - Grandparent's Day
13 - Yom Kippur
15 - Bethany Sunday
21 - International Day of Peace
22 - First Day of Autumn
Domestic Violence Awareness MonthNovember
6 - World Communion Sunday
12 - Leadership Team Meeting, Neighborhood
18-21 - Mission and Ministry Board, Elgin, IL
19 - Camp Emmanuel Fall Work Day/Camp Closing
24 - World Disarmament Day
24 - United Nations Day
27 - Reformation Sunday
31 - Halloween
1-2 - Ill.-Wisc. District Conference @ Mt. MorrisDecember
3 - National Junior High Sunday
3 - Daylight Savings Time Ends
9 - Camp Emmaus Leaf Raking
11 - Veteran's Day
15-16 - Leadership Team Retreat, Camp Emmaus, Mt. Morris, IL
24 - Christ the King Sunday
27 - Hanukkah Begins
28 - Thanksgiving
1 - First Sunday of Advent
1 - World Aids Day
21 - First day of Winter
25 - Christmas Day
31 - New Year's Eve