Monday, April 01, 2013

The Reflector -- April 2013 -- Vol 10 Issue 3

Give the Gift of Warmth

As Mother’s Day approaches what mother wouldn’t want her child to be given the gift of warmth? This Mother’s Day join with many other congregations who are honoring all moms with compassion and action by organizing a Blankets+ offering. Your action through the Church World Service Blankets+ Program gives hope in times of need and crisis.

In 2012, Blankets+ contributions allowed CWS to quickly respond to the victims of Hurricane Sandy by supplying over 10,400 blankets. Disasters can occur in a split second without warning. Through a Blankets+ Sunday your congregation or group shows calamity victims they matter.

Mother’s Day, Father’s Day or any day is a good day to plan a Blankets+ offering. The CWS Illinois regional office thanks you for your interest and compassion and looks forward to working with you in Blankets+ ministry. Contact: Heather Willson at 888-297-2767 or to order your Blankets+ offering supplies. Find out more at

Volunteers Needed for Disaster Relief

There is a need for volunteers during the week of April 14-20 in Holton Indiana. There we are building eight new homes. Holton is in the southeast part of the state. You can come for just a day or two if that is what you have to share, even a Saturday. If interested I ask you to call the site yourself and to make those arrangements for yourself or your group. But also please let me know if you are going.

Volunteer Housing: Hopewell Baptist Church
2319 N County Road 850 W, Holton, IN 47023
Project Phone: Volunteer House, 410-596-7271; Project Leader, 410-596-9118

Thank You, Rick Koch, District Disaster Coordinator

DE Ponderings by Kevin Kessler

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children of your Father in heaven...” Matthew 5:43-45a (NRSV)

In a moment of reflection one morning, the thought came to me that rather than hating what is evil it would be better to share love with that which is evil, lavishing upon what is evil as much love as is humanly possible, and then some. Easy to do? Absolutely not. But isn’t it what Jesus calls us to do?

I recently read a quote that I thought was attributed to Mother Teresa, but as I studied it further, I couldn’t be sure the author of the article had the attribution correct. My questioning resulted in doing a search for quotes of Mother Teresa. It became quickly apparent that Mother Teresa understood Jesus’ instructions to love rather than hate. I’ll let her words speak for themselves by sharing some of her quotes. She says it so much better than I can, so I’ll cease with my thoughts and give the floor to Mother Teresa.

From Mother Teresa:
“People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway. If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway. For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.”

“I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.”

“I am not sure exactly what heaven will be like, but I know that when we die and it comes time for God to judge us, he will not ask, 'How many good things have you done in your life?' rather he will ask, 'How much love did you put into what you did?”

“The greatest disease in the West today is not TB or leprosy; it is being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for. We can cure physical diseases with medicine, but the only cure for loneliness, despair, and hopelessness is love. There are many in the world who are dying for a piece of bread but there are many more dying for a little love. The poverty in the West is a different kind of poverty—it is not only a poverty of loneliness but also of spirituality. There's a hunger for love, as there is a hunger for God.”

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”
I’ll close with this thought: I wonder what effect the ripples we create by throwing our rock of love into pools of hate will have on the world in which we live? Something to ponder. Something to do!

Bus to NOAC at Lake Junaluska

Don and Patti Weirich will be coordinating a bus to the 2013 National Older Adult Conference (NOAC) this September. Since the NOAC registration brochure was printed and mailed before the travel arrangements were finalized, we want you to know that there will be a bus for people from the Illinois-Wisconsin District. Some will have to travel to the nearest stop but they can avoid driving all the way to NOAC.

We will need at least 35 people to confirm their space on the bus which will travel from Mt. Morris, Illinois (need a commitment of 10 people there), stop at Timbercrest in North Manchester, and travel on to Dayton, Ohio, before heading to NOAC. The return trip will be in reverse order.

A note about additional stops for this bus: If there is interest they will stop in Elgin, IL, after Mt. Morris; and they do plan on a Middlebury, IN, stop before going on to Timbercrest. This provides lots of options that people can use to their advantage.

Contact Don and Patti Weirich for more information:
phone: (574) 825-9185    (574) 825-9185 FREE

District Potluck - April 27

Deacon Training – David Doudt
Session 1
"Being Present - Listening in a Healing Way" - Part 1
What do I say or what should I do when someone is in need? Do I need to solve their problem or make them feel better? What am I expected to do? Come and learn how you can be a better listener and make a difference in someone's life.
Session 2
"Being Present - Listening in a Healing Way" - Part 2
Good listening starts with the practice of listening to God. We will discuss and practice listening to God. Then we will use that practice to see how God uses us to show compassion to others. We'll learn common phrases not to say to people who are hospitalized or grieving. Then talk about how to pray for another person.
Session 3
"Caring for the Caregiver"
More than anything, deacons are caregivers. But in your congregation are many other caregivers, professional and otherwise, who need encouragement and support as they carry out these roles. Many are likely part of the "sandwich generation" caring for aging parents as well as their own children. Hear thoughts on all aspects of caregiving - and perhaps how to care for yourself as a caregiver, too.
Disaster Relief - Dutchtown COB
"Disaster Relief Work 101" "Dollars are Delightful, but Bodies are Better!"
An opportunity for you to learn the basics about Disaster Relief Ministry, to hear stories from Veteran Disaster Relief workers from their past trips and to consider if God is calling you to this ministry."
Multiculturalism - Dennis Webb
 "Multiculturalism - When a goat is both a pet and a dinner!"

This workshop will explore the challenges of the denomination in relation to Multiculturalism. It will also explore ways in which congregations can embrace multiculturalism.
It hopes to address the question that so many congregations ask, "If our church's membership is of one ethnic group / race, how are we ever going to embrace multiculturalism?" Come let's reason together about multiculturalism.
District Revitalization Team

Work Day Planned at Pleasant Hill Village

The Brethren Home of Girard has set their Sixth Annual Work Day for Saturday May 4th starting at 8:00 am, with a rain date of May 18th. The agenda includes clearing flower beds, lots of planting, mulching and brushing preservative on outdoor wood furniture. Please bring your gloves and garden trowels. A light lunch will be provided along with refreshments and fellowship throughout.

Please call and let us know how many may be coming and confirm the week prior in case rain is predicted by calling 217-627-2181 ask for Kyle Hood, Maintenance or Terry Link, Chaplain or email us at

To all who have assisted in the past, a hearty Thank You for your dedication to serve. Pleasant Hill Village is a ministry of the ILL/WIS District of the Church of the Brethren. This is a good opportunity to be involved in serving some of the least among us.

2013 Camp Emmanuel Schedule

The mission of Camp Emmanuel is "Sharing God's Message and Love with children of all ages through the beauty and wonder found in nature.

Camp Phone is 309-329-2291.
The Camp e-mail address is:
The website is:

JUNE 7-9
Friday, 4:00 p.m. — Sunday 2:00 p.m.
Director: Rosie Brandenburg (217-763-6039)
Fee: $60 ($75 after May 24th)

JUNE 9-15
YOUTH CAMP (ages 14-18)
Sunday 5:00 p.m. — Saturday 10:00 a.m.
Director: Dana McNeil (309-243-8726)
Fee $125 ($140 after May 31st)

JUNE 16-22
JUNIOR HIGH CAMP (ages 11-13)
Sunday 5:00 p.m. — Saturday 10:00 a.m.
Director: Lynn Jones (217-627-2355)
Fee $125 ($140 after June 3rd)

JUNE 23-29
JUNIOR CAMP (ages 8-10)
Sunday 5:00 p.m. —Saturday 10:00 a.m.
Director: Sarah Fulk (217-454-6942)
Fee $125 ($140 after June 10th)

JUNE 27-29
PRE-JUNIOR CAMP (ages 5-7)
Thursday 5:00 p.m. — Saturday 10:00 a.m.
Director: Stephanie Bettinger ( 217-855-6415)
Fee $60 ($75 after June 13th)

Friday 4:00 p.m. — Sunday 2:00 p.m.
Director: Ray Knotts (309-692-0846)
Fee: $60 ($75 after July 26th)

Friday 6:00 p.m. — Monday 10:00 a.m.
Directors: Christine Hoecker, Angela Devaney and Cheryl Spence
Adults $60 ($75 after August 16th)
Children 4-12 $40 ($55 after August 16th)
Maximum per family $155 ($215 after August 16th)

SPECIAL ACTIVITIES FOR 2013 (Not all scheduled yet)
Spring Work Day — April 13th
Spring Work Week — April 14-20th
Mandatory CIT training — April 27th (9AM-Noon)
Fall Gospel/Song Fest — Family Camp Hosts
Fall Work Day/Camp Closing — October 19th

Each camp will be responsible for making a banner in conjunction with the Camp's 651 anniversary. Also, there will be special t-shirts for sale in addition to the items given out at each camp. So order sizes EARLY with your registration. Special t-shirt costs will be $12 unless it is a special size.

2013 Camp Emmaus Schedule

May 24-27Memorial Day Family Camp
Director: Sally Medearis
all ages
Contact camp about rates
July 13-14Counselor-in-Training Event
7pm Fri - 2pm Sun
Director: Jewel McNary
Finished grades 9-12 or older
no fee
July 13-14Elementary I Camp
2pm Sat - 2pm Sun
Director: Mallory McPherson
Finished grades 1 and 2
$60 per pair
July 16-19Elementary II Camp
4pm Tue - 2pm Fri
Directors: Lisa Fike and Carol Fike
Finished grades 3 and 4
July 21-27Senior High Camp
4pm Sun - 2pm Sat
Directors: Sara Garner and Aaron Gerdes
Finished grades 9 - 12
July 28-August 3Junior High Camp
4pm Sun - 2pm Sat
Directors: Heidi Gerdes and Jim Miner
Finished grades 7 and 8
August 4-9Elementary III Camp
4pm Sun - 2pm Fri
Directors: Elvira and Jim Lawdenski
Finished grades 5 and 6
August 9-11Women's Camp
Director: Sally Medearis
18 and older
Contact Sally for details
August 30-September 2Labor Day Family Camp
Director: Mark Royer
all ages
Contact camp about rates
August 31Appreciation Dinner
RSVP to Camp
November 9Leaf Raking
8 a.m. - noon
all ages

Please register in a timely manner to receive important information from the Director before camp.

Registration Fees for 2013 (including your $25 deposit) are:
EL I - $60; EL II - $130; EL III - $200; Jr./Sr. High - $250

If your registration form is postmarked by May 31, you will receive a $5 discount for Elementary I and II Camps and a $10 discount for Elementary III, Jr. High, and Sr. High Camps.

Mail registration form (and $25 non-refundable deposit) to:
Camp Emmaus
P.O. Box 128
Mount Morris, IL 61054

Annual Conference 2013

You’re invited...
...To Annual Conference in Charlotte, NC

June 29 through July 3, 2013!

Find more information and register at

Volunteers Needed at Annual Conference

We need additional volunteers to assist with Early Childhood Services at Annual Conference this summer in Charlotte. If you are attending Conference and would be able to volunteer some of your time for this, please contact conference assistant Jon Kobel at, or fill out the online volunteer form at

Thank you for your help.

Jon Kobel, Conference Assistant

Exploring Your Call

Bethany Seminary
June 14 - 24, 2013

EYC invites rising juniors and seniors in high school to experience hands-on learning and exploration of where their lives' passions meet God's great purpose. This grant-funded program creates space for discernment and community building amidst the myriad of competing interests for Brethren youth. Registration is already open, so encourage youth in your congregation or district to apply for this amazing opportunity.

Opportunities for Honduras Work/Study Trips

Request workcamp information from Bill Hare, 815-73404268(fax) by 12/1/2013.
Request study trip information from York Center, by 7/1/2013

2013 Pledged to Actual Comparison (unaudited) As of March 31, 2013

Silent and Live Auctions 2013 District Conference

Benefiting a variety of Ministries

This year we are doing things a bit differently. For the Silent Auction we are asking each Church to provide a basket of goodies with a theme, such as kitchen, movie night and so on. We are also asking for baked goods for the Silent Auction. For the Live Auction we are asking people to provide nice Arts and Crafts items, such as woodworking, paintings, maybe pottery. We would like to have a dozen or so items in the Live Auction. If you would like to provide an item, please let me know ahead of time what you are planning to bring.

For more information, please contact Rick Koch at 815-499-3012 or at

Calendar of District Events

Child Abuse Prevention Month
13 - Leadership Team Mtg @ Neighborhood Church

14-20 - Camp Emmanuel Spring Work Week
9-21 - Spring District Youth Retreat @ Rockford Community Church
22 - Earth Day
27 - District Potluck @ Peoria
27 - Camp Emmanuel CIT Workshop
Older Adult Month
2 - National Day of Prayer
5 - National Youth Sunday
9 - Ascension Day
12 - Mother’s Day
19 - Pentecost
24-27 - Camp Emmaus Memorial Day Family Camp
25 - Young Adult Conference @ Camp Pine Lake, Eudora, Iowa
26 - Trinity Sunday
27 - Memorial Day
5 - World Environment Day
8 - Leadership Team Meeting, Peoria
7-9 - Camp Emmanuel Women's Camp
9-15 - Camp Emmanuel Sr Hi Youth Camp
14-16 - National Jr Hi Conference, Elizabethtown, PA
16-22 - Camp Emmanuel Junior High Camp
21 - First Day of Summer
21-27 - Song and Story Fest, Camp Myrtlewood, Myrtle Point, Oregon
23-29 - Camp Emmanuel Junior Camp
27 - CODE Meeting, Charlotte, NC
27-29 - Camp Emmanuel Pre-Junior Camp
28 - Mission and Ministry Board, Charlotte, NC
29-July 3 - Annual Conference, Charlotte, NC
June 29-3 - Annual Conference
4 - Independence Day
9 - Ramadan Begins
13-14 - Camp Emmaus Counselor-in-Training Event
13-14 - Camp Emmaus Elementary I Camp
16-19 - Camp Emmaus Elementary II Camp
21-27 - Camp Emmaus Senior High Camp
28 - Parent's Day
28-August 3 - Camp Emmaus Junior High Camp
July 28-3 - Camp Emmaus Junior High Camp
4-9 - Camp Emmaus Elementary III Camp
9-11 - Camp Emmanuel Men's Camp
9-11 - Camp Emmaus Women's Camp
10 - Leadership Team Meeting, Pinecrest @ Mt. Morris
30-Sept 2 - Camp Emmanuel Family Camp
30-Sept 2 - Camp Emmaus Labor Day Family Camp
31 - Camp Emmaus Appreciation Dinner
2 - Labor Day
2-6 - National Older Adult Conference @ Lake Junaluska, NC
8 - Grandparent's Day
13 - Yom Kippur
15 - Bethany Sunday
21 - International Day of Peace
22 - First Day of Autumn
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
6 - World Communion Sunday
12 - Leadership Team Meeting, Neighborhood
18-21 - Mission and Ministry Board, Elgin, IL
19 - Camp Emmanuel Fall Work Day/Camp Closing
24 - World Disarmament Day
24 - United Nations Day
27 - Reformation Sunday
31 - Halloween
1-2 - Ill.-Wisc. District Conference @ Mt. Morris
3 - National Junior High Sunday
3 - Daylight Savings Time Ends
9 - Camp Emmaus Leaf Raking
11 - Veteran's Day
15-16 - Leadership Team Retreat, Camp Emmaus, Mt. Morris, IL
24 - Christ the King Sunday
27 - Hanukkah Begins
28 - Thanksgiving
1 - First Sunday of Advent
1 - World Aids Day
21 - First day of Winter
25 - Christmas Day
31 - New Year's Eve