2017-2018 Ventures Courses

An Online Educational Program of McPherson College
Offering Training & Support for Small Congregations
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FALL 2017: Welcoming the Stranger
September 16, 2017
Dr. Kirk MacGregor, Assistant Professor of Philosophy & Religion at McPherson College
“Welcoming Muslims: Understanding the Differences between 98% of the World’s Muslims, Islamists, and Jihadists”
October 14, 2017
Rev. Zandra Wagoner, Ph.D., Interfaith Chaplain at the University of La Verne
“Navigating Religious Diversity: An Introduction to Interfaith Cooperation”
November 11, 2017SPRING 2018: Empowering Small Congregations
Irvin R. Heishman, Co-Pastor of West Charleston Church of the Brethren
& Beth Gunzel
“Welcome to Transformation”
January 20, 2018
Jim Tomlonson, Retired Church of the Brethren pastor, district executive, & teacher
“Congregation in Mission”
February 10, 2018
Carol A. Scheppard, 2017 Moderator of the Church of the Brethren & Professor of the College at Bridgewater College
“How the Bible Came to be The Bible”
March 17, 2018
Rev. Dr. Bobbi Dykema, Pastor & professor serving in the Pacific Northwest District of the Church of the Brethren
“Revitalizing Worship through the Arts”
April 14, 2018All courses offered at 9 am - 12 pm CST
Joe Detrick, Retired district executive minister in the Church of the Brethren
“Congregations Nurturing a Culture of Call: Why It Matters”
CEUs are available -- for more details and to register for courses, please visit www.mcpherson.edu/ventures
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