Thursday, January 01, 2009

The Reflector -- January 2009 -- Vol 6 Issue 1


By Kevin Kessler, District Executive

(Read Jeremiah 17)

Chapter 17 of Jeremiah begins with the prophet making a bold statement that sin leaves indelible marks. Future generations will see and know the sins of past generations. Subsequent generations may even accept sins of the past as normal. Jeremiah intends for the present generation to understand this and find a way of living that will be remembered and followed differently.

Reflecting upon 2008, I’m reminded that Jeremiah’s message has received minimal attention in our modern context. The present generation is leaving some indelible markings that are not befitting of emulation by future generations, namely a preoccupation with things that we own or things we want to own. One word has the ability to summarize this present human malady—greed. Granted, I’m oversimplifying what is a more complex problem. However, greed seems to play an important role—from CEOs of major corporations receiving enormous salaries and bonuses; to consumers borrowing excessively to purchase homes with more square footage and vehicles with bigger gas tanks; to retailers giving deep discounts to lure zealous consumers; to the government issuing stimulus packages to boost spending rather than savings.

Greed is just one way of saying that things receive greater importance than God. Jeremiah claims that trusting in anything other than God leaves us “like a shrub in the desert” living “in the parched places of the wilderness, in an uninhabited salt land.” This description provides little if any hope. It is a less than desirable indelible message to leave to our children and our childrens’ children.

Jeremiah offers a prescription that brings wellness to this pandemic human condition—“trust in the Lord,” or better yet, let the Lord be your trust. Allowing God to become our trust gives us freedom from the things that ensnare us. An attitude adjustment occurs whereby the concern for gaining or owning things shifts to learning how to share and give things away in obedience to God and for the benefit of all. Jeremiah captures the image this way: “They shall be like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by the stream…it’s leaves shall stay green…”

To make God our trust, the need to acquire or keep is vanquished. God is the supply and will keep one sustained always.

Does this mean we’ll always have what we want? No. But it does allow us to believe that we’ll have what we need.

Ponder this quote from Albert Schweitzer: “If there is something that you own that you cannot give away, you don’t own it. It owns you.”

Reflect also on Mark 10:17-22.

What indelible mark are we leaving for future generations? Together, let’s give this question consideration in 2009.


The District Leadership Team re-organized at its regularly scheduled meeting December 6, 2008 at the Champaign Church of the Brethren. Those called to positions of leadership are: Wilbur Bowman, Chairperson; Fletcher Farrar, Vice-Chairperson; and Evelyn Bowman, Secretary.


When a musical play rehearsal is interrupted by a church board meeting that falls apart in anger, one of the teen actors questions whether the Brethren really have anything to offer her. Can their production of “A Simple Feast” bring he participants back together to demonstrate that Brethren are still committed to live the love of Jesus no matter what the cost?

Commissioned and produced by the Church of the Brethren Southern PA District for the Tercentennial, this entertaining, educational, thought-provoking and timeless intergenerational musical is intended for local church use whether as live performance or DVD viewing.

The DVD can be ordered from Brethren Press. More information can be obtained from Steve Engle (814-669-9012, email: ) or Frank Ramirez (814-652-2634, email:


Beginning January 1, 2009, please send all financial contributions for the district to our new financial secretary, Christine Hoecker, 212 E. Forrest Hill Ave, Peoria, IL 61603.


Congregations have received Statistics Forms from the denominational Yearbook Office. There are three forms to be completed and mailed to the Yearbook Office by February 2, 2009. The forms are:
Part I – Membership and Attendance statistics
Part II – Ministerial Leadership statistics
Part III – Financial information
If you have not received these forms, or have misplace them, or have any questions or concerns about the forms, please contact Jean Clements, Yearbook Specialist at 800-323-8039, ext. 206, or email:


Leonard Matheny and Gil Crosby agreed to produce and edit the district newsletter for one year. That was 5 years ago. They have informed the District Leadership Team that they will not continue beyond 2009. Their work has been superb and is greatly appreciated.

The District Leadership Team is now searching for persons interested in relieving Leonard and Gil to accept the newsletter editing responsibilities. If you have interest or know of someone who might be interested in pursuing this important ministry of communication in the district, please contact Kevin Kessler in the District Office (309-649-6008, email: or Wilbur Bowman (815-946-2301, email:


Phil and Louise Rieman, co-pastors of the Northview Church of the Brethren in Indianapolis, Indiana, were instantly killed in a weather-related traffic accident on Indiana Route 37 in northern Hamilton County, Indiana, on December 26, 2008. They were on their way to a family gathering at Timbercrest in North Manchester. The Riemans previously served as missionaries in the Sudan for several years. Both had previously served in various leadership roles denominationally. Please be in prayer for their children (son Ken and his wife Kate, daughters Tina and Cheri), for the Northview Church of the Brethren, and for all their loved ones and friends who are grieving. Memorial Services were held Wednesday, December 31, 2008 at the Northview Church of the Brethren, 5555 E. 46th St., Indianapolis, IN.


By Gil Crosby, Moderator - Illinois-Wisconsin District

"One in the Spirit makes you powerful and Satan will try ever harder to pull you apart."

It's Christmas Eve as I sit here waiting for the time when we go to the late night Christmas Eve Service at 11:00 PM. The "midnight" service has become a tradition in our church and is popular with families and visitors alike. The finale begins with communion as people come down the center aisle, break off a piece of bread and dip it in a cup of grape juice at the same time receiving a blessing from the Pastor or Deacon. The lines split from the front to the side aisles with each person picking up a candle on the way. When the last communicant has received a candle and people have formed a circle around the sanctuary someone begins to softly sing "Silent Night." The Pastor goes to the "Christ candle", lights his candle and passes the light on to those on either side. From the darkened sanctuary light flows from candle to candle until the room shines with the wonderful luminescence that artificial light could never reproduce. And it all began with the light of one candle, The "Christ Candle."

The Spirit shines through when all are focused on the Christ candle and pass the light to our neighbor. Jesus says in Matthew 5:16 "….let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.". If someone breaks the flow of light it creates a dark spot in the chain. Those around you will have to wait until the flame approaches from another direction before they receive the light.

Those who are focused only on their light don't see the others around them waiting for the light to come to them. They believe that theirs is the only light that shines for people to see and deprive others of their fellowship. As they hold their candles high out of reach, the others go around them spreading the flame of the Spirit to all whose candles that willingly receive the light. Each flame glows a little differently than the one next to it but still contributes light that illuminates the worship area.

We are One in the Spirit, not the same in the spirit.. Each of our lights shines differently than those around us but God sees each light for what it is, a beacon to those around us. God doesn't tell us to go around pinching out other people's lights.. He wants us to trim our wicks so that our lights shine brighter so men may see our good deeds and praise our Father in Heaven…

It's better to light one candle and shine than to condemn the darkness as evil. If we light up the darkness we may see good is there also.


A big THANK YOU to all of you who helped in any way to make the Fall Dinner and Auction a success. It is our pleasure to report to you that the goal of $17,000 was met. The total amount taken in was $20,795. After expenses were paid, the net profit was $17,046.89. YEAH!!!!

It is not too early to begin to plan for next year’s dinner and auction. If you think of an item you would like to donate for the secret auction or for the live auction, please contact Paulette at Pleasant Hill Village at 217-627-2181. Handmade or crafted items do very well on both the secret and live auction.


Your Partnership bridges the gap, bringing ministers of the Gospel to those in need of the Gospel

In a perfect world, resources and needs would be equally matched. But we live in a fallen world and look to our Lord for principles of the stewardship of our resources. The Lord provides resources for the building of His Kingdom through His people. We are called to be faithful in using daily, for the advancement of the Kingdom, that with which He has blessed us. The reason some are blessed with abundance is so they can provide for those who have needs. The human way is to focus on the most visible people, and for greater credit to go to them. The biblical way is that everyone is of crucial importance in the Lord’s work. The sender is just as crucial, just as spiritually gifted, just as called by the Spirit, as the one who goes. Romans 10 – How will they hear without a preacher? How will they preach – unless they are sent?

Source: Great Harvest Church Planting Newsletter - January 2009

Sarpiya’s Preparing to Plant in Rockford

Samuel and Gretchen Sarpiya ask that you continue to keep their family in your prayers as they prepare for their move to Rockford from Kona, Hawaii the end of the month. Pray that the finances for the travel expenses and housing will be in place in plenty of time. Please pray for the right housing near Conklin Elementary School. This school has great ethnic diversity and living in this area will be very advantageous to the ministry they will be starting.

The Sarpiya’s will be arriving with only their personal belongings because it would be far too expensive to bring their furnishing from Hawaii. They will need furniture and other items to set up their household as well as reliable transportation. Please pray that these things will be made available for them. You may be able to partner with the Sarpiya’s by providing some of these basic needs. As a 501c3 New Church Development is able to receive charitable donations of assets and will provide you with the necessary receipting so that you can take advantage of the deduction on your tax return.

Please keep Rockford 1st Church of the Brethren in your prayers as they work with the Sarpiya’s to provide encouragement to this new work.

Source: Great Harvest Church Planting Newsletter - January 2009
In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the Gospel from the first day until now. Philippians 1: 4 – 5

Keep Praying for Our Planters on Chicago’s West side.

Pastor Herman and Betty Ware

“Our pray request is that 2009 will be a time of great blessing for Glory to Glory Ministry. Pray that we will be open to the hurting hearts in this community. That this will be a time of ministering into the hearts of God’s people. We pray to grow by 100 souls this 1st year. We pray to be lead by the Lord’s spirit and not by ourselves.”

The Ware’s are counting on your support in 2009 to bridge the gap to those 100 souls.

Source: Great Harvest Church Planting Newsletter - January 2009

Pray with Benjamin & Dawn Amankwaa

“We ask that you continue to pray for Dawn and the unborn baby's healthy and for a safe delivery. We also ask prayer for my immigrant visa to be completed in time for me to be in the US before the baby is born.” (Benjamin’s paperwork has made its way to California which pretty much guarantee’s he will be here by March but the baby is due in February.)

“Again, I am establishing an Internet Classroom here in Ghana for Apostolic Faith Online Bible College, USA. They've sent computers to me here to train people who otherwise couldn't undertake any academic work to get ready for the work of the great commission. Please pray for success and for the people truly called into the field to enroll so as to empower them to ready the bride of Christ. It's a tuition-free school. Also, pray for more computers to be donated for the program.”

God bless!

Source: Great Harvest Church Planting Newsletter - January 2009

District Calendar

Jan. 1   New Year’s Day
Jan. 6   Epiphany
Jan. 10   Program and Arrangements Committee meeting, Naperville, 10am
Jan. 10   Gifts Discernment and Call Committee meeting, Naperville, 1pm
Jan. 19   Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday Observed
Jan. 20   Inauguration Day
Jan. 20-24   DE on vacation
Jan. 24-28   Council of District Executives winter meeting, Cocoa Beach, FL
Feb. 14   Valentine’s Day
Feb. 22   District Deacons meeting, Peoria, 3:30pm
Feb. 25   Ash Wednesday
Mar. 8   Daylight Saving Time Begins
Mar. 13-16   Church of the Brethren, Inc. meetings, Elgin
Mar. 17   St. Patrick’s Day
Mar. 29-Apr. 1   Midwest DE’s gathering, Camp Mack, Milford, IN
Apr. 4   Program and Arrangements Committee meeting, Naperville, 10am
Apr. 4   Gifts Discernment and Call Committee meeting, Naperville, 1pm
Apr. 5   Palm Sunday
Apr. 10   Good Friday
Apr. 12   Easter
Apr. 26-29   Council of District Executives Professional Growth Event, Kansas City, KS
May 3   District Deacons meeting, Peoria, 3:30pm
May 10   Mother’s Day
May 21   Ascension Day
May 25   Memorial Day
May 31   Pentecost
Jun. 21   Father’s Day
Jun. 24   Council of District Executives Summer meeting, San Diego, CA
Jun. 26-30   Annual Conference, San Diego, CA
Jul. 4   Independence Day
Aug. 8   Program and Arrangements Committee meeting, Naperville, 10am
Aug. 8   Gifts Discernment and Call Committee meeting, Naperville, 1pm
Sep. 7   Labor Day
Oct. 3   District Deacons meeting, Peoria, 10am
Oct. 10   Program and Arrangements Committee meeting, Naperville, 10am
Oct. 10   Gifts Discernment and Call Committee meeting, Naperville, 1 pm
Oct. 12   Columbus Day
Oct. 25-27   Midwest DE’s gathering, Camp Mack, Milford, IN
Nov. 1   Daylight Saving Time Ends
Nov. 6-8   District Conference, Naperville
Nov. 11   Veteran’s Day
Dec. 24   Christmas Eve
Dec. 25   Christmas Day
Dec. 31   New Year’s Eve