Tuesday, September 01, 2009

The Reflector -- September 2009 -- Vol 6 Issue 9


By Gil Crosby, Moderator – Illinois-Wisconsin District

“Trying to stop people from learning, sharing and loving is a losing game because it means working against God and the plotline of God’s universe.” -- Brian Mclaren

The beginning of the school year has descended upon us as children eagerly board school buses for the first days of school. Summer officially ends as students hurry to meet friends from last year, see who the new teacher is going to be, pick up gym uniforms and collect a big pile of books they will be using for the next 9 months. Sometimes it seems overwhelming but then again it feels safe, structured and welcoming. They are again in their cocoon of learning.

For most of his earthly life Jesus was called Rabbi or teacher. Sometimes it was like teaching people who thought they already knew everything from the Old Scriptures. Jesus frequently showed them that the old practices weren’t chiseled in stone. Many other times he held kindergarten class for people who were searching for a way of living and he taught them with down to earth stories that they could understand. And other times he debated with the learned of the times and sent them away muttering in their beards.

I was always fascinated by the book, “Everything I needed to know, I learned in Kindergarten.” Isn’t that true when we think about Jesus teachings. He tried so hard to tell us to just get along.. love your neighbor.. Don’t waste your time criticizing other people... (remember the log in the eye story?) Help others who are in need no matter who they are... (the good Samaritan), and to forgive others so that you may be forgiven. Kindergartners learn this with the simple admonitions. Play nice with others... don’t hit... and share your toys. What if we could just learn these rules life would be so much easier... easier to be faithful Christians.

God’s school bus is traveling the globe and he is looking for students to learn at his feet.. The bus not only comes around on Sunday but every day of the year.. Will you be standing by the road waiting for the bus? Will you wait until the last minute and hope the bus hasn’t passed.. Will you sit safe and warm in your house hoping the bus won’t come around to your street.

One thing you certainly don’t want to do is … miss the bus…


Senior High Fall Retreat -- November 6-8, 2009

Where: Naperville, Ill.; meet/register at the Illinois/Wisconsin District conference site, Naperville Church of the Brethren, 1020 W. Jefferson Ave., Naperville, Ill.

Who: All youth currently in 9th-12th grades, and advisors

Theme: "Simple Justice"

Leadership: David Radcliff is director of New Community Project, a Church of the Brethren-related nonprofit organization based in Elgin, Ill. David’s work focuses on justice issues, peace, and care for creation. David has led learning tours and worked on projects around the world as he seeks to make a difference.

Schedule: Register between 7-8 p.m. Friday evening; we'll finish after worship on Sunday morning. In addition to our sessions with David, the weekend will include times of worship, good food, recreation and games, a service project, and more.

How much?: $30 for youth; advisors accompanying youth attend at no charge.

Please register by October 30. Forms are available online and in the district conference registration packets sent to congregations.


The Illinois-Wisconsin District Leadership Team met on August 15th at the Cerro Gordo Church of the Brethren. Members present were Chairman Wilbur Bowman, Fletcher Farrar, Bob Champlin, Bill Pocklington, Vernon Dean, Jim Lehman, and Anna Lee Hisey Pierson. Ex-officio members present were Orlando Redekopp, Evelyn Bowman, Kevin Kessler, Ed Garrison, Christine Hoecker and guest Lynda DeVore of New Church Development Team.

The team was hosted by Pastor, Russell Betz who provided devotions. Nancy Born related some church history and told of current activities going on with the Cerro Gordo congregation. The people of the church provided breakfast, snacks and a wonderful lunch. The team was pleasantly surprised with a special treat of fresh peaches and home-made ice cream.

It is one of the goals of the Leadership Team to visit as many churches in the District as they can. We are YOUR team. Help us Help you.


Sep. 7 Labor Day
Sep. 26 IL/WI District Leadership Team meeting, Douglas Park

Oct. 3 District Deacons meeting, Peoria, 10am
Oct. 10 Program and Arrangements Committee meeting, Naperville, 10am
Oct. 10 Gifts Discernment and Call Committee meeting, Naperville, 1 pm
Oct. 12 Columbus Day
Oct. 25-27 Midwest DE’s gathering, Camp Mack, Milford, IN
Oct. 31 IL/WI District Leadership Team meeting, Stanley

Nov. 1 Daylight Saving Time Ends
Nov. 6-8 District Conference, Naperville
Nov. 11 Veteran’s Day

Dec. 5 Joint IL/WI District Leadership & New Church Development Team meeting, Peoria
Dec. 24 Christmas Eve
Dec. 25 Christmas Day
Dec. 31 New Year’s Eve

Illinois-Wisconsin District Conference

November 6 - 8, 2009
Naperville Church of the Brethren

The Naperville congregation will provide an International dinner Saturday evening. Chris Bowman is the featured speaker for Sunday Worship. Pastor Dennis Webb and Naperville Men's Glee Club sing for us Saturday evening followed by an Ice Cream Social sponsored by the District youth.

Doors open Friday Evening at 5:00 PM for registration.

Friday Evening Service begins at 7:00 PM with Orlando Redekopp as worship leader and Gil Crosby, Moderator as evening speaker.

Sunday Morning at 9:15 AM
  • On Earth Peace presents "Peace to new believers."
  • Jonathan Shively - Congregational Life Ministries Director will present information about the denominational reorganization
  • Carol Wise - BMC - "The Cost of Exclusion."
We are ONE in the Spirit
Join us at District Conference where the Body of Christ meets to discern what God wants us to do.



Items for the Silent Auction at the District Conference in Naperville.

Bring all sorts of items. Including pies, cakes, antiques, crafts, pictures, tools, dinners, outings, quilts, toys, etc...

Rick Koch, Coordinator

Great Harvest Church Planting: A visit with Dawn Amankwaa

It was an awesome blessing to spend two days with Dawn Amankwaa and her family in Durhamville, New York, just outside Syracuse. Baby Caleb continues to prosper and grow. He is an amazing, beautiful, peaceful baby. Son Sean is a sweet, energetic young man who is looking forward to the start of the school year, enjoying playing on a community football team and is prospering as well during their time in New York. Dawn has been accepted into a Nursing program to complete her course work to be an RN. This was a true miracle in answer to prayer as the program was full and they were not accepting any more students. But room has been made for Dawn in the program. Praise God!

Dawn’s parents have been a wonderful support system for Dawn and continue to provide space in their home and assist in raising the children while they wait for the arrival of their father from Ghana. Praise the Lord! A co-sponsor has been located for Benjamin and with all things falling into place; he should finally be reunited with his family by Christmas!

Thank you for your continued prayers for this very special family and the ministry God has prepared for them.

Great Harvest Church Planting: Chicago

Please keep Pastor Ware and Pastor Petracek in your prayers as they work together to build the ministry in the Douglas Park community. Pray for hearts to be opened to the gospel as much needed school supplies are passed out in the community on Sept 4th. Pray that many youth would be blessed through participation in sporting events through the ministry that will provide positive opportunities for fun.

Great Harvest Church Planting: Prayer Emphasis

September 2009
New Church Development
Prayer Emphasis

Financial resources to undergird planting.

Great Harvest Church Planting: Wisconsin

Please continue to keep the Brethren fellowship gathering in Racine WI in your prayers. The next meeting of the group will take place on September 13m. Please pray that God would provide leading through the Holy Spirit for this group. Pray that the Lord would add to their numbers. If you are aware of someone living in South Eastern Wisconsin that would like to be a part of a Brethren gathering please contact Lynda DeVore by email at lynda@ncdb.org or by phone at 630-675-9740.

Great Harvest Church Planting: Rockford

Please continue to pray for the Rockford mission point. Regular Friday evening meetings will start in two weeks for a group of about 10 adults with about 9 children Continue to keep Pastor Samuel in prayer as he ministers through a local mission serving breakfast to many in the community who need help in these tuff economic times. Pray that these simple acts of service open the door to many spiritual conversations and conversions. Pray for Anna and Ella Joy Sarpiya as they begin the new school year.


"The Douglas Park Church of the Brethren is looking forward to celebrating their 100 year anniversary in 2010. The congregation has been busy going through files and storage areas finding interesting historical items of meetinghouse and community ministry. These five pictures were found in this process and we are wondering if you can help identify any of the brothers and sisters in the photos. They may even be from the former Hastings Street Mission and Bible School.

Picture #1  
Picture #1
Picture #2
Picture #2
The photographers marks are embossed on the frames as follows: Picture # 1 frame is embossed with- Roy Householder -- Mt. Morris, IL ( google search indicates that he was a professional photographer in the late 1800's).

Pictures # 3 and # 4 frames are embossed with-- Louis Jacobs 748 12th St. Blvd. Chicago, IL

Picture #3  
Picture #3
Picture #4  
Picture #4
Picture #5
Picture #5
If you can identify any of the persons pictured, please contact Pastor Shirley Petracek at the Douglas Park Church of the Brethren in Chicago, IL 630/790-9568.


This is the theme for this year’s DINNER AND AUCTION FOR PLEASANT HILL VILLAGE on October 17, 2009. A Western Hoedown was the theme for last two years, and people enjoyed the food, decorations, and relaxed atmosphere so the same theme returns for another year. Come in your western attire.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR, AND PLAN TO ATTEND THIS 13th ANNUAL DINNER AND AUCTION. It will be held in Virden at the Knights of Columbus Hall. The doors open at 5:00 p.m. with dinner served at 6:00 p.m. The cost is $25 per person. A highlight of the evening will be the live auction with many items to choose from. Also there will be an ongoing secret silent auction during the early part of the evening. Come and challenge your friends to outbid you. Your purchases are for a good cause - the residents at Pleasant Hill Village. Pleasant Hill Village has been serving Girard and the surrounding community with caring staff and administration since 1905.

  1. Cash donation in any amount
  2. Be an event sponsor with a donation of $200 or more. You will be listed in the program as a sponsor.
  3. Donate item/s or services for the auction. You may join with others to donate a larger item. Items include tickets to a sporting event, gift certificates, be creative with a gift basket, handcrafted items, service items as you fix dinner for a group, any other type professional services, or use of a Condo or a night/s stay at a Bed and Breakfast.
THANK YOU to those of you who have done this in the past as well as those who will contribute this year.

To purchase tickets, to send a donation, to be a event sponsor, or if you have items to donate for either auction, or have questions please contact Paulette Miller at Pleasant Hill Village by phone at 217-627-2181 or by email at phvil@royell.org. If you wish to mail anything Pleasant Hill Village 1016 W. North St., Girard, Illinois 62640

Pleasant Hill Village is founded to provide quality care to elderly persons on a not-for-profit basis, with housing facilities, and services, especially designed to meet the aged, and contribute to their health, security, happiness, and usefulness in living.


This article was submitted back in April but somehow overlooked by the editors.

After a successful donation campaign, work began on a major remodeling of the Camp Emmanuel kitchen last fall after the annual fish fry. Many faithful people worked very hard to make the renovation a reality. Without these talented volunteers the renovation would not have been possible.

The remodeling included reconfiguring the workspace, installing a new ceiling, purchasing and installing new countertops, rewiring and plumbing the entire kitchen, applying epoxy to the floor, purchasing a new refrigerator and enclosing the water heater.

Finishing touches were completed this summer and campers are enjoying a bright, new kitchen and dining space. Thank you to all who made this possible with your gifts and talents.

Submitted by Mike Siburt, Camp Emmanuel Board Chairman.