Thursday, April 01, 2010

Children Shop For Food Pantry

Pastor Dana McNeil and his wife Cathy distributed envelopes with money for people of the Church to in turn use for a good deed for someone else. The envelopes contained different amounts and people were to report back how they impacted someone else with their money.

The children and their Sunday School teachers decided to pool the money the children received and to use it to buy groceries for the Can-a-thon and Mt. Calvary food pantry. The Peoria Church helps support Mt. Calvary’s monthly food distribution to local families.

The Children left Church on a Sunday and went to a local Kroger’s store to purchase non-perishable food. The children were serious shoppers. Each was given a fixed amount of money to spend and had to consider what food items would be good for the pantry. The children know what they like to eat but were very aware of the need to buy things that were nutritional as well. They came back to the Church with bags and bags of groceries to be distributed.

The following week the groceries were dedicated during the Church service by Pastor Dana McNeal as the children stood by their purchases. The food drive continues until the end of March when we will take the groceries to the food pantries.