Monday, March 01, 2010

The Reflector -- March 2010 -- Vol 7 Issue 3

From the District Moderator

Last month I said I was disappointed that I had not yet received any invitations to district churches. Well, I am pleased to say that I now have three invitations, and I am looking forward to my first visit this weekend, March 7. I do plan to expand on the theme I have chosen for this year, Get in line—with Jesus.

I am also looking forward to the district potluck, May 1, at the Peoria Church of the Brethren. I volunteered to lead in some capacity and, lo and behold, I am leading a workshop on the cultural diversity inherent in the Christian faith, built into the church’s very fabric from the very beginning.

As advance notice, one scripture relevant to the nature of the church can be found in the book of Acts: in Antioch the disciples were first called Christian.
Now those who were scattered because of the persecution that took place over Stephen traveled as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch, and they spoke the word to no one except Jews.

But among them were some men of Cyprus and Cyrene who, on coming to Antioch, spoke to the Hellenists also, proclaiming the Lord Jesus. The hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number became believers and turned to the Lord.

News of this came to the ears of the church in Jerusalem, and they sent Barnabas to Antioch. When he came and saw the grace of God, he rejoiced, and he exhorted them all to remain faithful to the Lord with steadfast devotion; for he was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith. And a great many people were brought to the Lord.

Then Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul, and when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch.

So it was that for an entire year they met with the church and taught a great many people, and it was in Antioch that the disciples were first called "Christians."
The congregational make-up is of great interest. More to come at the district event.

Please keep in prayer the work of our two main district bodies, the Leadership Team and the New Church Development Team. The make-up of these bodies also reflects some of the diversity and tensions within our district—many of the conversations illustrate a deep commitment to the gospel in varied forms.

Looking forward to seeing many of you in Peoria.

Orlando Redekopp, Moderator
Illinois-Wisconsin District

Hurricane Creek Holds Ecumenical Service:

On Sunday, February 7, the Hurricane Creek Church of the Brethren held the community, ecumenical church service. The evening began with a potluck supper at 6:30 p.m. Following supper, the worship service began with a brief business item. The schedule for this year's services was determined on a volunteer basis. The services rotate at four church buildings in the community: the Hurricane Creek Church of the Brethren, the Pleasant Mound United Methodist Church, the Columbus Baptist Church and the Pleasant Mound Baptist Church. Three hymns were sung following the brief business item. Pastor Kirk Fifer brought the message for the evening, “Innocent vs Redeemed.” The next meeting will be on Sunday, June 6, 2010. (submitted by Linda Dooly)

Youth Retreat

March 19-21, 2010

Springfield First Church of the Brethren

“Christ in the City”

Where: Springfield First Church of the Brethren,
2115 S. Yale Blvd., Springfield, Ill.

Who: All youth currently in 9th-12th grades, and advisors

Theme: “Christ in the City”

Leadership: Guest leaders will include Fletcher Farrar, who has been active in neighborhood redevelopment; Springfield pastor Kres Lipscomb, and others.

Schedule: Registration begins at 8 p.m. Friday evening; we'll finish after worship on Sunday morning. In addition to our sessions and a city walking tour, the weekend will include meals and snacks, times of worship, recreation and games, service opportunities, and more.

How much?: $30 for youth; advisors accompanying youth attend at no charge.

Please register by March 12. At least 12 registrations are needed by that date or the retreat will be cancelled. Forms and further information on the district youth program are available at

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Have you registered for National Youth Conference?

Registration is open at

The conference will be held July 17-22 in Fort Collins, Colorado!

District Potluck - May 1, 2010

May 1, 2010
Peoria Church of the Brethren
4714 N. Sheridan Rd., Peoria, IL 61614

Worship •Workshops • Fellowship • Food

Registration Fee – $5.00, but no one will be turned away
Registration deadline prior to the district potluck, April 10.
You may attend without registering ahead of time.
Each person should bring a potluck dish to enjoy with others from across the district.
Drinks and table service will be provided.

Registration from 8:00 – 9:00 a.m.

9:00 ...... Opening Worship
10:00 ...... Workshops
11:00 ...... Worship
11:45 ...... Potluck lunch
1:00 ...... Workshops
2:00 ...... Workshops
2:50 ...... Closing Worship

Workshop topics and leaders:
  • Music and Worship – Jonathan Shively
  • Computer Safety and Networking – Bill Williams
  • Matthew 18 Deacon Training – Donna Kline
  • Multicultural Ministry – Reuben Deoleo
Plan now to attend this exciting event. Share this information with others in your church.
There will be something for everyone including pastors, music leaders, deacons, computer
people, and those who simply want to learn, worship, and enjoy wonderful fellowship.


This one-day event is being planned by your District Deacons on behalf of the Leadership Team of the District.

Please complete the bottom portion, detach, and return with the registration fee to the DISTRICT OFFICE at 269 E. CHESTNUT ST., CANTON, IL 61520. Make checks payable to the District of IL/WI. NOTE: If you know how many are planning to attend from your congregation but are unsure of who, please return the form with the name of congregation and number attending. This will help us plan for the day. THANK YOU.

We look forward to seeing you and visiting on Saturday, May 1, 2010, at Peoria.
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District Potluck - May 1, 2010

Name ____________________________________________

Congregation ____________________________________

Address _________________________________________

Phone Number ____________________________________

Amount Enclosed ______________

Number Attending ______________


Youth Peace Retreat: March 13

Saturday, March 13, 2010
12 - 6 pm
Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren
783 W Highland Avenue, Elgin IL 60123

Contact the church office at 847-741-5124 or

DE Ponderings

by Kevin Kessler, District Executive

The Annual Conference of the Church of the Brethren produced a number of important papers and statements throughout its history. A visit to the following web address will allow you to view, and print, many of these documents:

In 1996, the Conference adopted a Statement of Ethics for Congregations in the Church of the Brethren. The 1994 Standing Committee called for the development of this paper based on a 1992 Annual Conference statement which stated, “that a congregational code of ethics and a system whereby congregations may be called into accountability for unethical behavior be developed. A study committee in 1994 brought a progress report to the 1995 Standing Committee and the subsequent paper to the delegates for approval in 1996.

The study committee entered their work well aware of several “givens”:
  • The paper would be a companion piece to the paper on ministry ethics.
  • Arbitrary requirements not biblically sound or outside the parameters of Brethren values should be guarded against.
  • Annual Conference statements, references, and sources would heavily influence the paper’s content.
  • The paper would not be a legal document but rather an affirmation of our call to remain obedient followers of Christ in our faith and discipleship.
  • The paper would speak to congregational actions, the collective body, rather than to individual ethics.
The committee’s work resulted in a paper that establishes an understanding of the nature of a congregation and ways in which congregations function relationally. Sections of the paper deal specifically with relationships to the Larger Church, to the Community, within the Congregation, and to Pastoral and Related Staff. Another section provides information regarding Sexual Improprieties.

Congregations are called to comply with the ethical guidelines in the paper. They are also encouraged to engage in a thorough self-assessment on a regular basis, using this paper as a guide. To assist in the self-assessment process, an Inventory of Ethics for Congregations was developed. The inventory provides an overview of how “the congregation functions as an ethical community.” The value of engaging in this process is not in “grading” how well a congregation is performing but rather the prayerful responses that come from it.

As District Executive, I am glad to assist congregations with the self-assessment process. As a congregation, if you are unable to download a copy of the Ethics for Congregations paper, the district office will provide it for you. The inventory is not included with the down-loadable document on the Annual Conference website. The district office is able to provide copies of this instrument as well.

The benefit of doing a self-assessment is the opportunity to grow stronger in all areas of relationship, build on strengths, and develop strategies for improving weaknesses. Increased vitality among congregations and within the district is sure to result.

Young Adult Conference 2010

Register online today at

All young adults in the Church of the Brethren are invited to gather at Camp Blue Diamond (near Petersburg, PA) May 29 - 31. Romans 12:4 - 8 will guide us as we think about defining, seeking, building, and maintain community.

There is a strange phenomenon in the world today. We are more connected than ever before through technology, the economy, and the environment; yet we are more disconnected (from cach other and from God) than ever before. We struggle to find lifegiving relationships. We often feel alienated from “the church,” whether we define church as the congregation/denomination in which we grew up and/or our current faith community. Our deepest yearnings tell us that God is active in our lives, but seeing and feeling that process can elude even the most spiritually aware among us. What does Romans 12:4 - 8 mean to us today? What is community? How do we find, build, and nurture it? Come, share with us!

Leadership will include the Young Adult Steering Committee (Jordan Blevins, Ethan Gibbel, Caitlin Haynes, Virginia Meadows, John-Michael Pickens, and Jennifer Quijano), Matt McKimmy, and several other Brethren young adults. The cost is $90 prior to April 20. The Youth/Young Adult Ministry Office will send a letter to the home church of young adults who wish to request a $50 scholarship from their church family. (The cost for registration goes up to $115 after April 20 and no scholarship letter will be provided.)

I-B-K* Party....

*(Incredible Brethren Kids)

On Sunday February 21 the children of the Peoria Church of the Brethren met in the fellowship hall after Church for two hours of fun and service. The event began with a delicious lunch of chicken nuggets, carrots, goldfish, Rice Krispy bars and lemonade that was prepared by the ladies who help with our children’s programs throughout the year. About 15 children, several Jr. High’s and adults put together a program of games, lunch and a service project to raise money for the children of Haiti.

The children learned a memory verse, I Corinthians 13:1.. “ If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a noisy gong or clanging symbol” They used big, paper hearts with sections of the verse written on them. Then one heart would be covered up as the kids recited the verse until they could do it with all the hearts covered...

After lunch and games the children met in the kitchen to assemble glass jars of cookie mix. One group made chocolate chip cookie mix and the other group made oatmeal, raisin cookie mix. The children made these mixes available for sale in the Narthex after Church the next Sunday. All proceeds will go to help the children of the Haiti earthquake.

The following Sunday the children raised over $150 for the children of Haiti. The children have decided to dedicate this year’s Bible School to helping with School Kits for Haiti’s children.

Denominational Prayer Focus

Pray for the newly emerging mission points and fellowships throughout the denomination.

Plant Generously, Reap Bountifully

Church Planting Conference
Bethany Theological Seminary
Richmond, Indiana

May 20-22, 2010

Featured Speaker:
Jim Henderson - Author of Evangelism Without Additives and Jim & Casper Go to Church

Register Today

Announcement: New Partnering Information

Both Chicago and Rockford mission points are now prepared to receive your partnering donations to their mission points directly. If you would like to partner with them, send your donation to:

Glory to Glory Church of the Brethren
2751 W. 16th Street
Chicago, IL 60608
Rockford Community Church
4924 Orchard Lane
Rockford, IL 61101

Volunteers Needed

New Church Development Team is currently looking for individuals to volunteer to help in the following areas:
  • Grant Writing
  • Assistant Treasurer
  • Team Member to serve balance of vacated term
Contact Dawn Blackman
Phone: 217-39802787

Pray for Outreach Events

Every Monday and Wednesday the Chicago Mission Point is serving free lunches to the community.
The last Friday of each month the Rockford mission point reaches out to the community through a coffee house music and fellowship time at Katie's Cup.
Please pray that many lives are changed and hearts are touched by the love of God as our mission points reach into their communities.

Where is God Working?

Milwaukee? Madison? Hurley? Waukegan? Bloomington? Jacksonville? These are the cities where those who visited the NCDT booth at district conference thought God might be working. Please keep these cities, their populations and God's plans for our next mission point in your prayers.

2010 Calendar of events, meetings, etc

5 ....World Day of Prayer
6 ....Ill. –Wisc. Leadership Team – Neighborhood
13 ..Mission & Ministry Board Meeting, Elgin
13 ..New Church Development Team – Rockford
14 ..Daylight Saving Time Begins
16 ..Douglas Park Steering Comm, – Douglas Park
17 ..St. Patrick’s Day
19 ..Illinois Conference of Churches Bi-Annual Gathering – Belleville, IL
28 ..Palm Sunday
28 ..Midwest Dist. Executives meet – Camp Mack (28-31)

1 ....Maundy Thursday
2 ....Good Friday
4 ....Easter
10 ..New Church Development Team – Starved Rock
17 ..Program & Arrangements – Cherry Grove
17 ..Gifts Discern. & Call Comm. – Cherry Grove
17 ..Ministerial Leadership Dev. Team - Kewanee
22 ..Cross Cultural Consultation – Camp Harmony, Hooversville, PA (22-25)

1 ....Ill. – Wisc. District Potluck - Peoria
1 ....District Leadership Team - Peoria
6 ....National Day of Prayer
9 ....Mother’s Day
13 ..Ascension Day
15 ..New Church Development Team - Batavia
15 ..Ministerial Leadership Development Team
20 ..New Church Planting Conf. (20-22)
23 ..Pentecost
25 ..Ill. Conf. of Churches LT – Peoria CoB
29 ..Young Adult Conference
31 ..Memorial Day

5 ....Ill. – Wisc. Leadership Team & New Church Development Team – Mt. Morris
20 ..Father’s Day

1 ....CODE Summer Meeting (1-3)
3 ....ANNUAL CONFERENCE, Pittsburgh (3-7)
10 ..Ministerial Leadership Development Team
17 ..National Youth Conference (17-22)
31 ..Ill. Wisc. Leadership Team – Douglas Park

14 ..New Church Development Team – Decatur
14 ..Ministerial Leadership Development Team
28 ..Program & Arrangements – Cherry Grove
28 ..Gifts Discern. & Call Comm. – Cherry Grove
31 ..Ill. Conf. of Churches LT - Bloomington

6 ....Labor Day
11 ..New Church Development Team – York Center
21 ..International Day of Prayer for Peace
23 ..Illinois Conference of Churches Annual Assembly – Springfield
25 ..Ill.-Wisc. Leadership Team – Rock Community

2 ....Program & Arrangements – Cherry Grove
2 ....Gifts Discern. & Call Comm. – Cherry Grove
3 ....World Communion Sunday
9 ....Ministerial Leadership Development Team
16 ..Mission & Ministry Board
16 ...New Church Development Team – Virden
24 ..Midwest Dist. Executives meet – Camp Mack (24-26)

1 ....All Saints Day
2 ....Election Day
5 ....DISTRICT CONFERENCE, Yellow Creek (5-7)
7 ....Daylight Saving Time Ends.
13 ..Ministerial Leadership Dev. Team - Peoria
19-20...Ill.–Wisc. Leadership Team – Camp Emmaus
25 ..Thanksgiving Day
28 ..First Sunday of Advent
30 ..Ill. Conference of Churches LT - Plainfield

4 ....New Church Development Team - Canton
25 ..Christmas Day
31 ..New Year’s Eve.