Wednesday, January 01, 2014
From the Moderator
Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, Bill Hare, Camp Manager for Camp Emmaus, left for Honduras yesterday Monday, January 6th, 2014 to prepare the way for a mission work camp to help build six homes for six
families. Tomorrow, Wednesday, January 8th fifteen others will be leaving to join Bill. Betty Hare, Bill’s wife asked that we all hold them up in our prayers and said that Honduras Mission Project can always use financial support. Checks should be made out to Honduras Mission Project and mailed to Bill and Betty Hare’s address P.O. Box 128-Camp Road,
Mt. Morris, IL 61054. Betty mentioned that there are people in an area of Honduras that has experienced severe drought and people there have no way to work for or to raise food and are still desperate for help. May 20th 2013 Bill was in Honduras and with Honduran partners delivered food to this area financed by the generous gifts of people who have participated in the Honduras Mission Project. As a brother in Christ and Moderator this year I want to bring to everyone’s attention the vital importance of the mission work Bill is involved in. I am simply asking everyone to learn more about the work he is doing together with partners in this country and in Honduras. I also ask each one of us to spend time in prayer asking the Lord if there is any way He would lead us to be involved with this very effective and important mission.
A Brother in Christ Jesus,
Stan Rodabaugh
A Brother in Christ Jesus,
Stan Rodabaugh
Living Love Feast theme of Bethany’s 2014 Forum
Richmond, IN - Bethany Seminary’s sixth Presidential Forum will delve into the biblical, practical, and experiential nature and meaning of a deeply valued expression of faith among the Brethren: the Love Feast. Held April 4-5, 2014, at the Bethany campus in Richmond, Indiana, this event will feature leadership from well-known speakers and scholars along with sisters and brothers in the Brethren faith tradition.
Registration opens January 15 on the Bethany website. A lower rate is being offered until February 15, and high school, college, and graduate students can attend at no cost.
All main Forum sessions and the Pre-Forum lectures will be webcast live. CEUs are also available for both events. For details and to register beginning January 15, visit For additional information, contact or 800-287-8822.
News Release from Bethany Theological Seminary
Registration opens January 15 on the Bethany website. A lower rate is being offered until February 15, and high school, college, and graduate students can attend at no cost.
All main Forum sessions and the Pre-Forum lectures will be webcast live. CEUs are also available for both events. For details and to register beginning January 15, visit For additional information, contact or 800-287-8822.
News Release from Bethany Theological Seminary
DE Ponderings by Kevin Kessler
Just as I was sitting down to a nice dinner that Tammy had prepared, my cell phone rang. The number appearing on the screen was unfamiliar, and after an inward debate, I answered. I quickly discerned
that the woman calling was in crisis. She explained her situation and asked what I could do to help.
Although not acquainted with the caller, I was aware of her circumstances. And, as much as I didn’t want to admit it at that particular moment, I was the person she needed to call for assistance. I knew, too, that after hearing her story, I needed to get involved.
Dealing with crises, especially when an immediate response seems necessary, can move me into a panic mode. What will I do? I really don’t have anything to offer that is a quick fix. I feel badly and become even more anxious. This is the place I was quickly moving toward as I continued talking with the woman who was becoming more upset and irritable. Offering little if any hope to her except that I would give attention to her concern, we ended our conversation.
Frequently, following a situation like this, I will remain in panic mode for a while, stewing and fretting about what I should be or could be doing. I made a decision to respond differently. I put aside the panic, focused on the delicious meal in front of me, and calmly processed the information I had just learned. Now, in a more relaxed state I began to think more clearly, putting together in my mind a plan of action.
Following dinner, I made two phone calls to trusted friends who, after hearing the story, dove in to help. Within the next few hours, the crisis had been attended to and all ended well.
I was reminded of some valuable insights from this experience I believe are worth sharing.
Although not acquainted with the caller, I was aware of her circumstances. And, as much as I didn’t want to admit it at that particular moment, I was the person she needed to call for assistance. I knew, too, that after hearing her story, I needed to get involved.
Dealing with crises, especially when an immediate response seems necessary, can move me into a panic mode. What will I do? I really don’t have anything to offer that is a quick fix. I feel badly and become even more anxious. This is the place I was quickly moving toward as I continued talking with the woman who was becoming more upset and irritable. Offering little if any hope to her except that I would give attention to her concern, we ended our conversation.
Frequently, following a situation like this, I will remain in panic mode for a while, stewing and fretting about what I should be or could be doing. I made a decision to respond differently. I put aside the panic, focused on the delicious meal in front of me, and calmly processed the information I had just learned. Now, in a more relaxed state I began to think more clearly, putting together in my mind a plan of action.
Following dinner, I made two phone calls to trusted friends who, after hearing the story, dove in to help. Within the next few hours, the crisis had been attended to and all ended well.
I was reminded of some valuable insights from this experience I believe are worth sharing.
- Take time to think things through (if there is time to do so). A good response is not always an immediate response.
- Rely on trusted friends. We don’t have to resolve problems on our own. Reliable friends are generally quite willing to assist in times of crisis. Don’t hesitate to call them.
- Stay calm. Don’t panic. A non-anxious response is frequently more fruitful.
- Be amazed. Bask in the joy of good people who re- spond willingly, quickly, and helpfully.
- Give thanks—to God, and to the individuals who step up to help in time of need.
Church World Service Blankets Program
Recent record low temperatures in the Midwest have reminded everyone what bitter cold feels like. During the coldest days, many Midwesterners were able to stay in their warm homes, perhaps putting on an extra sweater or piling on warm blankets.
For many people in the U.S. and around the world, struggling against the bitter cold is a daily challenge. Homeless persons in the U.S. seek shelter and warmth all winter. Around the world, disasters force people from their warm homes, sending them to shelters and refugee camps. Church World Service is there.
The CWS Blankets+ program provides warmth, hope, and care during cold and trying times. A gift of just $10 provides a sturdy, comforting blanket to children, men and women who are struggling against the cold.
This Valentine’s Day is a perfect time to give thanks for the warmth in our homes, our churches, and our hearts by providing CWS blankets to those in need. Please request materials for a Blankets+ offering by calling (888) 297-2767 or visiting
For many people in the U.S. and around the world, struggling against the bitter cold is a daily challenge. Homeless persons in the U.S. seek shelter and warmth all winter. Around the world, disasters force people from their warm homes, sending them to shelters and refugee camps. Church World Service is there.
The CWS Blankets+ program provides warmth, hope, and care during cold and trying times. A gift of just $10 provides a sturdy, comforting blanket to children, men and women who are struggling against the cold.
This Valentine’s Day is a perfect time to give thanks for the warmth in our homes, our churches, and our hearts by providing CWS blankets to those in need. Please request materials for a Blankets+ offering by calling (888) 297-2767 or visiting
Peace Essay Contest: Write Peace!
A contest for high school, college, seminary, and graduate school students
Participants will submit a reflective essay written in a public voice on the topic:
How do you relate everyday peacemaking with ...
Deadline: January 27, 2014
Submit entries on-line starting on January 1, 2014
Contest made possible by the Baker Endowment in honor of Jennie Calhoun Baker
First prize - $2,000
Second prize - $1,000
Third prize - $500
Participants will submit a reflective essay written in a public voice on the topic:
How do you relate everyday peacemaking with ...
- Art, music, or poetry, The Just Peace movement
- Protest or change movements, Social Media, Interfaith efforts
Deadline: January 27, 2014
Submit entries on-line starting on January 1, 2014
Contest made possible by the Baker Endowment in honor of Jennie Calhoun Baker
Church Planting Conference looks toward an intercultural future
The Church Planting Conference to be held May 15-17, sponsored by the Church of the Brethren through the office of Congregational Life Ministries and the New Church Development Advisory Committee. and hosted at Bethany Theological Seminary in Richmond, IN, will be forward-looking with the theme, "Plant Generously, Reap Bountifully—Toward an Intercultural Future." Registration is now open at
James E. Renz Pinecrest Memorial Scholarship
The board of Pinecrest Manor recently established a $1,000.00 scholarship to honor the memory of Jim Renz, a visionary and dedicated 49 year board member who died this past May. The scholarship is to be awarded in the spring to a graduating high school senior from Oregon High School or a student who is a member of any Church of the Brethren congregation within the Northern District of Illinois-Wisconsin. This focuses on a future interest in health care, social work or pastoral care. If interested in learning more about the scholarship please contact Ferol Labash of Pinecrest Manor.
2014 National Youth Conference Illinois/Wisconsin District Bus Trip
Hop on the bus for fun and adventure as the IL /WI District Youth travel to NYC in Ft Coffins, CO! Join other youth and advisors from exotic far away places like Canton, Elgin, Freeport, Lombard, Milledgeville, Naperville, and Peoria. The 2014 National Youth Conference theme is "Called by Christ, blessed for the journey together," based on Ephesians 4:1-7.
Relax and have fun while you journey together to what others have referred to as "a once in a lifetime, life changing experience!"
When: Buses will leave Illinois in the evening on July 18 and return in the morning on July 25th, see the registration form for exact time for each location.
Where: We will have pick up in Central, Northeast, and Northwest locations. Bus pickups and drop offs will occur at Naperville Church of the Brethren, Peoria First Church of the Brethren and Milledgville Church of the Brethren.
Cost: $ 375 (this is the cost of the bus only, and does not include your NYC registration or meals along the way) $175 deposit are due by April 18. The remaining $200 balance is due by June 7. This does include the cost of a District NYC T-shirt.
Reservations: E-mail with basic information (name, address e-mail, church, and advisor) as soon as possible. Complete the registration form and return to Ralph Miner, 7 South DuBois Avenue; Elgin Illinois 60123 with your deposit by April 18th.
Relax and have fun while you journey together to what others have referred to as "a once in a lifetime, life changing experience!"
When: Buses will leave Illinois in the evening on July 18 and return in the morning on July 25th, see the registration form for exact time for each location.
Where: We will have pick up in Central, Northeast, and Northwest locations. Bus pickups and drop offs will occur at Naperville Church of the Brethren, Peoria First Church of the Brethren and Milledgville Church of the Brethren.
Cost: $ 375 (this is the cost of the bus only, and does not include your NYC registration or meals along the way) $175 deposit are due by April 18. The remaining $200 balance is due by June 7. This does include the cost of a District NYC T-shirt.
Reservations: E-mail with basic information (name, address e-mail, church, and advisor) as soon as possible. Complete the registration form and return to Ralph Miner, 7 South DuBois Avenue; Elgin Illinois 60123 with your deposit by April 18th.
National Youth Conference
Coordinators of NYC 2014 issue challenge for Brethren youth to exceed capacity at host university.
What if so many people registered for National Youth Conference (NYC) that Colorado State University ran out of room to house everyone? That's the challenge NYC coordinators Katie Cummings, Tim Heishman, and Sarah Neher are issuing to Brethren youth and to the denomination as a whole.
National Youth Conference Fort Collins, Colorado July 19 - 24, 2014
Read the full story at
What if so many people registered for National Youth Conference (NYC) that Colorado State University ran out of room to house everyone? That's the challenge NYC coordinators Katie Cummings, Tim Heishman, and Sarah Neher are issuing to Brethren youth and to the denomination as a whole.
National Youth Conference Fort Collins, Colorado July 19 - 24, 2014
Read the full story at
Youth Spring Retreat

When: Registration will begin at 7 pm on Friday Night. Retreat participants will be dismissed on Sunday after worship around Noon.
Who: Everyone currently in 9th through 12th grades during the 2013-2014 school year. Friends and advisors are welcome.
Where: The Naperville Church of the Brethren is located at 1020 W Jefferson Ave; Naperville IL, 60540-5120
Service Project: Feed My Starving Children. Please consider making an extra donation to them at if you donate mention the Church of the Brethren Youth Retreat in the "Tell us your story of what led you to give today" box. We will be at the Aurora facility.
Cost: $40 for youth — no charge for advisors. Make checks payable to "Illinois/Wisconsin District Youth"
What to Bring: Bible, Games, Sleeping Bag, Snacks to share, Towel. Closed-Toed Shoes are required for the service project.
Registration Deadline: March 2nd, 2014. Note that the retreat will be cancelled if we don't have 12 youth registered by the deadline.
Calendar of District Events
1 - New Year’s DayFebruary
6 - Epiphany
15-24 - DE attending CODE Meeting
18-25 - Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
20 - Martin Luther King Day
1 - District Leadership Team MeetingMarch
2 - Service Sunday
10 - Healthy Boundary and Ethics, Cerro Gordo
12 - IL Conference of Churches LT meeting, Springfield
14 - Valentine’s Day
15 - Gifts Discern. and Call Comm., Mt. Morris
17 - President's Day
22 - MLDT Meeting, Peru
1 - Healthy Boundary and Ethics Trng, Mt. MorrisApril
2 - Transfiguration Sunday
5 - Ash Wednesday
7 - World Day of Prayer
9 - First Sunday of Lent
9 - Daylight Savings Time
14-17 - Mission and Ministry Board, Elgin
14-16 - Spring District Youth Retreat @ Naperville COB
15 - Church Revitalization and Dev. Team, Peru
16 - One Great Hour of Sharing
22 - MLDT Meeting, Peru
25-27 - DE attends Midwest DE Mtg., Camp Mack
27-28 - IL Conference of Churches Tri-Annual Statewide Gathering, Bloomington
Child Abuse Prevention MonthMay
4-5 - Bethany Seminary Presidential Forum
5 - Camp Emmanuel Opening
6-12 - Camp Emmanuel Work Week
12 - District Leadership Team Meeting
13 - Palm Sunday
17 - Maundy Thursday
18 - Good Friday
20 - Easter Sunday
22 - Earth Day
23 - Administrative Professionals Day
Older Adult MonthJune
1 - National Day of Prayer
4 - National Youth Sunday
7 - Property and Asset Mgt. Team Meeting
10 - Bethany Theological Sem. Commencement
11 - Mother’s Day
15-17 - Church Planting Conf. - Bethany Seminary
23 - Young Adult Conf, Camp Brethren Woods
23-26 - Memorial Day Family Camp - Camp Emmaus
26 - Memorial Day
29 - Ascension Day
30 - Ministry Summer Service Orientation, Elgin
30-June 1 - Women’s Camp - Camp Emmanuel
5 - World Environment DayJuly
7 - District Leadership Team Meeting
8 - Pentecost
8-14 - Youth Camp, Camp Emmanuel
15 - Trinity Sunday Father’s Day
15-21 - Junior High Camp - Camp Emmanuel
21 - First Day of Summer
22-28 - Junior Camp, Camp Emmanuel
26-28 - Pre-Junior Camp, Camp Emmanuel
30 - CODE Meeting, Columbus, Ohio
1 - Mission and Ministry board, Columbus, OhioAugust
1-2 - Minister's Assoc. Continuing Edu. Event
2-6 - Annual Conference, Columbus, Ohio
4 - Independence Day
6-12 - Senior High Camp - Camp Emmaus
6-12 - Song and Story Fest, Camp Inspiration Hills
7 - District Executive Sabbatical Begins
13-16 - Elementary II Camp - Camp Emmaus
18-19 - Elementary I Camp - Camp Emmaus
19-24 - National Youth Conference, Fort Collins, CO
20-25 - Elementary III Camp - Camp Emmaus
27-August 2 - Junior High Camp - Camp Emmaus
1-3 - Men’s Camp, Camp EmmanuelSeptember
2 - District Leadership Team Meeting
8-10 - Women's Camp, Camp Emmaus
15-17 - Camp Emmaus Time Capsule Weekend
29-September 1 - Family Camp, Camp Emmanuel
29-September 1 - Family Camp, Camp Emmaus
1 - Labor DayOctober
7 - Grandparent’s Day
8 - District Executive Sabbatical Ends
20 - 10th Annual Fish Fry, Camp Emmanuel21 - Bethany Sunday, Int’l Day of Peace, Mission Offering Emphasis
23 - First Day of Autumn
Domestic Violence Awareness MonthNovember
5 - World Communion Sunday
6 - Child Health Day
11- District Leadership Team Meeting
12 - Laity Sunday
16 - World Food Day
16-24 - Peace with Justice Week
17-19 - Children's Sabbaths Observance
17-20 - Mission and Ministry Board, Elgin
24 - World Disarmament Day
25 - Camp Closing, Camp Emmanuel
26 - Reformation Sunday
1 - All Saints DayDecember
2 - National Jr. High Sunday
2 - Daylight Time Ends
7-8 - District Conference, Highland Ave., Elgin
9 - Stewardship Sunday
23 - Christ the King Sunday
27 - Thanksgiving
30 - First Sunday of Advent
1 - Aids Awareness Day
7 - Second Sunday of Advent
10 - Human Rights Day
14 - Third Sunday of Advent
21 - Fourth Sunday of Advent - First Day of Winter
24 - Christmas Eve
25 - Christmas Day
31 - New Year’s Eve