Monday, October 01, 2007

October 2007 -- Vol 4 Issue 10

“The purpose of the Illinois/Wisconsin District of the Church of the Brethren is to support the growth and development of the member churches.”


by Willard Dulabaum

1708 was the year of the fabled baptism of eight in Schwarzenau, Germany, marking the beginning of the Brethren movement. First living in Christian community, then persecuted and forced from their homeland, the "Dunkers" soon emigrated to Germantown, Pennsylvania and fanned out across the United States. Today, following divisions that took place between the 1880's and 1940's, the Brethren continue under five separate names and organizational structures, and have planted overseas missions somewhere on almost every continent. A number of colleges, seminaries, camps and retirement homes have also been given birth out of this lineage, as well as programs such as Brethren Volunteer Service and Heifer, International.

An anniversary observation, entitled Brethren World Assembly, is planned for August 3, 2008, at Schwarzenau, to include members from all five denominations descending from Alexander Mack and the others in that small faith community baptized there three hundred years before. A number of heritage tours are being planned with itineraries that will include this celebration.

Prior to the European event, The Church of the Brethren will join with the Brethren Church (Ashland) in a joint celebration held in connection with each of our Annual Conferences in July, 2008, in Richmond, Virginia. Each district and local congregation are encouraged to find ways to emphasize and celebrate the heritage that is ours from those Anabaptist-Radical Pietist beginnings through three centuries of following Jesus and faithfully serving others in our world. It is a tremendous opportunity to lift up the lives of those who have led out in discipleship and servanthood, as we learn from the past and journey in faith and hope into the future. Plans for our district are developing to include an emphasis at District Conference and other events through the year. A regular feature in this newsletter will cover other resources and opportunities, month by month.

Meanwhile, two of our District Youth are prepared to speak on matters of faith and heritage in various settings; to involve them, contact the District Office. If you are interested in being involved in any phase of planning activities, displays, or presentations within our district, please contact Willard "Duly" Dulabaum at your earliest convenience, by calling 847-888-4153. Even one or two interested and willing people could make a difference! Let us hear of your interest.


European Anniversary Tour opportunities about tours being planned by individuals to coincide with the Brethren World Assembly on Aug. 3, 2008, in Schwarzenau, Germany. The list is not meant as endorsement of any tour, and the committee is not sponsoring any tours. More tours may be added in the future.

Brethren-related tours to Europe in the summer of 2008 are planned by:


The 2007-08 National Youth Cabinet met Aug. 1-3 in Elgin, Ill. They provided input for the Church of the Brethren's youth program, selected a 2008 youth ministry theme, developed resources for the 2008 National Youth Sunday, and prepared for the denomination's 300th anniversary.

Elizabeth Willis of Tryon, N.C., Tricia Ziegler of Sebring, Fla., Joel Rhodes of Huntingdon, Pa., Seth Keller of Dover, Pa., Turner Ritchie of Richmond, Ind., and Heather Popielarz of Prescott, Mich., serve on the cabinet. Dena Gilbert of La Verne, Calif., serves as advisor along with Chris Douglas, Youth/Young Adult Ministries director for the Church of the Brethren General Board.

The cabinet settled on "By the Manner of Their Living" for next year's youth ministry theme, drawing on a familiar quote by Alexander Mack Sr. for the denomination's 300th anniversary year. Mack is considered the founder of the Church of the Brethren. The theme scripture of Colossians 3:12-15. will be the resource for the National Youth Sunday scheduled for May 4, 2008.

The group issued a 300th anniversary challenge to youth groups across the denomination, following a General Board challenge to do something in multiples of 300 for the anniversary year. Challenges could be rebuilding 300 homes in disaster areas, having 300 more people participate in summer work camps, giving 300 hours of service, preparing 300 school kits for disaster relief, giving 300 cans of food to a local food pantry, or offering 300 prayers of peace.

The meeting included conversations about Brethren Volunteer Service, a tour of the offices, and several times of worship. The cabinet next meets July 31-Aug. 3, 2008, in Elgin.

--Walt Wiltschek is editor of “Messenger” magazine for the Church of the Brethren General Board.


In honor of the 300th Anniversary of the denomination, we request that each congregation in the district send in two pictures: an old picture of their church building and a newer recent picture of their church building. The pictures will be in a historical display at District Conference. Do not send original pictures. We will keep these pictures in the Archives at the General Offices in Elgin and will not be able to return them. Include as much information with the photo as possible, such as congregation name, date, etc.

Please send pictures to:
Church of the Brethren General Offices
Attn: Ken Shaffer
1451 Dundee Avenue
Elgin, IL 60120


Please pass the word!

District Conference is coming soon. Hopefully by now you have all registered if not you have a day or so. Here in Freeport we are getting excited and making last minute plans for your arrival. I must say these two years of preparation have flown by.

Dennis Webb and I are working on the Sunday Morning worship we would like to include a Conference Choir, this note is to invite any singers to join the choir. We will meet every Tuesday evening in October @ 7:00 PM at the Freeport Church of the Brethren (Corner of West and Pleasant St.-West St. is Rt. 26). We invite you to sing even if you can make only 1 or 2 practices.

Directing our Conference Choir will be Kerri Archer from the Cherry Grove Church of the Brethren. Kerri holds a Music Degree and believe me she sings like an angel!

One of the pieces we will be singing is the Church of the Brethren 300 Anniversary Anthem. If any of you have a copy of that please bring it with you.

If you have questions please give me a call. Contact; Pastor Lisa Fike 815 232-1938


Jr. High Activities during District Conference will take place at the Freeport Masonic Temple rather than at the Freeport CoB. There is an extra room available on Saturday and after talking to Lisa Fike we thought that with the age group, some parents may feel more secure with the youth in the same building for most of the day. Also, if there are any Youth Advisors that will be attending conference that have vans that would like to help chaperone and transport kids to the food pantry and to the skating rink, their help would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you for trusting me in this leadership role for over seven years! In the challenging moments, I have relied upon MAA’s fundamental purpose of being a ministry to individuals and congregations in the denomination. The blessings are many:
  • Working with an intelligent and informed Board of Directors;
  • Supervising and appreciating an excellent staff in the Abilene Home Office;
  • Coordinating the area representatives, our “face” in various regions;
  • Seeing many of you at Annual Conference or a District Conference;
  • Watching the Annual Members’ Meeting evolve into a true Association gathering;
  • Receiving an education in the business world of property insurance;
  • Feeling rewarded when claimants or others praise MAA for its service and reliability;
  • Knowing that I was helpful during a transition period;
  • Enjoying a very pleasant work environment.
It is time to pass the leadership baton, while I move to that next stage of “redirection” in life. I have personal wishes for spending my days next summer and beyond, wanting more hours for piano music, our four grandchildren, leisure reading, fitness walking, and renewing friendships.

As the organization moves forward with a new leader in '08, I hope you will continue your support for MAA because your welfare is our reason for being.

In appreciation for the past and anticipation for the future,

Sincerely, Jean L. Hendricks, President


President/General Manager for Mutual Aid Association for Church of the Brethren /Brethren Mutual Aid Agency/ MAA Share Fund, Inc

Abilene, Kansas (2 ½ hours West of Kansas City)

Serve as the principle administrator of the organization. Plan, direct, and coordinate programs and staff to assure that stated board objectives are attained, policyholder needs are met, and effective internal and external relationships are maintained. Demonstrate leadership skills and office management. Direct the organization's vision, cooperatively with the Board of Directors.

Hold Church of the Brethren values; be trustworthy and reliable; have a positive attitude toward change; demonstrate effective written and oral communication skills; demonstrate successful people skills; have insurance and marketing experience; have managerial or supervisory experience; minimum education of a Bachelor’s degree.

Compensation and Benefits:
Salary commensurate with experience; pension and medical benefits; vacation and other leave.

Start Date:
March 1, 2008, or negotiable

Send letter of interest, along with one-page resume, and minimum salary requirement to:
Chair, MAA Board of Directors
c/o 3094 Jeep Road, Abilene, KS 67410
Fax: 785-598-2214
Phone: 785-598-2212


Fall can be the season of stewardship emphasis in the church – time to consider the gifts that you have to offer your congregation, district, and denomination. For many it is deciding how much we are going to pledge to the church budget. For others it may be time to consider giving a larger gift to our congregations, districts, camps, or another Church of the Brethren agencies. Deciding to give a gift may be easy enough, figuring out the best way to do this may be a bit more complex. Brethren Foundation is committed to promoting responsible and faithful stewardship of financial resources in harmony with the mission and values of our faith. We want to help you by offering gift planning and design services. The Foundation can assist you with estate planning and establishing deferred gifts such as charitable gift annuities, revocable trusts, charitable remainder trusts, and life estate agreements that have a charitable component. The Brethren Foundation helps you give the gifts that you want to give, either today or in the future. Please call Steve Mason, Brethren Foundation Director at 800-746-1505 or e-mail him at


Charitable Gift Annuity - A donor irrevocably transfers a specific sum of cash, appreciated securities, or other property to a qualified charitable organization in return for its promise to pay the donor, another, or both, fixed and guaranteed annual payments for life. In essence, the transfer is part charitable gift and part purchase of an annuity. At the death of the last survivor, the funds remaining will belong to the charitable organization for the purpose specified by donor in the annuity agreement.

Charitable Remainder Trust - An arrangement in which property or money is donated to a charity, but the donor (called the grantor) continues to use the property and/or receive income from it while living. The beneficiaries receive the income and the charity receives the principal after a specified period of time. The grantor avoids any capital gains tax on the donated assets and also gets an income tax deduction for the fair market value of the remainder interest that the trust earned. In addition, the asset is removed from the estate, reducing subsequent estate taxes. While the contribution is irrevocable, the grantor may have some control over the way the assets are invested and may even switch from one charity to another (as long as it's still a qualified charitable organization).

Deferred Gift - Any charitable gift arrangement where the charity’s use of the asset is delayed to some future time.

Estate Planning - The process of accumulating and disposing of an estate to maximize the goals of the estate owner.

Life Estate - A limited right to use or occupy property for the life of the person holding the estate after which the property reverts to the grantor or a named third party.

Revocable Trust - A trust that may be altered as many times as desired in which income-producing property passes directly to the beneficiaries at the time of the grantor's death. Since the arrangement can be altered at any time, the assets are considered part of the grantor's estate and they are taxed as such.


January 8 - 21, 2008

On Earth Peace extends a special invitation to Church of the Brethren peacemakers to join the delegation to the Middle East (Israel/Palestine) led by On Earth Peace executive director Bob Gross.

The group will travel to the cities of Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and Hebron. There they will have the unique opportunity to meet with Israeli and Palestinian peace and human rights workers. In addition to meeting with peacemakers and leaders from both communities, delegation members will join Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) in Hebron and At-Tuwani in a limited amount of accompaniment and documentation, and in a public witness that non-violently confronts the injustice and violence there.

This trip is being led in conjunction with CPT, a violence-reduction project of the Church of the Brethren and Mennonite congregations and Friends meetings. Since June 1995, CPT has maintained a team of trained peacemakers in Hebron.

On Earth Peace will assist Church of the Brethren members in raising funds for the cost of the trip by offering ideas, networking and limited scholarships. Applications are available through the On Earth Peace website and due in November 2007

For more information:
On Earth Peace:
Bob Gross:260-982-7751/
Christian Peacemaker Teams:
Claire Evans:773-277-253/


As I write, the State Fair is over, school is back in session, and District Conference is right around the corner! So just what has happened in the realm of Church Planting since our last district conference? Here are some items I recalled from reviewing meeting minutes of your New Church Development Board.

November 2006 - We welcome Kay Weller of Virden CoB to the board, Apostle start-up agreement approved, Coaching Services agreement approved for Lynda DeVore as Apostle and Tom DeVore as a planter, MAA insurance clarifies us as a related ministry not a commission of the Leadership Team also bonding is increased for financial secretary and treasurer positions from $2,500 to $25,000.

December - Apostle first report of goals and activities received, and the district study/protocol committee is off to a good start. An assumed business name form will be filed so we can use “Great Harvest Church Planting” as the name of our movement.

February - We welcome Dawn Blackman of Champaign CoB to the board replacing Tom DeVore, the Apostle is making contacts within the district to encourage interest in planting efforts, NCDB discusses need to clarify financial controls and separation of duties for a plant, also heard information on fellowships Christ Connections Community Church and New Beginnings Fellowship (formerly Faith Batavia), a number of transitions have taken place, both joys and concerns.

March - We approved documents “Expectations Interview” and “Steps to Church Planting in the IL/WI District” as worksheets for use when sitting down with a new planter to check-off and initial the items. This is one part of insuring that the planter is committed to Brethren ideals.

May - Financial audit of NCDB books completed with no findings, inquiries of interest in church planting received, some requesting information, others expressing interest to be involved in the areas of Madison, WI and Minooka, IL., also we regret to hear of the closing of Christ Connections Community Church, an update on the study committee shows some good realistic ideas are being discussed, and a sample start-up budget for a new church plant is prepared.

June - We continue to miss brother Paul Kohler as he continues to gain strength after surgery. Apostle is making more contacts and is eager to speak around the district, she is also helping to plan the church planting conference for May 2008 at Bethany, our church planting movement website is, Jim Mack financial secretary since 2004 is replaced by Jack Flores also of Highland Avenue CoB. A 2008 budget is prepared for conference that includes funding start-up for up to three church plants. Discussion also includes co-sponsoring a non-business district conference event next year with the leadership team. Special note: Annie Sales sure makes super strawberry pies!

July - Apostle is in conversation with three people within the district about church planting and one has submitted an application, Paul Kohler returns and it is good to hear his voice and have him present, the contract with Percept for demographics data will not be renewed as there are now free and low cost options available, the district study committee work continues and we spend significant time discussing how to meet needs that current polity does not address, the theme for our district conference report will be “CELEBRATIONS”.

August - We agree to pay for the Apostle to complete training in Natural Church Development. It is beneficial for the district to have someone trained to administer and coach this program for church health. A second church planter application has been received. This one is from the Alton, IL area. Reference, background and assessments will be scheduled for the applicants.

Visit the NCDB booth at District Conference in Freeport. In the meantime, your NCDB is on the web at and

Submitted by Terry Link
Secretary New Church Development Board Sept 2007

District of IL & WS Calendar PLUS

6   New Church Development Board meeting
13   Leadership Team meeting – Franklin Grove COB
14   World Mission Offering Emphasis
16   World Food Day
16 - 24  Peace with Justice Week
18 - 20   TRIM Coordinator's meeting - Highland Avenue COB
20   Pleasant Hill Village Dinner & Auction
20 - 22   General Board, Elgin
26 - 28   Bethany Seminary Board, Richmond
27   TRIM Meeting - Cherry Grove Church
28 - 30   Midwest DEs retreat – Camp Mack, Milford, IN
2 - 4   District Conference – Freeport
4   National Junior High Sunday
5 - 9   Sustaining Pastoral Excellence National Vital Pastor Retreat (Brethren Academy)
11   Stewardship Sunday
16 - 17   District Leadership Team retreat and joint meeting with NCDB at Camp Emmaus
18   Bible Sunday
16 - 17   BBT Board
1   World AIDS Day, ABC
2   First Sunday of Advent
8   Leadership Team meeting – Hurricane Creek COB
10   World Rights Day
15   New Church Development Board meeting
25   Christ's Birthday - Praise the Lord!
January 27 - Feb 1  CODE Winter Meetings - Florida