Wednesday, December 01, 2010

The Reflector -- December 2010 -- Vol 7 Issue 11

Wishing you a Merry Christmas
and a
Happy New Year!
Illinois/Wisconsin District Office
Church of the Brethren

From the Moderator, Lisa Fike

Brothers and sisters of the Church of the Brethren Illinois and Wisconsin District, it is with great excitement I write today. Followers of Christ all across the United States have paused to give thanks to our God for the bounty that we have been given.

And now the Advent Season is upon us. We have joined with numerous people around the world in the biggest birthday party preparations known to mankind! Our brothers and sisters in Germany have made and begun lighting advent candles, In Nigeria preparations for the day of family gatherings and feasting is underway, in South America the nativity has been placed in a place of honor, and in Mexico a piñata has been prepared. Christmas is a day for all of God’s children, a day that everyone remembers the Christ Child being born to earthy parents. Christmas is a time for us to celebrate with all who confess Jesus as savior.

Across our district, across our denomination, we have disagreements, but may we this Christmas season agree to join the celebration with love and peace... for Our Savior was born for all.

Peace, Moderator Lisa J. Fike
Pastor - Freeport Church of the Brethren

News from Camp Emmanuel

Jerry and Connie Reynolds retired Camp Emmanuel Managers as of November 1, 2010. Jerry and Connie did a wonderful job in the five years they served bringing the camp a long way with their faithful stewardship. Camp Emmanuel bids them a fond farewell and wishes them all good things in their retirement.

The new camp managers are Mike and Ruth Siburt from the Decatur Church of the Brethren. Mike has served on the Camp Board for five years and Ruth is a lifelong Camp Emmanuel campers. They moved into the camp house on November 11th and are excited to begin their term of service.

The new Camp Emmanuel e-mail address is

District Leadership Team meets in Shannon and Retreat at Camp Emmaus.

The District Leadership Team met at the Eastland School immediately following the District Conference. Lisa Fike opened the meeting with prayer. As incoming Moderator she conducted the elections of officers.

The Team reorganized with Anna Lee Hisey Pierson being elected chairperson for a second term. Jim Lehman agreed to continue as Vice Chairman. We welcomed Lisa Fike as the new Moderator of the District. Gil Crosby agreed to continue as the team secretary. Orlando Redekopp went off the team after serving two years as Moderator elect and Moderator. Thank you Orlando for your excellent service.

It was agreed to invite the New Church Development Team to the retreat in light of the vote by council to merge the two teams together. Kevin will send a letter or E-mail to the members of the NCDT.

The teams assembled at Camp Emmaus November 19 for their annual Retreat. Mary Jo Flory Steury led the retreat. She arranged for the members to get to know one another better as fellow team members and spiritually as well. She used a timeline of the District of Illinois-Wisconsin to further the events of the day.

A meeting was held to discuss the merging of the Leadership Team with the New Church Development Team. A Christmas card fundraiser will be sent to members of the District to help support programs in the District. The nest Leadership Team Meeting will be held in Peoria on January 15th.

District Conference Silent Auction

It was good to see so many folks at District Conference. The Silent Auction netted $1,400.00. We had about 50 items for sell with the Handmade Blanket Chest bringing in $401.00. Thank you to all who donated items and of course to those who bid and bought items. Next year please consider donating something. I would like to see a lot of baked goods.

Thanks again, Rick & Beckie Koch

Brethren Workcamp Information

It’s come to my attention that the 2011 workcamp announcement had an incorrect registration date. Workcamp registration opens Monday, January 3, 2011 at 7 PM Central Time. Some of you expressed an interest in receiving the announcement electronically. The text of the announcement is printed below. Please let me know any other way in which we can be helpful to you.

The workcamp ministry of the Youth and Young Adult Office is pleased to announce the arrival of the 2011 National Workcamp brochures! Please contact the workcamp office to request brochures for your congregation: 800-323-8039 x286 or

Special workcamps include a young adult workcamp in Taize, France, the We Are Able workcamp in New Windsor for intellectually disabled youth/young adults and youth/young adult service partners, and an intergenerational workcamp for all ages in the mountains of Northern Arizona - families welcome!

Workcamp registration will begin on-line January 3, 2011 at 7 PM Central Time for youth, advisors and adult participants. More information is available on the Church of the Brethren website,

Jeanne Davies
Coordinator of Workcamp Ministry
Church of the Brethren
1451 Dundee Avenue
Elgin, IL 60120
847-742-5100 x286

Along the Paths of Camp Emmaus

New Camp Emmaus board members were introduced and confirmed at the District Conference at Shannon on November 6. Those confirmed were Gary Baisden, Steve Dietrich, Jamie Willard and returning member Heidi Gerdes. Other members are Don Hart, Dianne Swingel, Mike Schnieria, Sylvia Saunders, Elvira Lawdenski, Ellis Boughton and Beth Ann Baughman. The board met following the day of leaf raking. Mike Schnieria was called to continue as president with Vice President Ellis Boughton. Beth Ann Baughman was called as corresponding secretary and Jamie Willard will serve as treasurer.

Leaf Raking: 40 people helped for two weekend rakings where they filled 6 chopper wagons of mulch.

The benefits of the annual event, besides fresh air, vigorous exercise, and fellowship will come with the first snowfall and in the spring with more wildflowers and grass. The chopped leaves end up as cattle bedding and field mulch.

The Christmas Play

by Gil Crosby

The place is up for grabs, as the children come in
It’s the first day of practice for the play to begin.
December tradition calls for a children’s activity
And all the church comes to see the kid’s nativity.

Parents in the hall; kids in the pews and on the stage,
Where’s the director; where’s the book on what page.
Do we still have the costumes from last year or so.
and is the scenery still in the basement , yes or no!

Johnny’s in the baptistery, Mary runs up and down,
Bobby’s under the piano and Susie’s laying down.
Teachers look for costumes, Pastor looks confused
it’s the first day of practice no one seems amused.

Who wants to be Joseph and we need a Virgin Mary,
How many shepherds need cloaks and staffs to carry.
Wise men can be girls so everyone can be in the play,
don’t forget a lifelike doll for baby Jesus in the hay.

Everything seems in turmoil nothing’s going right.
Will we ever get this story ready for Christmas night.
Father’s put up the scenery and try out the lights,
Mother’s dress the players in robes, scarves and tights.

The director calls for order and players settle down.
Shepherds line up to enter as the star shines around,
Wise persons carry boxes that look like gold and myrrh.
And Mary brings the baby as Joseph comforts her.

What started as bedlam has begun to mesh together
If we can only find Billy, Bobby’s little brother.
He’s supposed to be the tiny, little shepherd boy
Who brings the baby Jesus a little handmade toy.

Christmas day arrives families have filled the sanctuary
All have come to see their own shepherd, Joseph or Mary.
The lights dim, all is quiet and a small voice begins to read,
“and in those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree.”

The lights brighten on a small cradle filled with hay,
Mary and Joseph lay the baby and kneel to pray,
Wise people hover as Shepherds sing a song of joy,
And little Billy gives baby Jesus his handmade toy.

It’s Christmas Day, the story again is told so well,
Told by little children who hold you in their spell.
They tell the story of Jesus and of his wonderful birth.
Told by those among us, His little angels here on earth.

Brethren Disaster Ministries

Here is an update on the status of the Brethren Disaster Ministries project in Winamac, IN. BDM volunteers have just begun framing the last house BDM will be building in the area. Construction on this new build is slightly behind schedule for a variety of reasons and BDM expects to need volunteers beyond the end of the year and into the beginning of 2011. With this in mind, BDM is appealing for districts to sign up weekly groups, of up to 15 volunteers, from January 2 – February 19. Please feel free to call if you have any questions. The following dates are OPEN: Jan. 2-8, Jan. 9-15, Jan 16-22, Jan. 23-29, Jan. 30 – Feb 12, Feb. 13-19.

Contact - Zach Wolgemuth

For more information see our website

Brethren Disaster Ministries
PO Box 188
New Windsor, MD 21776-0188

Peace Retreats with On Earth Peace

How are your youth responding to violence in their schools, families, and communities? Many youth face or witness bullying every day, how is your youth programming equipping them to follow Jesus by advocating for justice?

On Earth Peace is continuing their Peace Retreats program, offering retreats to junior and senior high youth. Peace Retreats are a time for youth to develop skills as peacemakers, while creating a closer connection amongst each other and with God. Youth will have a chance to dive into scripture, while collectively exploring how God’s message of peace is applicable in our everyday lives. Depending on your congregations wants, themes can vary from engaging current issues like bullying to conflict resolution and peacemaking in our everyday life. Youth will have times to worship and fellowship together, work in small groups, use their creativity, and have fun. To schedule a retreat or to ask further questions e-mail Or to learn more visit the On Earth Peace website at

Disaster Relief Trips For District of Illinois/Wisconsin Adults & Youth

District Youth Trip
When: June 19th – 25th

Where: Somewhere in Tennessee

Who Can Go: Youth 15 & up or 14 if a parent goes

Typical Housing: Bunk beds, Shared Bathrooms

Food: Breakfast and Dinner at the House, Lunch on the job site

What would we do: Painting, Cleaning, Minor Carpentry work, Depends on Job Skills

Why this Trip and not the planned Denominational Work Camps planned for July:
1. Cost, 2. More time with District Youth

When do we need to know: April 1st
District Disaster Trip for Adults
When: January 30th – February 5th

Where: Winamac, Indiana

Who can go: All Adults who want to serve

Housing: Bunk Beds, Shared Bathrooms,

Food: Breakfast and Dinner @ House, Lunch on the job site

What would we do: Depends on Job Skills How many can go: up to 12, 5 Dutchtowners already committed

Cost: Expenses to and from Indiana, Spending money while there, Dutchtown already has $400.00 for trip

When do we need to know: By January 1st
Contact: Rick Koch @ 815-499-3012 or e-mail

Peoria Church joins Mt. Zion Methodists on Mission Trip

For about 25 years the Peoria Church of the Brethren has been joining the Mt. Zion United Methodist Church for a trip to Eastern Kentucky to deliver clothing, household items and tools to Henderson Settlement and Red Bird Mission. On November 18th five trucks with trailers and one van joined five more vehicles at Mt. Zion for the 650 mile trip to the Eastern Appalachian Mountains.

The Peoria Church specializes in clothing and items for babies and young children. During the year fund raising events are held so that the Missions Team can purchase disposable diapers and to go to garage sales to purchase baby clothes, car seats, cribs, and toys. This year the church sent one truck and trailer and a van filled with items just for babies to Henderson Settlement. Members of the church also fill a bassinet placed in the narthex with new baby clothes and other needed items. There is a great need for items for babies at Henderson.

The missions expressed their gratitude for all the clothing and items that can be distributed through Opportunity Stores to help support the mission. They also give clothing and furniture to people who have been “burned out” of their homes. Burn outs are not uncommon where wood and coal stoves still provide much of the heat for manufactured homes and mountain cottages. These missions provide many of the much needed resources for the people of Eastern Kentucky.

District Minister Position in Indiana Available

The available position is for a District Executive Minister in the South Central District of Indiana. The Church of the Brethren Office of Ministry posted the position November 3rd.

This is a THREE QUARTER TIME position available April 1, 2011. The South Central Indiana District comprises 46 congregations in the middle third of the state of Indiana. These congregations average worship attendance ranges from 10 to 350. They are predominantly small congregations located in small towns and rural settings. The district is theologically diverse. The preferred candidate demonstrates initiative, adaptability, and capacity to envision future ministry. The district office is currently located in North Manchester.

  • Serve as Executive Officer of the District Board.
  • Facilitate the implementation of the core ministries of the District.
  • Assist congregations and pastors with search and call of ministerial leadership.
  • Assist congregations and pastors with the development of wholesome relationships.
  • Assist congregations with church growth initiatives.
  • A clear commitment to Jesus Christ demonstrated by a vibrant spiritual life.
  • A commitment to Church of the Brethren faith and heritage.
  • A commitment to the Seven Core Values of the District.
  • Master of Divinity or equivalent.
  • Minimum of 5 years of pastoral or related experience.
  • Strong personal, communication, and mediation skills.
  • Strong administrative, management and budget skills.
  • Respect for theological diversity.
  • A willingness and ability to travel across the District on a regular basis.
Interested and qualified persons may apply for this position by sending a letter of interest and a resume via e-mail to: Applicants are requested to contact 3 or 4 persons who are willing to provide a letter of reference. Upon receipt of the resume the individual will be sent a Candidate profile that must be completed and returned before the application is considered complete.

Application deadline: December 17, 2010

Great Harvest Church Planting

Planting Reproducing Churches in Illinois and Wisconsin

“But the Holy Spirit will come upon you and give you power. Then you will tell everyone about me in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria, and everywhere in the world.”
Acts 1:8 (CEV)

In this season of Thanksgiving we invite you to join us in prayer for our Rockford mission point. Remember and pray for: The Rockford Community.

More volunteers to step forward from the community to help with the work Rockford Community Church is leading at West Middle School. Pray that this door will remain open for the love of God and peace to be known in the school.

The Rockford Community Church Family The church to maintain it’s momentum so it will increase in influence within the community and grow spiritually and numerically. For more individuals with gifts to work with children and youth. All of those within the church family who are waiting for the processing of immigration visas to be completed. The Rodiquez family as they continue to move forward in faith with the opening of a pharmacy technician school. An apartment for Avery and healing for Tony's ribs and back.

The Sarpiya Family

That God will continue to bless Pastor Samuel and his family, helping them to keep the big picture in mind and opening all of the doors that need to be opened. The provision of a new Apple laptop computer for Pastor Samuel. His old one is on it's last leg.

Thank you for supporting this mission point with your prayers,

Lynda DeVore,
The New Church Development Team,
IL/WI District Church of the Brethren

God cares for you, so turn all your worries over to him. 1 Peter 5:7 (CEV)

God Gives the Growth!

Contact Information
Rockford Community Church
6909 Auburn Street
Rockford, IL 61101
Service Time 12 noon to 2pm

2010 Pledged to Actual Comparison (unaudited) As of October 31, 2010

Congregation2009 Actual
2010 Annual
2010 YTD
DifferencePaid %
Allison Prairie $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 --
Batavia Faith $614.62 $0.00 $400.00 $400.00 --
Canton $1,500.00 $1,300.00 $1,300.00 $0.00 100.0%
Cerro Gordo $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $750.00 ($250.00) 75.0%
Champaign$1,200.00 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 $0.00 100.0%
Cherry Grove $500.00 $0.00 $500.00 $500.00 --
Chicago First $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $0.00 100.0%
Decatur $1,700.00 $0.00 $500.00 $500.00 --
Dixon $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $0.00 100.0%
Douglas Park $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 --
Franklin Grove $600.00 $400.00 $400.00 $0.00 100.0%
Freeport $500.00 $500.00 $0.00 ($500.00) 0.0%
Girard $300.00 $250.00 $250.00 $0.00 100.0%
Highland Avenue $15,141.00 $15,141.00 $11,355.75 ($3,785.25) 75.0%
Hurricane Creek $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $0.00 100.0%
La Place $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $0.00 100.0%
Lanark $2,449.92 $0.00 $1,837.44 $1,837.44 --
Martin Creek $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 --
Milledgeville $1,200.00 $0.00 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 --
Mt. Morris $3,190.00 $1,776.00 $988.00 ($788.00) 55.6%
Naperville $4,500.00 $4,500.00 $4,500.00 $0.00 100.0%
Neighborhood $1,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 --
Oak Grove $150.00 $0.00 $150.00 $150.00 --
Oakley Brick $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 --
Panther Creek $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 --
Peoria $5,850.00 $5,850.00 $5,850.00 $0.00 100.0%
Polo $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 100.0%
Rock Community $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 --
Rockford $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 --
Romine $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 --
Springfield $3,100.00 $3,500.00 $2,625.00 ($875.00) 75.0%
Stanley $150.00 $300.00 $300.00 $0.00 100.0%
Virden $500.00 $500.00 $375.00 ($125.00) 75.0%
Walnut Grove $224.01 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 --
West Branch $965.25 $740.25 $860.25 $120.00 116.2%
Woodland $1,000.00 $800.00 $800.00 $0.00 100.0%
Yellow Creek $400.00 $200.00 $200.00 $0.00 100.0%
York Center $8,500.00 $8,500.00 $6,375.00 ($2,125.00) 75.0%
Totals $59,684.80 $49,907.25 $46,166.44 ($3,740.81) 92.5%

This is a summary of giving from District Churches through October. As you can see contributions to the work of the District stands at 92.5% and we are 83.3% of the year. THANK YOU for making the missions of the District possible with your pledges and giving. These figures were provided by our Financial Secretary, Christine Hoecker.

Calendar of Upcoming Events

 4 - New Church Development Team @ Canton
 4 - Cookie Camp Emmaus
25 - Christmas Day
31 - New Year’s Eve
 1 - New Year’s Day
 8 - Program & Arrangements @ Springfield
15 - Leadership Team @ Peoria
17 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
14 - St. Valentine’s Day
21 - President’s Day
26 - Leadership Team
 9 - Ash Wednesday
13 - Daylight Savings Time Begins
 9 - Leadership Team
16 - Program & Arrangements
16-22 - Camp Emmanuel Spring Work Day/Week
17 - Palm Sunday
19 - Passover
22 - Good Friday
24 - Easter
 7 - Camp Emmanuel CIT Workshop
 8 - Mother’s Day
13-15 Camp Emmanuel Young Adult Camp
14 - Leadership Team
27-30 - Emmaus Family Camp
30 - Memorial Day
 3-5 -  Camp Emmanuel Women's Camp
 5-11 - Camp Emmanuel Sr Hi Youth Camp
12-18 - Camp Emmanuel Jr Hi Camp
19 - Father’s Day
21 - First Day of Summer
24-26 - Camp Emmaus CIT Training
25-26 - Camp Emmaus Elementary I Camp
 1–6 - Annual Conference
 8-10 - Camp Emmanuel Pre-Junior Camp
10-16 - Camp Emmanuel Junior Camp
10-16 - Camp Emmaus Sr Hi Youth Camp
17-23 - Camp Emmaus Jr Hi Youth Camp
23 - Leadership Team
24-29 - Camp Emmaus Elementary III Camp
 2-5 - Camp Emmaus Elementary II Camp
 5-7 - Camp Emmaus Women's Camp
12-14 - Camp Emmanuel Men's Camp
20 - Program & Arrangements
 2–5 - Camp Emmanuel Family Camp
 2-5 - Camp Emmaus Family Camp
 5 - Labor Day
11 - Grandparent’s Day
17 - Leadership Team
29 - Rosh Hashanah
 8 - Yom Kippur
 8 - Program & Arrangements
10 - Columbus Day
15 - Leadership Team
22 - Camp Emmanuel Fall Work Day
 4–6 - District Conference, Lake Williamson
 6 - Daylight Savings Time Ends
18-19 - Leadership Team Retreat
24 - Thanksgiving
21 - Hanukkah
25 - Christmas
26 - Kwanzaa