Tuesday, November 01, 2022

The Reflector - November 2022

The Village ILWIDIot

By Walt Wiltschek

“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God.” –Eph. 2:8, NKJV

Canada, our friendly neighbor to the north, beats us to the celebration of Thanksgiving each year. The Canadian Thanksgiving is the second Monday of October, about six weeks before we sit around our tables full of turkey and cranberries and turn on the TV to watch football.

Canada’s version also embraces the harvest, but it tends to be a more low-key occasion—often with time spent outdoors enjoying nature before the winter cold sets in. And I learned recently that in the French-speaking part of the country, in Quebec, the day has a rather charming name: “L’Action de Grâce.”

If you’ll forgive a bit of etymological exploration, that French phrase loosely translates to “giving thanks,” but more literally it’s exactly what it looks like: “An action of grace,” much as we might say grace to express our prayerful thanks before a meal. Due to the complexities of the English language, both “grace” and “gratitude” spring from the same Latin word, the same reason that “gracias” means “thank you” in Spanish.

In Christianity, of course, “grace” also refers to the undeserved mercy and love of God’s gifts to us, especially the gift of life through Jesus. That stems from an additional definition off that Latin root, one that means something is pleasing and freely given—where we also get the word “gratis,” for something we’re given without charge.

We are thankful for many things when we gather around those tables in late November—and hopefully at many other times of the year, too: for food, for family, for friends, and more. But as followers of Christ, it seems rather appropriate that our greatest “action of grace”—our thanksgiving—is for God’s action of grace toward us.

When we gathered at district conference recently, in person for the first time in three years, it certainly felt like an action of God’s grace. We had survived the pandemic, a bit battered and weary perhaps, but we were there, together, still feeling the movement of God’s Spirit among us. And for that I am quite thankful.

Theologian David Lose, in his blog, contemplated all the things that can suck joy from our faith: political polarization, challenging economics, injustice, environmental issues, and so on, and then concludes “perhaps our response … might be to sing words of joy, thanksgiving, and praise. For God is still at work—both in us and through us for the health of this world God loves so much. And that is cause for singing.”

That seems like rather good counsel. So as you approach Thanksgiving this year, let your “action of grace” sing out in praise for all God’s actions of grace in our lives, on the second Monday of October, the fourth Thursday in November, and every day.

District executive schedule: In addition to regular meetings, Walt will be preaching and visiting at Lanark Nov. 13, helping to facilitate meetings at York Center Nov. 20, preaching at Dixon Nov. 27, worshiping and meeting with Chicago First Dec. 11, and attending a retreat at Camp Emmaus Dec. 16-17 and preaching at Dixon Dec. 18. Walt will be away for the Christmas and New Year’s holidays Dec. 22-Jan. 2 and attending/traveling to the Council of District Executives winter meetings in Florida Jan. 6-12.

Upcoming Meetings & Events

Church Revitalization and Development Team, Sat., Nov. 19, 9 a.m.

Ministry Leadership Development Team, Thurs., Dec. 1, 6 p.m.

Council of District Executives winter meetings, Florida, Jan. 7-11, 2023

[all meetings via Zoom unless otherwise noted]


A district prayer calendar has been created for your use in praying for our district and related programs through the years. We invite you to include the following in your prayers in coming weeks:

Week of Nov. 7: Pray for the Highland Avenue congregation this week, and for their ministry in the city of Elgin and beyond.

Week of Nov. 14: Pray for the Naperville congregation this week, and for their ministry in their community and around DuPage County.

Week of Nov. 21: Pray for the Rock Community congregation this week, and for their ministry in and around Fairfield in Wayne County.

Week of Nov. 28: Pray for the West Branch congregation this week, and for their ministry in their community and around Ogle County.

Week of Dec. 5: Pray for the Romine congregation this week, and for their ministry in and around Salem in Marion County.

Week of Dec. 12: Pray for the Hurricane Creek congregation this week, and for their ministry in and around Pleasant Mound, Smithboro, Mulberry Grove, and beyond.


Terri Monnin began as pastor of the Milledgeville (Dutchtown) Church of the Brethren on Oct. 3, with her first Sunday in the pulpit Oct. 9. District executive Walt Wiltschek officiated her installation and licensing service on Oct. 30, which was followed by a reception in the church fellowship hall. Terri is living in Sterling while her husband, Joe, finishes up a move from the Cleveland, Ohio, area.

Benjamin Reynolds has announced his resignation as transitional pastor at Chicago First effective Dec. 31. The congregation is working on plans going forward.

The Virden congregation has called Katrina Spencer as its pastor. She can be reached at Pastor.Katrina@hotmail.com.

The Dixon congregation has posted its profile as it begins a pastoral search. It is a half-time position. Cherry Grove and La Place also have current vacancies and are at various stages of the search process.

Note that November is open enrollment month for any of the ancillary insurance products for pastors and other church workers through Eder Financial (formerly Brethren Benefit Trust).


Yellow Creek Church of the Brethren (Pearl City), one of the oldest congregations in the district, will celebrate its 175th anniversary in 2023. Plans for specific events are under way. Happy anniversary, Yellow Creek!

The Rockford Community fellowship, facing significant maintenance and repair needs to its large facility, sold the building and 3.5 acres of land to another area church on Nov. 3. Rockford plans for now to continue as a virtual church with occasional ‘house church’-type meetings.

Franklin Grove, another of the district’s oldest congregations, voted in October to cease regular worship services at the end of 2022, and to formally close sometime next year. A closing service will likely be scheduled for next summer or fall.

The emerging group in Madison, Wis., will hold its second gathering this Sunday evening, Nov. 13. Please be in prayer for this group in Wisconsin’s capital city.

The Peoria First congregation this week is making its annual Fall Mountain Mission Trip to the Appalachian region of eastern Kentucky. The church takes a caravan of vehicles full of supplies for mission and service projects in the region. Our prayers are with them as they travel!

Do you have congregational news: celebrations, milestones, “Jesus in the Neighborhood” stories or other things to share with our district family? Please send those to the district office: andreag.iwdcob@gmail.com.


About 120 people took part in this year’s Illinois/Wisconsin District conference, held Nov. 4-5 at Peoria First Church of the Brethren. It was the first in-person conference since 2019, and it was well-hosted by Peoria—led by on-site co-coordinators Leonard Matheny and Christine Knotts, with help from pastor Dana McNeil and many others.

The attendance numbers included more than 50 delegates from about half the district’s congregations, about 54 non-delegates, and nine youth and children—most of whom took part in the first district conference youth retreat in quite a few years.

District conference moderator Harold Rose, from the Canton congregation, guided the weekend under the theme “Outside the Walls: Being Jesus in the Neighborhood.” Opening worship Friday evening featured Tim McElwee, the 2023 Church of the Brethren Annual Conference moderator, who also led an equipping session on “Peacemaking in a Time of War” on Saturday and spent some time with the youth.

Carol Davis and Kevin Kessler shared drama for worship, and Pam Willison served as accompanist. Judy Brinkmeier and Susan Jasper from Franklin Grove shared a children’s story, with many of the youth (and a few adults) going forward.

Key business items on Saturday included approval of the 2023 district budget (which includes a gap of about $32,000 to be covered by reserves), recognition of ministry milestones (including 60 years for Willard ‘Duly’ Dulabaum and Dale Roher!), the formal closure and disorganization of the Decatur congregation (with heartfelt sharing about the congregation’s history from former Decatur moderator Leonard Matheny), and revisions to the district constitution and bylaws, eliminating regions as a requirement for selection to district positions and changing the formula for district conference delegate representation.

Delegates also approved the slate of district officers and team members, calling York Center pastor Christy Waltersdorff as moderator-elect. She will assist 2023 moderator Phyllis Batterton (Woodland) in the coming year.

Others called included Ed Carper (Canton) to the district Leadership Team, Dan McFadden (Highland Avenue) and Betty Hare (Polo) to the Gifts Discernment and Call Committee, and Chris Douglas (Highland Avenue) to Program and Arrangements Committee. Lynda Willmann (Lanark) and Joe Brewer (Canton) were approved for additional terms on the Church Revitalization and Development Team, Lisa Fike (Woodland) for the Ministry Leadership Development Team, and Dawn Blackman (Champaign) for Leadership Team. Bobbi Dykema (Springfield) was also formally approved to finish out the term of Dennis Webb (Naperville) on the Annual Conference Standing Committee through 2024.

Representatives from various denominational agencies and district programs shared reports, and Church of the Brethren Youth/Young Adult Ministries director Becky Ullom—who also led a pre-conference continuing education event on “21st-Century Youth/Young Adult Ministry” —shared an upbeat report on National Youth Conference with the help of district youth who attended. Several congregations also shared about their community outreach efforts as they seek to be “Jesus in the Neighborhood.”

After lunch on Saturday, those attending could choose one of three “equipping sessions” to learn about topics of interest. In addition to Tim McElwee’s peacemaking session, Kevin Kessler led a session on theopoetics, and Deb Oskin of the denomination’s Pastoral Benefits and Compensation Advisory Committee led one via Zoom on new pastoral compensation tools.

Rick Koch & Co. organized a silent auction, and Rick led a rousing live auction after business concluded to raise funds for district conference expenses and related ministries. One pecan pie, in particular, was the subject of heated bidding (and likely of heated eating later).

At the close of business, Phyllis Batterton announced that the theme of the 2023 conference would be “Encourage One Another,” drawn from 1 Thess. 5:11. That gathering will take place Nov. 3-4, 2023, at Lanark Church of the Brethren. York Center (Lombard) has tentatively agreed to host in 2024.


The district is remembering with gratitude the lives of H. Lamar Gibble and Larry Elliott, both of whom passed away recently. Our prayers are with their friends and family in this time of loss.

Lamar Gibble, a member of the Highland Avenue congregation, passed away Oct. 29 in Elgin at age 91. After serving several pastorates, Gibble joined the Church of the Brethren General Board’s World Ministries Commission staff in September 1969 as Peace and International Affairs Consultant/Europe and Asia representative, a role he held until his retirement in March 1997. He traveled to dozens of countries and was a driving force in the Church of the Brethren Agricultural Exchanges with Poland, China, and the former Soviet Union. In 1989, he also served half-time as executive secretary of the World Council of Churches Commission of the Churches on International Affairs. He was born and raised in Pennsylvania, where he met his wife, Nancy—with whom he celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary in August. He was a graduate of Elizabethtown College, Bethany Theological Seminary, and American University. A memorial service will take place at Highland Avenue on Nov. 26 at 10 a.m., with a live-stream available on YouTube.

Larry Elliott passed away in Fort Collins, Colo., on Oct. 5, three days shy of his 82nd birthday. Larry was born in Fredericksburg, Iowa, and grew up in the Church of the Brethren there, later graduating from McPherson (Kan.) College and spending two years in Brethren Volunteer Service in Garkida, Nigeria. After returning to McPherson for a time and marrying his wife, Donna, they returned to Nigeria to work with Church of the Brethren mission efforts for more than two decades. They moved back to the US in 1988 and settled in Mount Morris, Ill., where Larry worked as sales and marketing director for the Pinecrest retirement community until retiring in January 2005. He and Donna were active members of the Mount Morris congregation until moving to Colorado in 2013. He is survived by his wife, two daughters, and several grandchildren. Memorial gifts can be sent to Brethren Disaster Ministries or to Church of the Brethren global mission work in Nigeria.


The district campfire worship celebration at Camp Emmaus on Oct. 22 drew more than 40 people on a very mild fall evening. The group gathered in a circle to sing camp songs and hymns, hear a story by Ralph Miner and a worship reflection from district executive Walt Wiltschek, and share some of their favorite camp memories. The time concluded with a short journey to the camp managers’ home to deliver a brief serenade for Bill and Betty Hare. Afterwards, everyone gobbled some s’mores, cookies, and other treats while enjoying some fresh-air fellowship.


The district’s Ministry Leadership Development Team will sponsor the 2023 clergy spring retreat April 19-20 at the Bishop Lane Retreat Center near Rockford. Greg Davidson Laszakovits, a former Church of the Brethren pastor and current congregational consultant/coach will be the keynote speaker.

Specific details are still being finalized, but Greg has done intriguing work with helping congregations re-think and create new visions for their future in this season of changing dynamics in the church.

So that more people can benefit from his sharing, Greg will also be the keynote speaker at the district’s 2023 Potluck Experience event, which will be Saturday, April 22, at the Dixon church. Stay tuned for more information on that in the coming weeks, as well!


Annual Conference has approved some new tools for calculating pastors’ salaries and benefits. It doesn’t change most of the fundamental elements of the scale but rather is designed to help congregation determine what percentage of time they can afford while compensating pastors fairly. The biggest changes will be felt by congregations served by long-time pastors without a Master of Divinity degree, where the denomination has attempted to give more credit for hands-on experience. Congregations might have to seek to catch up gradually in those cases.

It also encourages congregations to think about ministry priorities, including which ones the pastor should be primarily responsible for and which ones congregation members might do. Those resources have been made available online at https://www.brethren.org/news/2022/office-of-ministry-launches-new-webpage-with-compensation-resources/.

A training session on the tools was offered at district conference. For additional questions, contact the district office or the denominational Office of Ministry at officeofministry@brethren.org  Members of PCBAC include Deb Oskin, chair, Bob McMinn, Art Fourman, Angela Finet, and Andy Hamilton, representative of the Council of District Executives. Donna March (Highland Avenue) has also been trained as a resource on this new tool.


Illinois/Wisconsin District will be sending a team to the Brethren disaster response project in Waverly, Tenn., Nov. 27-Dec. 3, doing construction work in an area that was hard-hit by storms and flooding. At least four people have already committed to the team headed up by district disaster response coordinator Loren Habegger, and several others have expressed interest.

The team is limited to eight participants. If you have interest, contact Loren at ilwi.ddc.lh@gmail.com. Deadline for registration is Nov. 12 or when all spots are filled.


The district's Church Revitalization and Development Team (CRDT) is taking applications for two new grant programs. A total of 10 combined grants ($100 each) from the two programs will be given this year, and any congregation in the Illinois & Wisconsin District is welcome to apply.

First, a Being Jesus in the Neighborhood Grant: Congregations can apply for seed money to start a new outreach project or initiative in their local communities, or to expand an existing one. These should be projects that intentionally engage with the neighborhood immediately around the congregation, or—for those in rural locations—with the town or area around the church. Each congregation receiving a grant will be asked to share a little about their project at district conference.

Second, a Give Your Pastor a Break Grant: Congregations can apply for up to $100 for a grant to cover or help cover a guest speaker for an extra Sunday to give your pastor a day off--or at least a day off from having to prepare and preach a sermon. Any time can be challenging to be a pastor, especially when many are filling those roles part-time, and the pandemic and other current events have made it especially so. We hope this might be part of the ways you care for your pastor.

Each congregation may receive only one grant per calendar year. Applications are available on the district website (iwdcob.org), or contact the district office. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Blessings to each of you as you faithfully seek to serve your communities!


This year’s Brethren Press Advent devotional is titled “Simple Gifts,” written by Kathy Guisewite. Cost is $4.50 per copy. A description from Brethren Press says, “Every part of the Christmas story is miraculous. God’s love was made manifest in a lowly barn, in the dark of night, for ordinary people. We need not believe that we must do anything extraordinary to make this season magical. There’s no need to worry about shopping for it or allowing the stresses of life to weigh us down. Perhaps if we practice leaning into the simplicity of the holy story and the sacredness of our ordinary lives, we will find joy and peace.”

The Brethren Press devotional series is published twice a year for the Advent/Christmas and Lenten seasons. A seasonal subscriber option costs $8 a year for both regular print booklets, or $16 a year for both large print booklets. Subscriptions are renewed automatically each year at the discounted rate and bulk quantities can be adjusted with a simple call. Subscribers can cancel their enrollment in the program at any time. To order individual copies or for more information on the subscriber option visit www.brethrenpress.com or call 800-441-3712.


Spring district pastors/ministers retreat: As noted above, the district’s Ministry Leadership Development Team has scheduled the 2023 spring retreat/continuing education event for clergy April 19-20 at the Bishop Lane Center in Rockford. Watch for more details.

The Ventures in Christian Discipleship program operated by McPherson College will offer a course on Nov. 12 by Brethren pastor Vivek Solanky (formerly of the Naperville congregation). Solanky will speak on “Human Trafficking: A Call for the Church to Respond,” from 10 a.m. to noon Central. And on Dec. 6, Jen Jensen of the denomination’s “Part-Time Pastor, Full-Time Church” program will present a course on “Beyond Burned Out to Boundaries and Balance” from 6-8 p.m. Central To learn more about Ventures in Christian Discipleship and to register for courses, visit www.mcpherson.edu/ventures.

The organization Faith+Lead (through Luther Seminary) has available on demand a 6-hour self-guided course called “Hybrid Ministry in a Post-Pandemic Church,” helping pastors and others think about ways to create a framework for church that engages and connects the entire community. Cost is $75. Learn more and register at https://t.e2ma.net/click/vfs32k/zarqt/3d8o7ab.

Lombard Mennonite Peace Center is offering its one-day Healthy Congregations webinar (via Zoom) on Jan. 26 and March 22 (8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Central), as well as some additional dates in 2023. Cost is $99.  A Restorative Congregations webinar will be presented via Zoom Feb. 23, May 23, and Nov. 2 (9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Central). Conflict Transformation Skills for Churches will be offered via Zoom April 11 and Sept. 16 (9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Central). For more details and registration information, and to see other events—including the week-long Mediation Skills Training Institute in Arizona Nov. 14-18—go to https://lmpeacecenter.org/all-events/.

The Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership will offer the 8-week online course “Introduction to Educational Ministry” Jan. 11 to March 7 with instructor Gene Hollenberg. It fulfills TRIM credits or provides 2.0 CEU’s. Course fee is $300; registration deadline is Dec. 7.

Other upcoming courses include “Wisdom Literature” by Steve Schweitzer March 15-May 9 (online); “Pathways for Effective Leadership Part 2” by Randy Yoder March 24-25 and April 28-29 (online intensive); and “What Brethren Believe” by Denise Kettering April 19-June 13.

Strength for the Journey: A program from the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership, named “Strength for the Journey,” invites pastors and others serving in ministry to take part in cohort groups for support, encouragement, and accountability.
Three types of cohorts are being formed in 2023: one for chaplains in health care settings, one for those in interim ministry, and one simply for pastors interested in connecting with other pastors around ministry topics—especially pastoral care. Cohorts typically will have five to eight people and meet for 10 to 12 90-minute sessions via Zoom during the year. CEU credits will be available.
The Brethren Academy aims to form the groups by mid-December. Each group will be assigned a convener and will begin meeting after Jan. 1. There is no cost to participate; funding for registration, resources, and some travel assistance if needed is being provided by the David J. and Mary Elizabeth Wieand Trust.
For more details and applications, visit www.bethanyseminary.edu/brethren-academy.

NCP Learning Tours: New Community Project will offer an educational trip to Nepal Jan. 11-22, to South Sudan May 11-22, to the Amazon region of Ecuador June 1-7, to Lybrook, N.M., June 22-28, to Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons July 20-27, and to central and southern Alaska Aug. 7-15. These trips are open to all ages and explore the beauty of and challenges facing God’s creation and God’s children. Learn more at https://www.newcommunityproject.info/learning-tours.


Camp Emmaus (Mount Morris, Ill.) has an opening for the position of Camp Manager. This position is open currently and housing is provided. Qualifications include strong skills in administration, organization, marketing, leadership, communication, maintenance, record keeping, along with basic accounting and computer skills. The camp manager should be a Christian and member of the Church of the Brethren or have an appreciation and understanding of Brethren beliefs and values. Responsibilities of the Camp Manager are: to work with the Camp Emmaus Board; do grounds and building upkeep; promote usage of the facilities; work with rental groups; keep camp records; be available and willing to assist in summer youth camping ministry; work with district churches holding events on the camp property; and provide a Christian caring environment for those using, renting and/or visiting the facilities. While in the past we have had a full-time onsite Camp Manager, at this time schedule and salary may be negotiated. Please send letters of interest and resume to Camp Emmaus board chair Aaron Gerdes c/o Camp Emmaus 12340 North Grove Rd, Sycamore, IL 60178 or via email to tlldrnkwtr@yahoo.com.

The Church of the Brethren Mission and Ministry Board is seeking a full-time Executive Director of Discipleship and Leadership Formation, reporting directly to the general secretary. The executive director will guide the Discipleship Ministries and Office of Ministry staff to foster the discipleship and leadership formation of pastors, youth and young adults, and congregations through events, resources, and ministries that live out of the Mission and Ministry Board’s strategic plan. Required skills and knowledge include grounding in Church of the Brethren heritage, theology, and polity; ability to articulate and operate out of the vision of the Church of the Brethren; 10 years of pastoral ministry, including administration; expertise and skills in group dynamics, including networking with diverse groups of people; and knowledge and experience in budget development and management. A Master of Divinity degree or equivalent required. The position is based in Elgin, Ill.; location is negotiable. Candidates should send a cover letter and resume’ to COBApply@brethren.org.

Eder Financial is seeking an Operations Manager for Organizational Investing and Deferred Gifts. This remote position requires at least an undergraduate degree, 2 to 4 years of experience, effective oral and written communication skills, and experience in managing operations for investing and gifting. The candidate should enjoy working in a team environment and building collaborative, cross-functional relationships with our Finance, Client Services, and Communications teams to achieve organization and department goals. The ideal person has impeccable integrity displayed by trust and confidentiality, is customer-focused, an adaptable problem solver, detail-oriented, and a critical thinker. To apply, submit a cover letter, resume, and three references to Tammy Chudy at tchudy@eder.org

The Western Pennsylvania District seeks a half-time district executive minister. The office location is negotiable, working remotely or on location at the district office in Jerome, Pa. Travel is required both within and outside of the district. Responsibilities include the primary areas of: pastoral/congregational Transitions; pastoral support; leadership development with respect to calling and credentialing of ministers; consultations with congregations and throughout the district structure; and management of district staff and administrative oversight of district finances. Requirements include: Minimum completed SVMC or Academy level training and ordained in the Church of the Brethren; personal skills in organization, administration, and communication; committed to the Church of the Brethren locally and denominationally and willing to work ecumenically; demonstrated leadership skills; and pastoral experience. To apply, send a letter of interest and resume’ to Nancy Sollenberger Heishman, Director of Ministry, via email at officeofministry@brethren.org. Applicants are requested to contact three persons who are willing to provide a letter of reference.

The South/Central Indiana District, which comprises 40 congregations in the middle of the state of Indiana and represents a wide range of theological views, is seeking a district executive minister. The DEM’s commitment to Jesus Christ and the scriptures is essential. This full-time position is currently open. Interested and qualified persons may apply for this position by sending a letter of interest and a resume to: Nancy Sollenberger Heishman, Office of Ministry, 1451 Dundee Avenue Elgin, IL 60120, or officeofministry@brethren.org. Applicants will be asked to complete a Candidate Profile on receipt of resume. Applicants are requested to contact three or four persons to provide a letter of reference.

Bethany Theological Seminary in Richmond, Ind., seeks applicants for the position of director of Annual and Leadership Giving to join the Institutional Advancement team. This individual will develop and lead the seminary’s “mass-market” fundraising appeals and maintain a portfolio of donors (individuals and churches). The director will strategize and actively work to build relationships with a variety of constituents, enlisting financial support for the seminary. Find the position announcement and application instructions at https://bethanyseminary.edu/jobs/director-of-annual-and-leadership-giving.

Bethany is also seeking a Coordinator for Community Engagement and Ministry Formation. Responsibilities include investigating and developing congregational, nonprofit and NGO connections and networks for service work and field education opportunities that summon students to work on issues of diversity and division. In managing the Bethany Neighborhood project, the Coordinator will lead students to critically reflect on their field education experiences and help create a sense of belonging and responsibility to the community. Required qualifications include a bachelor’s degree in divinity, religion/religious studies, education or educational leadership, social work, counseling, theology, or a related academic field; background in religious, nonprofit, and/or social justice-oriented settings; and experience in community organizing preferred. Send cover letter and resume to communitycoordinatorsearch@bethanyseminary.edu.

Camp Alexander Mack (Milford, Ind.) is seeking an assistant facility director and an assistant program director. The facility position has responsibility for special projects, IT hardware, camp safety, and monthly preventive maintenance. The program position will assist in providing robust well-rounded programs throughout the year, with primary responsibilities in outdoor education, high and low ropes management, summer camp, and waterfront supervision. Housing may be available as part of a salary/benefit package for both positions. To apply, go to campmack.org/employment to download the application. Send application and resume to todd@campmack.org or mail to Camp Mack, PO Box 158, Milford, IN 46542.

The Church of the Brethren seeks applicants for the full-time, salaried position of managing editor of Brethren Press. The managing editor manages the publishing projects and production schedule for Brethren Press; supervises the work of contracted writers, editors, designers, and others; edits and typesets selected publications; and handles acquisitions and permissions. Qualifications include experience in project management, excellent writing and editing skills, strong organizational abilities, and the capability to become deeply informed about the identity and beliefs of the Church of the Brethren. A bachelor’s degree is required, and a master’s degree in a related field, such as divinity or biblical studies, is preferred. The managing editor is expected to work proficiently in Microsoft products, InDesign, Adobe Acrobat, and Access. The position is based at the Church of the Brethren General Offices in Elgin, Ill.; location is negotiable. A position description will be provided upon request. Applications will be reviewed and will continue to be accepted until the position is filled. Apply by sending a cover letter and resume’ to COBApply@brethren.org; Office of Human Resources, Church of the Brethren, 1451 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL 60120 ; 800-323-8039 ext. 367.


Audrey Hollenberg-Duffey will join the staff of the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership as part-time Coordinator of English-Language Ministry Training Programs, starting Dec. 1. Hollenberg-Duffey is co-pastor (with her husband, Tim) of Oakton Church of the Brethren (Vienna, Va.). She will continue to serve that congregation on a part-time basis. Hollenberg-Duffey is a 2011 graduate of Bridgewater College and earned her Master of Divinity from Bethany Theology Seminary in 2014. She is currently pursuing a Doctor of Ministry degree from Wesley Theological Seminary. She has served in leadership roles for the Church of the Brethren and its Mid-Atlantic District. For the past four years, she has been a member of Bethany’s Board of Trustees, including service as vice-chair.

Daniel L. Rudy has been called to serve as district executive minister for the Virlina District beginning Feb. 6. He has served as pastor of Ninth Street Church of the Brethren in Roanoke, Va., since 2011 and has been an instructor in the Christian Growth Institute of the Virlina and Shenandoah districts. While serving on the Virlina District Board, he has been a member of the New Church Development Committee, fulfilling the role of chair for the past two years. He is serving as pastoral representative on the Pastoral Compensation and Benefits Advisory Committee of the Annual Conference and as Virlina’s representative to the Virginia Council of Churches from 2014-2016 and has also chaired the Southeast Roanoke Christian Partnership Advisory Council for six years. He holds a Master of Divinity degree from Bethany Theological Seminary and a Bachelor of Arts from Bridgewater College.

 Emma Jean Franklin Woodard will serve a five-week interim role for Virlina’s district executive position between the retirement of David Shumate on Dec. 31 and the beginning of Daniel Rudy’s service.

Beth Sollenberger has resigned as interim district executive minister for the Michigan District, effective Dec. 31. Previously also district executive for South/Central Indiana, she has assisted Michigan for several years beginning in 2018. A leadership team from the district is assisting with duties during the time of transition.

Marie Willoughby is serving as part-time co-interim district executive minister for South/Central Indiana as of Oct. 15. She replaces Kay Gaier, who had served in the role alongside Anna Lisa Gross since January. Willoughby was previously a pastor and served as district executive for Michigan from 2002 to 2009. She currently lives in North Manchester, Ind.

Michael Scalzi has been hired beginning Nov. 9 as program assistant for Children’s Disaster Services, a program of Brethren Disaster Ministries, working out of the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md. He recently retired from Carroll County (Md.) Public Schools as a school counselor and behavior intervention specialist. He is a member of Westminster (Md.) Church of the Brethren.


Camp Emmaus’ annual fall youth retreat held around the camp’s Leaf-Raking Work Day will take place Nov. 11-13 at the camp for youth in grades 9-12. It begins Friday at 7 p.m. and continues through noon on Sunday. Cost is $50 for the weekend. Register by Nov. 10. Find more information and registration details at: https://campemmaus.churchcenter.com/unproxy/registrations/events/1429585

The Powerhouse Regional Youth Conference sponsored by Manchester University will be held Nov. 19-20 at Camp Mack in Milford, Ind., for youth in grades -12. Keynote speaker is Chris Kaake. Cost is $100, and registration deadline is Nov. 4. Find information and registration details at www.manchester.edu/student-life/religious-life/powerhouse-youth-conference

Denominational events:

The next Church of the Brethren National Junior High Conference will take place June 16-18, 2023, at Juniata College in Huntingdon, Pa., for youth in grades 6-8 and their advisors. Nov. 6 is designated as Junior High Sunday.
The Church of the Brethren’s Christian Citizenship Seminar for youth in grades 9-12 and advisors will be held next spring in New York and Washington, D.C. Watch for more details.

The 2023 Church of the Brethren Young Adult Conference, for young adults ages 18-35, will be May 5-7 at Camp Mack in Milford, Ind.

For more information on these events, watch for updates on www.brethren.org.


Camp Emmaus’ fall leaf-raking day will be Saturday, Nov. 12. Volunteers are sought that morning to clear the camp of leaves to keep the grounds in good shape for the following year. Bring a rake if possible. Donuts and warm beverages are provided.

Camp Emmaus has begun a search for a new manager following the announcement of the retirement of long-time managers Bill & Betty Hare. See the “Job Opportunities” section of the newsletter for more information.

Camp Emmanuel will be celebrating its 75th anniversary in 2023! A celebration at the camp is being planned for Sept. 30 next year. Watch for details as they become available.

Stay up to date on what’s happening at our district camps! Visit www.campem.com for Camp Emmanuel news and www.campemmaus.org for Camp Emmaus news.


The 2023 Church of the Brethren Annual Conference will take place July 4-8 (a Tuesday-through-Saturday schedule) in Cincinnati with the theme “Living God’s Love.” Advance delegate registration will be $340 per person; non-delegate adult advance registration is $140 for the week ($40 for post-high school through age 21, free for high school age and below). Conference hotels will be $144 per night, including tax. Registration and housing reservations will open to the public March 1.

The Annual Conference Office is seeking nominations for denominational positions to be considered for next year’s ballot. More detailed information about each office open for nominations is provided at www.brethren.org/nominations in the “Information about Offices Open for Nomination” document. Please note that some nominations must be made according to specific categories and that certain areas of expertise are needed for some offices. If you know persons who work in one of the areas from which nominees need to come this next year, please make a special effort to prayerfully submit the names of persons you know who can make a valuable contribution to the denomination. All nominations are due by Dec. 1.


When is the last time you visited the IL/WI District Website? There you’ll find helpful information about your district including but not limited to:

• District Calendar
• Eco-Stewardship
• District Newsletter
• Ministries

Don’t delay! Check it out! See what you can learn about your district!


Approval of a budget for the denominational ministries of the Church of the Brethren and the naming of the next chair-elect topped actions taken by the Mission and Ministry Board at its fall meetings. The board met at the General Offices in Elgin Oct. 13-16 led by chair Carl Fike, assisted by chair-elect Colin Scott and general secretary David Steele. Kathy Mack of Northern Plains District was named the next chair-elect, to serve alongside the chair for two years beginning at the close of the 2023 Annual Conference. Her two-year term as chair will begin at the close of the 2025 Conference. The board approved a 2023 budget for all denominational ministries of $8,538,570 in income and $8,529,600 in expense, representing a net income of $8,970.

A “Sing Me Home” benefit concert for On Earth Peace will be held at Manchester Church of the Brethren (North Manchester, Ind.) on Dec. 3. Musicians Jacob Jolliff and Seth Hendricks, along with “Hearth and Hymn,” will perform beginning at 6 p.m. Central time. York Center Church of the Brethren is among the additional sponsors. Guests may attend in-person or via livestream. Tickets are $25 for general admission or $10 suggested donation for streaming. An auction will also take place. More information is at www.onearthpeace.org/sing_me_home_benefit_concert_2022 and www.onearthpeace.org/auction_2022.

The Church of the Brethren Material Resources program, with warehouses at the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md., has made the following hurricane relief shipments: In response to Hurricane Ian, a shipment of blankets, school kits, and baby kits to Arcadia, Fla.; a shipment of hygiene kits, toothpaste, and cleanup buckets to Englewood, Fla.; a shipment of blankets and school kits to Orlando; a shipment of cleanup buckets to Cape Coral, Fla.; and a shipment of blankets, hygiene kits, toothpaste, and cleanup buckets to Naples, Fla. In response to Hurricane Fiona, a shipment of blankets, baby kits, school kits, hygiene kits, and toothpaste to Puerto Rico via Jacksonville, Fla.

Paul W. Hoffman (90), a past moderator of the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference and the 11th president of McPherson (Kan.) College, died on Sept. 30 in McPherson. A memorial service was held on the afternoon of Saturday, Oct. 8, at McPherson Church of the Brethren.

Ruben D. Deoleo (62), a former director of Intercultural Ministries for the Church of the Brethren who was instrumental in efforts toward Annual Conference action on intercultural ministry, died Oct. 5 at his residence in Lancaster, Pa., following a long illness. A memorial service was held on Sunday afternoon, Oct. 9, at Mountville (Pa.) Church of the Brethren.

The Church of the Brethren-related Womaens Caucus Steering Committee has announced a “Training Opportunity in Compassionate Care” for ministers. “The purpose of this training is guidance in compassionate care on all pregnancy journeys and decisions,” said the announcement. The training will consist of 20-25 hours of self-guided study and three Zoom sessions with guest leadership on Nov. 17, Dec. 15, and Jan. 19. Credentialed ministers may receive 2.6 continuing education units. For more information email womaenscaucuscob@gmail.com.

A recent article by Brotherhood Mutual notes the challenges that rising energy costs are creating for congregations during the winter heating season. It suggests turning down the thermostat, installing available energy-conserving features, keeping furnaces cleaned and maintained, consolidating events when possible, and establishing a budget plan. [Congregations having trouble with utility bills are also encouraged to contact the district office for possible resources.]

Work has begun on a first-ever Anabaptist Bible, according to a release from MennoMedia. Brethren Press publisher Wendy McFadden, who attended an Aug. 26-28 event gathering some 45 “Bible ambassadors” from various Anabaptist communities, confirmed Church of the Brethren participation in the project. Also at the event was Josh Brockway, co-coordinator of Discipleship Ministries for the Church of the Brethren. The gathering in Des Plaines, Ill., kicked off the historic project, convened by John Roth, director of the “Anabaptism at 500” project of MennoMedia. The Anabaptist groups represented at the meeting included Mennonite Church Canada, Mennonite Church USA, Brethren in Christ, Evana, Lancaster Mennonite Conference, the Bruderhof, and the Church of the Brethren. Participants worked in table groups to review the plan for inviting 500 Bible study groups from across the Anabaptist community in North America to participate in the project and to consider what other components might be included in the Bible. These study groups will be assigned portions of scripture and asked to share their insights with the project. Volunteers can register their study groups at www.mennomedia.org/reading-scripture-together.


District Mission and Mortar Grant/Loan Program

Is your congregation beginning a new mission outreach program but a little short on cash? Is your congregation faced with a major repair or capital improvement project that exceeds your congregation’s capacity to pay for it? Did you know that the district has a program to assist with your needs? It’s called the Mission and Mortar Grant/Loan Program and is available to help meet the needs mentioned above.

Grants are available up to $2,500, and non-interest bearing loans up to $5,000. A congregation that applies must provide financial data and be a regular contributor to the district. Applications are considered on a first-come first-served basis and are reviewed/approved by the district Leadership Team.

If you would like more information or wish to apply, visit the district website. Send completed applications to the IL/WI District Office, 269 E. Chestnut St., Canton, IL 61520.

Supporting Your District
The Illinois/Wisconsin District is active in a variety of ministry and mission efforts, both directly and indirectly. For these efforts to continue, resources are needed in the form of time, tools, knowledge, and especially finances.

Consider making a contribution to one or more of the following:
  • Disaster Relief Fund
  • Endowment Fund
  • Mission and Mortar Fund
  • General Fund
  • Emerging Ministries
  • Ministry Training
Look for the donate button at iwdcob.org, or send your checks to the district office: 269 E. Chestnut St., Canton, IL 61520. Thank you!


The Gifts Discernment and Call Committee (GDCC) is commissioned to discern the gifts of persons for the purpose of inviting and calling them in to positions of leadership and team/committee participation. The GDCC delves into this work based on the names and information available to them. The likelihood is that gifted persons are not invited and called to serve because the GDCC lacks names and information. If you feel compelled to serve in the district and have not been asked, you can connect to the district webpage and learn how to share your name and information with the GDCC. Simply complete the online profile form after clicking on the “online profile form” link in the website article. Or call the district office (649-6008) and a profile form will be emailed to you.

Do you know someone you believe has gifts to serve at the district level? Invite them to visit the district webpage or share their name with the GDCC or district office.

Serving is rewarding!