Thursday, April 01, 2010

The Reflector -- April 2010 -- Vol 7 Issue 4

DE Ponderings

by Kevin Kessler, District Executive

President Barack Obama just this week signed into law sweeping health care reform legislation. Getting this legislation to the point of being passed was a bipartisan nightmare. The fervor has not died down. Strong feelings about whether or not this is the right legislation are still bouncing around and I suspect will continue to for some time yet.

Truthfully, I'm not sure where I stand on this matter. On one hand I think it is a step in the right direction. On the other hand I wonder if more incremental measures rather than a comprehensive plan would have been better. And, I have not read the bill nor do I have all the facts to make a completely informed decision. All I know about the legislation is what I read and hear from the media. I will continue trying to learn more, to gain a broader understanding.

Moreover, as I enter deeper into this issue, I hope to do so not so much from a political point-of-view but rather from a religious perspective. One of the questions I ask is, What would Jesus have to say about all of this? I understand this to be an unfair question knowing that the contexts in which Jesus lived and ours are very different. And I don't know of any scripture that specifically talks about health care reform. Yet, I believe Jesus can speak to me, through scripture, in my process of forming a deeper understanding of this issue.

Throughout the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), Jesus never shirks the responsibility of helping those with health issues. Story after story tells of Jesus healing people with illnesses, diseases, disabilities, etcetera. Compassion oozes from Jesus. It isn't even a question whether or not to help. The answer is always to touch the one in need to bring restoration to their aching body and empty soul.

Beyond the stories of Jesus in the gospels is the text in James used when we offer an anointing service, which speaks directly about our responsibility to those with health conditions. “Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord.” The results: “The prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise them up; and anyone who has committed sins will be forgiven.”

Ensuring that people have opportunities for health care is very important. Government is a necessary piece of this puzzle in whatever form that may take. But the church has a significant responsibility in this puzzle as well. When the church takes its responsibility seriously the need to depend on legislation may be reduced. Greater dependence on prayer may increase the health of people in our nation. Both government and prayer are needed. I simply ponder which will be depended on more.

Annual Conference Update

We want to remind congregations to register your delegate(s) for Annual Conference. All congregations have received a blue, delegate authorization card which is to be filled out, signed by the Pastor or Moderator, and sent in with the registration fee ($300). If your congregation is missing the blue card, another one can be sent to you. Please contact Jon Kobel at 800-323-8039, x229 or

Thank you.

Jon Kobel, Conference Assistant
Annual Conference Office
1451 Dundee Avenue
Elgin, IL 60120
800-323-8039, x229

No May Newsletter

There will be NO newsletter next month.
The editor will be on vacation.

From the Moderator

Orlando Redekopp – Chicago First Church

Last month I said had received three invitations to district churches. Well, I still have received only three invitations and have thus far visited two. Maybe there will be more.

I am still looking forward to the district potluck, May 1, at the Peoria Church of the Brethren. I volunteered to lead in some capacity and, lo and behold, I am leading a workshop on the cultural diversity inherent in the Christian faith, built into the church’s very fabric from the very beginning.

I write this column during Holy Week. While reading the Lukan resurrection story (24.1-12), Good Morning America had a report on the Shroud of Turin. Good Morning America included the following:

The History Channel revealed for the first time Tuesday night a new 3-D image that many believe to be the face of Christ, causing mixed reaction around the globe.

Artists and scientists studied the Shroud of Turin, a cloth that some say was wrapped around Jesus' face when he died, to develop the image.

"If you want to re-create the face of Jesus and you want to get the actual face of Jesus, you have only one object and that's the shroud," said computer artist Ray Downing of Studio Macbeth in New York City, which specializes in digital illustration and animation.

While some people said the image was "realistic" and what they imagined Christ looked like, others were not as certain.

"I find it questionable," one man told ABC News.

"I don't think there should be any one face," a woman said

Another man questioned whether the Shroud of Turin was real.

"I believe it is an accurate image of whoever the shroud belongs to, but it's unclear if that shroud belongs to Jesus Christ," he said.

I prefer the last comment. To me, it makes the most sense. The Shroud of Turin discussion strikes me as irrelevant to the Christian life. It may make for an interesting Religious Trivial Pursuit activity but what else? I also wondered about Good Morning America’s assertion of global repercussions. Global struck me as slightly presumptuous—unless Good Morning America really is that influential. Did I miss something?

The four gospels depict numerous experiences of the resurrection—not all of which even demand an image of the risen Christ. John concludes chapter twenty with Jesus words to doubting Thomas:
"Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe." (20.29)
There is much more to the resurrection than what the History Channel or Good Morning America offer. Next thing we know George Stephanopolus will be editing our faith journey—informing us what our faith is really all about.

May we experience for ourselves the power of God, absent the mass media’s generous assistance.

Building a New Church on an Old Foundation

How Brethren peace heritage empowers the new church plant in Rockford

Come hear Samuel Sarpiya tell the story of how he came from Africa to Illinois to start a church, then found himself in the middle of community conflict, spreading God’s message of love and peace.

Free supper, then message
6 p.m. Sunday, April 11
First Church of the Brethren
2115 Yale Blvd., Springfield
(half block south of Ash between 10th and 11th)
Please let us know you’re coming: 217-523-5212

This is a fundraising event for the new church in Rockford. An offering will be taken. Please make checks payable to Rockford Community Church.

District Potluck - May 1, 2010

Peoria Church of the Brethren
4714 N. Sheridan Rd., Peoria, IL 61614

8:00 – 9:00 - Registration
9:00 – 9:45 - Opening Worship
10:00 – 10:45 - Workshop Session 1
11:00 – 11:40 - Worship
11:45 – 12:55 - Potluck Lunch
1:00 – 1:45 - Workshop Session 2
2:00 – 2:45 - Workshop Session 3
2:50 – 3:20 - Closing Worship

Following is the list of workshops and times. Please choose one workshop from each time frame to attend. Ordained persons may receive CEU credit for attending these workshops.

10:00 – 10:45 – WORKSHOP SESSION 1
  1. A Brother Who Sins Against You: A Meditative Bible Study - by Donna Kline – Matthew 18 offers excellent guidance for conflict transformation. We will explore a section of this chapter using a contemplative spiritual practice to help us discern, individually, and congregationally, what this portion of the Word of God means to us in the context of restoring unity to our congregation.

  2. Home Computer Safety And Security – by Bill Williams – Is your computer sick? Do you have control of your home computer? Find out ways you can help protect your computer and your personal information from unwanted sources.

  3. The Church, A Place For An Intercultural Masterpiece – by Ruben Deoleo – In this workshop, we will explore the tools needed to understand people of other ethnic groups as we understand our own cultural makeup.

  4. Why Music Matters – by Jonathan Shively – This session will build understanding about the impact that music has on us as individuals and communities, seek to understand the differences among styles of music, and provide clues to understanding why it is that music can become a focal point of conflict for churches.
1:00 – 1:45 – WORKSHOP SESSION 2
  1. What’s Going On Here? The Process Of Congregational Conflict Analysis – by Donna Kline – Before a conflict can be resolved, it must be fully identified. To do that well, it’s critical that a fair process is prayerfully created and implemented. This workshop will describe the components of such a process, the principles of conflict resolution, and how a good process and set of principles can serve to prevent conflicts from arising in the future in our congregation.

  2. Wireless/Wired Home Networking Basics – by Bill Williams– Find out what components are needed for a simple wired or wireless home network. Figure out how to put them together and configure them. And, included will be steps in keeping your network secure.

  3. Separate No More – by Ruben Deoleo – Learn about the Annual Conference 2007 paper in reference to becoming an intercultural church. This document guides the steps for members, congregations, districts and agencies of the Church of the Brethren to be an ethnically diverse church. Be informed on the events done, and brainstorm ideas about other events that you and your church can do to become an intercultural church.

  4. Beyond The Notes: Practical Tips For Musicians – by Jonathan Shively – This session will explore the ways music is used in worship and demonstrate techniques to help the congregation sing better and move deeper into worship with the help of musical elements.
2:00 – 2:45 – WORKSHOP SESSION 3
  1. Restoring A Healthy Congregation – by Donna Kline – With tools including behavioral covenants and spiritual guidelines, this workshop will identify the attributes of both healthy and unhealthy congregations. We will also discuss how deacons can help to empower others to reach successful conflict resolution.

  2. Facebook – by Kevin Stachnik and Dana McNeil – Are you wondering about this thing called “Facebook” and wondering how to use it? Come and see.

  3. Strangers No More – by Orlando Redekopp – The church: we are strangers no more – there is no single home to which we might return – because home is now wherever two or three are gathered in Jesus’ name.

  4. A Greater Purpose: Pastors And Musicians Working Together – by Jonathan Shively – This session will identify keys to the relationship between committees, pastor/worship planners, and musicians in order to plan strategically, utilize leadership gifts fully, and release worship vitality for the whole congregation.
REMEMBER: Bring a potluck dish to share for lunch!

Peoria Children Make Cookie Mix For Can-A-Thon Drive

The Children’s and Jr. High Sunday School classes of the Peoria Church of the Brethren spent a Sunday morning filling Mason jars with cookie mix. Two kinds of ingredients filled the jars, a mix for chocolate chip cookies and a mix for oatmeal raisin cookies. During the morning Sunday School hour the children filled 29 quart jars to be used to raise money for school kits to be sent to Haiti.

After Church the cookie mixes went on sale in the Narthex for a donation to be used to buy items that will be assembled into school kits for the children who have suffered through a hurricane and earthquake that has devastated their country. The effort of the children raised over $150 to be used with other donations during Bible School for the kits.

Children Shop For Food Pantry

Pastor Dana McNeil and his wife Cathy distributed envelopes with money for people of the Church to in turn use for a good deed for someone else. The envelopes contained different amounts and people were to report back how they impacted someone else with their money.

The children and their Sunday School teachers decided to pool the money the children received and to use it to buy groceries for the Can-a-thon and Mt. Calvary food pantry. The Peoria Church helps support Mt. Calvary’s monthly food distribution to local families.

The Children left Church on a Sunday and went to a local Kroger’s store to purchase non-perishable food. The children were serious shoppers. Each was given a fixed amount of money to spend and had to consider what food items would be good for the pantry. The children know what they like to eat but were very aware of the need to buy things that were nutritional as well. They came back to the Church with bags and bags of groceries to be distributed.

The following week the groceries were dedicated during the Church service by Pastor Dana McNeal as the children stood by their purchases. The food drive continues until the end of March when we will take the groceries to the food pantries.


Camp planning for 2010 has been underway for months now and the board now presents the schedule. Camp Emmaus representatives from the locally supporting churches will share this information with their congregations in detail and will be promoting enthusiasm for the summer activities.

April 25 has been designated Camp Sunday.
May 28-31 — Memorial Day Family Camp
June 25-27 — Counselor in Training Event.
June 26,27 — Elementary I Camp
July 11-14 — Elementary II Comp
July 16-18 — Women’s Camp
July 18-23 — Elementary III Camp
July 25-31 — Junior High Camp
August 1-7 — Senior High Camp
Sept. 3-6 — Labor Day Camp
Nov. 13 — Leaf Raking
Dec. 4 — Cookie Camp

Camp Emmaus
Bill Hare, Manager
P.O. Box 128
Mt. Morris, IL 61054
Phone: 815-734-4027

The following is from a letter to the editor of the Church of the Brethren Messenger, Dec. 2009, written by Karen Rowland of Milford, Indiana:

Camps The Forgotten Ministry:
In the 1920's several visionaries in the Church of the Brethren knew that one way to develop leadership in the church was to create a set-apart place where young people could go, recreate, worship and learn more about God's world and God's Word. Those places were the birth of our Church of the Brethren youth camps, the oldest ones being Camp Harmony, Camp LaVerne, Camp Bethel, and Camp Alexander Mack. From that point many others have sprung up across the country and the total now stands at 29 Church of the Brethren camps.

Our church camps have been the place where life-changing growth happened to many young men and women, eventually leading them into a life of ministry ...Our camps are holy ground. They each have their own sacred place or 'thin place' where those who come feel truly close to God. The camps are sanctuaries where there is unconditional love, and no one is left behind.

In today's world the average child spends only 25 minutes a week outside, and seldom in a natural setting. We as Brethren need to work hard to make it a priority to reach these children and get them out into creation. No one can respect, appreciate, and care for a creation they don't understand, know nothing about, and are afraid of. No one can believe in and trust a God that they have not been able to learn about or experience in a truly personal way. Those things can and do happen at camp on a regular basis...

Next to our Sunday schools and sanctuaries, our camps are the best ministry tool out there to teach, to love, and to grow our children and our faith. Don't let the camps be a lost and forgotten ministry."
We lift up our district's camps, Camp Emmaus and Camp Emmanuel, and wish them a successful season ahead.

Leadership Team Meets At The Neighborhood Church

The Leadership Team of the Illinois-Wisconsin District met March 6th at the Neighborhood Church of the Brethren in Montgomery, IL. Those attending were: Anna Lee Hisey Pierson, Kevin Kessler, Orlando Redekopp, Bill Pocklington, Shannon Hinkle, Carol Novak, Bob Champlin, Lynda DeVore (NCDT), Vernon Dean and Gil Crosby. Absent were Christine Hoecker, Lisa Fike, and Ed Garrison.

The District Executive, Kevin Kessler, opened the meeting with devotions from Acts 2: 33-47. It tells of the Apostles living in community sharing their resources. Kevin asked, Did Jesus come to give us religion, to follow the law, to follow rules? He came to teach us how to live. The Apostles didn’t have a creed or a list of rules to follow. He asked how do we, the Leadership Team, serve? Are we here to just be a committee or to learn how to live?

We then proceeded to discuss visioning and we talked about how to best serve the district. We are to keep the District connected and provide services like disaster relief, ordination and licensing of pastors, reconciliation processes, Pastor counseling, organization, finances District Conference, coordinating with Camps and Homes, Pastoral search and much more. We minister to a diverse body of city, urban, rural, liberal, conservative, old Brethren, new Brethren, converted Brethren, and much more. Kevin said we need to be in more prayer and worship (and less in confrontation). We need to continue to work on the communication and relation building to District churches.

Jim Lehman gave the Treasurer’s report for February. Our checking balance is down but this is not unusual for the beginning of the year. 2010 really doesn’t look as bad as last year. We discussed the need for a fund raising letter and a name data base for mailing. We will work on this.

The District Executive reported from the CODE (Council of District Executives) meeting. The subject on the agenda was credentialing. Kevin reported that Brian Archer of Cherry Grove resigned. They will be looking for a new Pastor. This year will be an evaluation year for the District Executive. Work at the Douglas Park church continues with a lot of progress being reported.

The District received a gift of $13,300 from the estate of Brother Morris Firebaugh of the Freeport Congregation. The gift was undesignated and the Leadership Team will create a Memorial Fund for such gifts. Their use would be determined by family wishes and the Leadership Committee designated to care for such bequests.

Lynda DeVore, Apostle of the NCDT (New Church Development Team) reported on progress of that team. Samuel Sarpyia is doing well in Rockford but still needs more financial support. He brings a message Friday nights at “Kate’s Café”, He has started a children’s d=soccer program and On Earth Peace is supporting Samuel in his peace ministry. Pastor Ware has started a clothing distribution center. There will be a grand opening of the “Glory to Glory” ministry in April.

Sue Coppernol asked to be released from her ordination as she is moving to where there is no Church of the Brethren. Her service to the District has been recognized and appreciated.

Many local Churches responded to the call for Health Kits for the people of Haiti. The District Disaster Team requests donations for Household Kits. These kits can cost up to $75 each. The Leadership Team has designated $4,000 out of the disaster fund to purchase the items needed to make Household kits. Carolyn Sweeny is coordinating these kits to be eventually sent to New Windsor. Churches in the District will be sent bulletin inserts asking for donations for Household Kits for Haiti.

The next meeting will coincide with the Deacon’s Pot Luck in Peoria on May 1st. The meeting was closed with prayer and adjourned.

Illinois Conference of Churches

2010 Annual Assembly

SEPTEMBER 23, 2010

Our churches are being absorbed in divisions within society. Together, we must claim our identity as Christians. As members of our congregations become absorbed in Christ, we will in turn change society. Faith will affect culture instead of the other way around.

Can the church be a model for reconciliation? How shall we ground ourselves to live out Christ whom we profess? We all do it differently, we talk about being Christ in the world, but are we?

Standing together is what Christ calls us to do!
10:30 AM FORUM
Registration information is available on the Illinois Conference of Churches website at

Fee: $65 which includes refreshments, conference materials, and lunch.

For additional information, contact Pamela Tackett, ICC Administrative Coordinator, at

Springfied Church Member Attends Bethany Academy Course

Terry Link, TRIM student and member of the Springfield First Church of the Brethren, participated in a Brethren Academy On-site course, The Gospel of John, at Bethany Theological Seminary, January 11-15. 2010. Dan Ulrich, a professor at the Seminary, was the instructor for the course.

Ulrich states, “It was a joy to study the Gospel of John with a group of students who obviously love the Bible, love Christ, and are eager to understand both more fully. The heart of the course was to work together on researching several passages that could each be the basis for a sermon or Bible study. After reviewing our questions about the passage, students volunteered to do additional research and report back to the class. This was definitely an experience where we all taught one another.”

Upcoming Brethren Academy Level Courses:

*Rituals, Ordinances and Worship - Bethany Theological Seminary, Instructor Dawn Ottoni Wilhelm, May 10-14 (MS) Registration Deadline: April 9, 2010

*Church Planting - Bethany Theological Seminary, Instructor David Shumate, course to be held May 19-23 and includes attendance at the Church Planting Conf. (MS) Registration Deadline: April 9, 2010

Defining Set-Apart Ministry within the Bi-vocational Reality - online, Instructor Sandra Jenkins, June 9 – August 11, 2010 (no class sessions held June 30 – July 7) (MS) Registration Deadline: May 7, 2010

*The Theology of Advent and Christmas through Arts - online, Instructor Malinda Berry, Bethany faculty, October 25 – Dec. 17, 2010 (MS) (Thanksgiving Break Nov. 25-28) Registration Deadline: September 24

We are planning to offer a course taught by Ken Rogers of the Bethany faculty that be a study tour to Germany in May, 2011. Due to the nature of this course, planning and registration will be different than our other courses. This course will be in the area of church history (BT) and qualify as both a Bethany and intercultural experience for TRIM students. Should you be interested in the possibility of taking this course, be in touch with our Academy office so we may keep you up to date as details are arranged.

*Bethany Experience - **Brethren College Experience

Courses noted as “SVMC” need to be registered for through the Susquehanna Valley Ministry Center at, 717-361-1450
Courses are open to TRIM students, pastors (earn 2 CEUs) and all interested persons
TRIM designations: BT (Bible/Theology credit) MS (Ministry Skills credit)

While we continue to accept students beyond the deadline, on the advertised Registration Deadline date we determine whether we have enough students to offer the course.

Registration brochures for these and other training opportunities are available through the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership at their website: or by calling 1-800-287-8822, ext 1824.

Disaster Relief Ministry

A recent challenge was made to an area group of Pastors that is now presented to you. An area of ministry that involves Pastor Rick Koch is our Disaster Relief Ministry. He has been blessed for several years to be able to travel about with folks from the Dutchtown Church to various places around our country and to help people put their lives and homes back together. Recently he challenged the Pastors of Northwest Illinois to consider going on a project together as Pastors to work for a week at a Disaster Relief site. Some have accepted the challenge and others are still considering it.

This challenge is now opened up to the rest of the Pastors in the Illinois-Wisconsin District. Sunday afternoon, August 29th we will be traveling to Hammond, Indiana to work for a week to help those who know the damage that flood waters can cause. We will return after work on Friday afternoon. This is not as glamorous or news making a site as New Orleans or Haiti, but these folks need our help. For Pastors this might be short notice but it was not until a week ago that we got this date set. You are encouraged to come on board and participate in this event. You DO NOT have to be skilled in construction craft. All hands are needed. Housing for Disaster Relief sites place this site at the top of the list! The relationships you build with each other could run deep, not to mention the relationships you will find with the homeowners. So, what do you think?

Please contact Rick Koch with your interest in participating. If you have any questions. please contact Rick at Dutchtown Church of the Brethren (815) 225-7812 or

7 Prayers For 7 Years’ Sponsored By Highland Ave.

A peace and prayer vigil to mark the seventh anniversary of the start of the Iraq War was held Saturday, March 20, from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. in the sanctuary at Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren. It was titled “7 Prayers for 7 Years,” The vigil was a drop-in event for seven hours on Saturday. Everyone was invited to come by the church any time during the period from 10 a.m to 5 p.m.

Participants had the opportunity to pray through a “Stations of the Cross” focused on the war; view exhibits on the numbers of American soldiers killed in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the numbers of Iraqi and Afghan people who have been killed; light a candle for peace; sign a pledge form to pray for the end of war each day for the next seven days; and spend time in prayer and meditation in the church sanctuary.

Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren is a Christian congregation committed to continuing the work of Jesus peacefully and simply, and to living out its faith in community. The Church of the Brethren is one of the three Historic Peace Churches along with the Mennonites and Friends (Quakers), and celebrated its 300th anniversary in 2008.

Successful Youth Retreat In Springfield

“Christ in the City.” This theme, drawn from the book of Jeremiah, provided the focus as 21 youth and advisors representing six congregations met for the Illinois/Wisconsin spring district youth retreat at Springfield First Church of the Brethren March 19-21.

The centerpiece of the weekend was a visit and neighborhood tour with Springfield member Fletcher Farrar, who has been working with others to rehabilitate run-down homes in the Enos Park area of the city and provide housing for some who could not otherwise afford it. He urged youth to make their faith "an adventure" and to consider their choice of where to live as part of their ministry. After the tour and talk, youth engaged in a service project of picking up trash around the neighborhood.

A Bible study and devotions through the weekend also drew on the theme. Other highlights of the retreat included a scavenger hunt, recreation time, games, and Sunday school and worship at Springfield on Sunday morning.

The hosts at Springfield generously provided two wonderful meals during the weekend, as well as places to take showers in members' homes Saturday afternoon.

The next district youth retreat will be held with district conference, Nov. 5-7 in the Lanark-Pearl City area of the district.

Other Youth Dates To Note: Church of the Brethren National Youth Sunday (May 2)--look for resources at; Camp Emmanuel youth camp (June 6-12); youth activities at Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, Pa. (July 3-7); National Youth Conference, Fort Collins, Colo. (July 17-22); Camp Emmaus youth camp (Aug. 1-7).

Watch the district youth website for news and updates:

Way of Christ Fall Weekends

Men’s Weekend - October 14-17
Women’s Weekend - October 21-24

The Way of Christ is a spiritual renewal event sponsored by Mennonite, Brethren, and Church of the Brethren believers in Illinois. Through this three-day event participants share in a vibrant portrait of the grace-filled life Jesus lived and taught. It is a time where the hope of Christ is celebrated, the believer's purpose in life claimed, the love of God in Jesus proclaimed.

Purpose of The Way of Christ

In today's world, does our faith permeate all areas of our lives? Can it be sustained in our living? Can it grow there? Can it transform the hearts of the people with whom we share our lives? Is it relevant for this time? Those in the Way of Christ movement think so!

The Way of Christ movement does not propose a new type of spirituality. It reinforces a simple intentional one through which the believers grace-filled life may; in a natural loving way, be lived and shared with others.

The Way of Christ, is a lay led, Believers’ Church, Cursillo movement of Brethren & Mennonite Christians. For more information, applications, or more details CONTACT:
Phil Kaufmann at 815-646-4889 or
Judd Peter at 630-554-1217 or
Dan Rusmisel at 815-238-3421 or
Cal Zehr at 815-646-4287 or

2010 National Youth Conference Illinois/Wisconsin District Bus Trip

Hop on the bus for fun and adventure as the IL/WI District Youth travel to NYC in Ft Collins, Colorado! Join other youth and advisors from exotic far away places like Freeport, Decatur, Elgin, Springfield and Canton! Relax and have fun while you are on the road to what others have referred to as “a once in a lifetime, life changing experience!”

When: Buses will leave Illinois on July 16 and return on July 23rd, exact times to be determined

Where: Bus pickups and drop offs will occur at Naperville Church of the Brethren, Peoria First Church of the Brethren and Dixon Church of the Brethren

Cost: $ 230 (this is the cost of the bus only, and does not include your NYC registration*, or meals along the way) $50 deposit are due by April 30. The remaining $180 balance is due by June 1. All payments are non-refundable after June 1.

Reservations: E-mail with basic information (name, address, e-mail, church, and advisor) as soon as possible. Complete the forms and return to IL/WI District Youth Cabinet, 149 S. Calumet, Aurora, IL 60506 with your deposit by April 30th.

*Register online for NYC online by April 5th at

Pleasant Hill Village Work Day Planned

Pleasant Hill Village in Girard has planned their Third Annual Work Day for May 8th with a rain date of May 15th. The day will start with a Continental Breakfast at Pleasant Hill Residence at 8:00 a.m. Work projects begin at 9:00 a.m. We need approximately fifty people so all the projects can be completed. There will be projects for all ages. Youth Groups are Welcome. Lunch is provided and as well as an end of Day Treat (Ice Cream). Please bring yard tools or paint pans, rollers, or brushes. The day will end around 3:00 p.m. If you can’t be part of the all day project you may join in at anytime. If you have a special trade talk with Kyle Hood for needs with these projects. To answer any questions you may talk with Kyle Hood or Paulette Miller at 217-627-2181. To all that have assisted in the past Thank-you for your dedication to Pleasant Hill Village. Please let us know if you are planning to participate in Work Day – by calling 217-627-2181ask for Kyle or Paulette or e-mail

Great Harvest Church Planting

Samuel Sarpiya, Rockford, IL Community Church pastor and church planter, joins On Earth Peace staff

Samuel Kefas Sarpiya has been hired to a six-month contract as part-time nonviolence organizer for On Earth Peace. His responsibilities include community organizing in Rockford, IL, and nonviolence leadership coaching for congregations and community groups around the country. “Samuel is expanding On Earth Peace’s capacity, so we can work more intensively with local violence reduction and peacebuilding projects. His organizing in Rockford is a model we’d like others to know about, and we’re excited to support it,” reported On Earth Peace program director Matt Guynn.

Sarpiya is the coordinating organizer for Rockford Partners for Excellence, a group formed in November 2009, which addresses issues of poverty and racism through creative community leadership. The group formed in the aftermath of a police shooting in August 2009.

Sarpiya continues his work as a church planter in the Illinois/Wisconsin District of the Church of the Brethren, planting the Rockford Community Church, a multicultural, peacecentered congregation that Samuel initiated in April 2009.

Sarpiya previously served as a missionary with Youth With A Mission (YWAM University of the Nations) and Urban Frontiers Mission. In YWAM, he served as Course Facilitator, Community Development Program Coordinator, Computer System Administrator and Delegate to the United Nations’ Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), as well as the UN Council on Indigenous Peoples Affairs. With Urban Frontiers Mission, Samuel served as Evangelism & Missions Director, helping to pioneer different urban ministries all over West Africa. Samuel is a Nigerian-born South African national. He lives in Rockford, IL, with his wife and three daughters

Denominational Prayer Focus for April 2010

Pray for the leaders, participants and planners as they prepare for the 2010 Church Planting Conference to be held May 20-22 at Bethany in Richmond, Indiana . Pray to discern if God is calling you to attend.

Looking for Volunteers

New Church Development Team is currently looking for individuals to volunteer to help in the following areas:
  • Grant Writing
  • Assistant Treasurer
  • Team Member to serve balance of vacated term
Contact Dawn Blackman
Phone: 217-398-2787

Announcement: New Partnering Information

Both Chicago and Rockford mission points are now prepared to receive your partnering donations to their mission points directly. If you would like to partner with them, send your donation to:

Glory to Glory Church of the Brethren
2751 W. 16th Street
Chicago, IL 60608
Rockford Community Church
4924 Orchard Lane
Rockford, IL 61101

Pray for these Continuing Outreach Events

Every Monday and Wednesday the Chicago Mission Point is serving free lunches to the community.
The last Friday of each month the Rockford mission point reaches out to the community through a coffee house music and fellowship time at Katie’s Cup.
Please pray that many lives changed and hearts are touched by the love of God as our mission points reach into their communities.

2010 Church Planting Conference

Church Planting Conference
Bethany Theological Seminary
Richmond, Indiana

May 20-22, 2010

Featured Speaker
Jim Henderson - Author of Evangelism Without Additives and Jim & Casper Go to Church

Register Now!

2010 Calendar of events, meetings, etc

 1 - Maundy Thursday
 2 - Good Friday
 4 - Easter
10 - New Church Development Team – Starved Rock
17 - Program & Arrangements – Cherry Grove
17 - Gifts Discern. & Call Comm. – Cherry Grove
17 - Ministerial Leadership Dev. Team - Kewanee
22 - Cross Cultural Consultation – Camp Harmony, Hooversville, PA (22-25)

 1 - Ill. – Wisc. District Potluck - Peoria
 1 - District Leadership Team - Peoria
 6 - National Day of Prayer
 8 - Pleasant Hill Village Work Day
 9 - Mother’s Day
13 - Ascension Day
15 - New Church Development Team - Batavia
15 - Ministerial Leadership Development Team
20 - New Church Planting Conf. (20-22)
23 - Pentecost
25 - Ill. Conf. of Churches LT – Peoria CoB
29 - Young Adult Conference
31 - Memorial Day

 5 - Ill. – Wisc. Leadership Team & New Church Development Team – Mt. Morris
20 - Father’s Day

 1 - CODE Summer Meeting (1-3)
 3 - ANNUAL CONFERENCE, Pittsburgh (3-7)
10 - Ministerial Leadership Development Team
17 - National Youth Conference (17-22)
31 - Ill. Wisc. Leadership Team – Douglas Park

14 - New Church Development Team – Decatur
14 - Ministerial Leadership Development Team
28 - Program & Arrangements – Cherry Grove
28 - Gifts Discern. & Call Comm. – Cherry Grove
31 - Ill. Conf. of Churches LT - Bloomington

 6 - Labor Day
11 - New Church Development Team – York Center
21 - International Day of Prayer for Peace
23 - Illinois Conference of Churches Annual Assembly – Springfield
25 - Ill.-Wisc. Leadership Team – Rock Community

 2 - Program & Arrangements – Cherry Grove
 2 - Gifts Discern. & Call Comm. – Cherry Grove
 3 - World Communion Sunday
 9 - Ministerial Leadership Development Team
14 - Men's Way of Christ Weekend (14-17)
16 - Mission & Ministry Board
16 - New Church Development Team – Virden
21 - Women's Way of Christ Weekend (21-24)
24 - Midwest Dist. Executives meet – Camp Mack (24-26)

 1 - All Saints Day
 2 - Election Day
 5 - DISTRICT CONFERENCE, Yellow Creek (5-7)
 7 - Daylight Saving Time Ends.
13 - Ministerial Leadership Dev. Team - Peoria
19 - Ill.–Wisc. Leadership Team – Camp Emmaus (19-20)
25 - Thanksgiving Day
28 - First Sunday of Advent
30 - Ill. Conference of Churches LT - Plainfield

 4 - New Church Development Team - Canton
25 - Christmas Day
31 - New Year’s Eve.